Chapter 14 - Mom to be.

I want to fall in love with you.

Natasha P.O.V

Oh Gosh...
Should I say yes and leave my girls or should I move in with my Oppa who is also my best friend?

He gave me a smile, not just an ordinary smile it’s a please-move-in-with-me-my-darling and you’ll-break-my-heart-if-you-don’t kind of smile. Damn you, Oppa. Y U SO CUTE?

My heart beat faster, why is this so hard? It’s just a question wether you’ll move in with your boyfriend but moving in could lead to more closer skinship then it could lead to like ‘stuff’. I’m not ready for stuff. Especially stuff that could make you pregnant.

Sungmin..I...” I started to mumble my words. I don’t have the guts to say it to him. Yes or no? YES OR NO? YES OR N-?

Natasha?..” he said to me looking worried. He should be actually, my facial expression was epic.


I breathe in, I can do this.


He’s eyes got bigger, he was so hoping for a yes.

No..I’M SO SORRY, OPPA!” I said and I quickly gave him a hug. I love hugging him, he’s like a teddy bear.

Natasha, it’s okay...” he said while patting my back.


I looked up to him, I could see his cheekbones from smiling. He’s not mad..?

Oppa? You’re not mad..?” I began to pout.

He gave a loud laugh, “Hahahaha! Of course not! I know you’re not ready..and I respect your choices.

I gave a big smile and started to pinch his cheeks. Squishy~ Soon after we had a pinch cheeks fight. We we’re laughing and smiling on the top of the roof. He began to hug me from the back.  

Sungmin! This is a new dress! Well not exactly, I bought it a month ago but It was expensive and It’s by Karl Lagerfield!” I said while trying to free from the hug. He stopped me and immediately kissed me.

You know I love you right?” he said softly while holding both of my hand.

I know..” I said while smiling.


Marissa P.O.V


5 weeks before Music Face.

Gosh..why do I keep on vomiting? Must be the dinner Natasha made last night. Don’t ever trust her with seafood. I went out of my room and head towards the kitchen. Natasha and Rachel is in the kitchen making breakfast.

Don’t ever trust this girl to make you seafood ever again!” I said while I make my way towards them. “Why?” Rachel said while she cracks 2 eggs to make scramble egg. “Becau-” Oh no...No not now..

I quickly went to the nearest toilet which was in the the guest room.

Ick..” I said and washed my hands. That’s the third time today and it’s not even in the afternoon yet. Dammn you food poisoning.

Is my food really that bad?" Natasha said while she tries to fry pancakes. “I don’t know, I’ve been vomiting these past few days” I said while filling up a glass of water. “Maybe you’re pregnant..” Natasha said jokingly. “WHAT?!” I shouted and I almost sprayed my water on her. “HEY! Maybe..hahahah!” Rachel added. When Natasha said ‘pregnant’ It got me thinking. Maybe I am, but that can’t be I mean..

The next day, everyone went out except for Idura who is watching T.V, I secretly made my way out of the door. I tried to open the door as quietly as possible but It made a creak. Damn you door.

Marissa? You’re going out? Can you get me something” she said while still focusing on watching T.V “Yeah..What do you want?” I said. “Can you get me double cheese burger?” I gave out a big sigh..”Okay, pickles or no pickles?” “No pickles..OH! and don’t forget the fries!” she added. “Okay..” and I made my way.

I went to the nearest pharmacy to get something. My god there’s a lot of people today. I quickly made my way, I even squeeze in. Oh phew..made it. I opened the pharmacy door and quickly went in to find what I need. Okay...i’m just going to get in get the stuff and get out. Dammit! Where is it? I searched it everywhere, I had no choice but to ask the sales woman. “Hello! Erm..Can you tell me where I can find..” I said. She looks confused. “ know the stick where you had to pee and you know when you have it” I said trying to make it less awkward. She looks even more confused. MY GOD WOMAN WHAT ARE YOU? 8?!

You know the stick thing, pee pee and know that you have it” I said using gestures. She began to call her manager for help. “NO NO! It’s okay! Erm..” I tried to stop her. She’s still blank. “PREGNANCY TEST!” I shouted. Everyone in the store began to stare at us. She smiled widely and brought me to the counter. She opened the cabinet and asked me to choose from the variety they have. CHOOSE? HOW MANY ARE THEY?

Erm...I don’t know..anything will do..” I said while trying to read them all. Seriously they are like tons of them. She still wanted a solid answer. “The..the pink one....NO! Blue...NO WAIT! Pink..yeah get me the pink one please.” I said while trying to get my money from my pocket. She nodded and got me the pink one. I quickly got my money out but she asked me if I wanted to use paper or plastic bag. ARE YOU SERIOUS WOMAN? “Anything will do, please!” She put it in the paper bag and handed it to me. I quickly gave her the money and quickly went out even though I know theres change but I didn’t care.

While I was headed back to the apartment I just remember I need to get something for Idura. Double Cheese burger. I went to the nearest McDonald restaurant and queued up. Ordered what she wanted and they asked me to wait for 5 mins. LIKE SERIOUSLY? I’M IN A HURRY. The lady next to me asked me a question, “So, pregnancy test huh?” she said while sipping her coke. I ignored here, not interested. Where is it?! “I remember when I first bought my first pregnancy test. Good times. and how I felt when I knew. It was the most amazing feeling ever.” she continued. I looked at her, she was serious about it. “How did it felt?” I asked, I was curious! “Pure bliss! Knowing that you’re going to be a mom and that you’re life is going to change is absolutely amazing.” she said and took a bite at her fries. I couldn’t help but to smile, then 3 kids went up to her. “My children! I know they're a handful but their mine and I love them no matter what..” she said and she carried her youngest. My cheese burger arrived and I gave her a smile, “Thank you..


I walked quickly as I could back to the apartment. I opened the door and I quickly gave Idura her lunch. She’s still on the T.V “Thank you! I’m going to pay back! I promise” she said while opening her burger. “No need!” I shouted while heading back to my room and I slammed my door shut. I quickly went to my bathroom and started to take the test. How the hell do I do this? I read the instruction, I HAVE TO DO WHAT ON A WHAT? Oh gosh..

*After struggling*

Now I have to wait..great.. I sat on the toilet bowl waiting for it to show me if I’m pregnant or If I’m not. Suddenly, the stick showed something!

Positive?” I couldn’t believe it. My jaw dropped.

I’m Officially Pregnant.

I’m going to be a mom.


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awww~ My donghae~ u.u update soon please!^^
heemin13 #2
now i know why natasha is crying everytime she tries to play the piano!!!!I love this chapter!!<br />
<br />
esp when ryeowook went to the room!!!hahaha...
kyuwook_4eva #3
LeeMinMi #4
poor fishy!
jelly1139 #5
whyy?<br />
rachel, you know he loves you.<br />
just forgive him!<br />
update soon!
heemin13 #6
awww...I wanna know why donghae can't tell the reason to Rachel??
rachelqsy #7
Awwwwwh :')<br />
My heart sank when I read this chapter :(
jelly1139 #9
YEAHHHH.<br />
why cant she play the piano or something??<br />
i want someone like sungmin.<br />
:D<br />
update soon!