Brown University: Chap. 2

Alex Who?


“Yah! Alex! You’re late!” Seo screamed at Alex. “I know I know I’m sorry, the cab is just like a turtle. There’s a traffic jam.”

“Let’s Go” Alex says to Seo. They walked from right there to Brown since Seo’s Apartment is near the university. Seo Hyun has

been her best friend for a year now. They just clicked in an instant knowing that they are both Korean. Seo has been leaving by

herself since High School. She said that her family owns a construction firm in Seoul. She has an older brother just like Alex but

Seo is not used to talk about her family even with Alex. All she said is that, she went in NYC to be independent. From time to time

she visit her family in Korea, she asked Alex for like a million times to go with her but Alex doesn’t want to.


“Seo, have you finished the drawing for Prof. Scott due this afternoon?” Alex asked Seo while checking her bag. “Is it today?

Shoot! I forgot! Otoke?” Seo says. “ayy, don’t worry. I got you covered. Tada! I made two. I know you will forget to make one.”

Alex says while handling Seo the extra drawing. “Gosh! Alex you’re a life saver! I never know what I’ll do without you!” Seo gushed

and hugged Alex. “Nah, anything for my bestfriend. So how’s Korea?” Alex asked.


Seo visited her family last week and she just got back. “well same old same old. Koreans everywhere.” Seo says then Laughed.

“Haha! Very funny!” Alex mocked her. “No really how’s your family?” Alex asked curiously. She can’t hide it. She got this curiosity

with her mother land and the people there. “well when I got there, my brother picked me up. Gosh! I missed him big time. We’re

pretty close you know just like you and Jong. He lets me hanged out in his office in the company. And oooh! I almost forgot, He got

this super good looking officemate.” Seo is blushing now. “Really, describe him?” alex is prying. “ah ah!” Seo moving her head

left-right. “I’ve got better than that.”


Alex POV

Seo hands out her sketch book and flipped it open. There it is a rough sketch of the guy.  I looked at it and studied it carefully. He

looks good I said to my mind. Not my type though. “He looks good Seo”. We are now entering our classroom. Prof. Scott is not here

yet. So I continue our chat. “So what did he do?”I asked seo. Then like a light bulb Seo is so bright so bright explaining and talking.

“well he is a junior engineer there. Oppa said that he is his former classmate. His name is Jung Yong Hwa. Oppa also said that he

has a band way back in high school. Can you believe this a Lead Vocalist and Guitarist. Aahhh!” Seo gushed while holding both of her

hands to her face. She really like this guy. Seo, I think she’s in love. Then just like that she questioned herself. “Have I ever been

in Love?”

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currently having a writer's block and I'm feeling a bit down lately will update soon


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Chapter 51: Nice story author.
summertwinkle #2
Chapter 51: so you like seohwa :O so when did you started writing yongshin? I'm a huge yongshin fan; they're so cute in the bts video clips. And then I read Lovesick and I loved it...I mean I LOVE yongshin but I do like Jaejoong too :D Though my favourite out of DBSK is Junsu haha but poor him he just get's made fun of. And I freaking love Chajatta btw.
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 51: Awww this story is sooooo cute!!! I really love it <3
I'll continue later. I'm so sleepy. feedbacks and comments are very much appreciated.
thank you Enamine4343 ^__^
I just started reading today!!! Nice story!!!^^
thank you for the compliment amama13 ^__^
amama13 #8
I like your story. Keep up the good work :) fighting!