At the base



“I’m not riding on that!” Minji threw herself to the floor to prevent the gangsters from dumping her on top a motorcycle.


“Many girls would kill your be in your place.” Himchan said while pulling her up by one arm to get her on her feet. L grabbed the other arm tightly and they easily suspended her in the air to keep her from running. Minji began to kick around violently and Taemin was struggling to keep the girl from kicking him in the face.


“Would you stop that?! You little-” He snapped and wrapped his arms around her legs. When she began screaming, Gikwang gagged her with a bandana he had wrapped around his neck. At the first try, she bit his hand hard.


“This chick just ing bit me!” Gikwang cursed while shaking the pain off. “This looks as if my hand had been caught in a frigging bear trap.”


“Yah! How come it takes four guys to keep one girl under control?” Joon scolded.


“How ‘bout you come and try it?!” Himchan shouted back. “This little is nuts.”


“Who do you think you’re calling ‘’, you rude -“ Minji bellowed, but was cut right off when Gikwang finally managed to gag her.


“Just get her on Taemin’s bike and lets get the hell outta here.” Joon yawned sluggishly.


“Why MY bike?” Taemin got distracted for half a second and Minji took advantage of the opportunity now that her legs were free. With one single but violent kick, she hit Himchan right in his male part.


“JESUS CHRIST!” Himchan released her arm and grabbed his crotch. “WHYY?” He cried while crouching painfully.


Henry began to laugh so hard his eyes were getting teary. “A-Are you o-okay?”



“Do I look OKAY?”


Unfortunately, the moment Himchan let go of Minji’s arm, she went straight to the floor, hitting the pavement with a loud ‘pang’. She now laid unconscious right next to L’s feet.


“Great job, you idiot. Now she’s dead.” L liberated her other arm now that it was useless to hold on to it.


“Are you kidding me? I’M THE VICTIM HERE!” Himchan whined, still on the ground.


“So…what now?” Gikwang stared at the girl sprawled on the sidewalk.


“So what if she’s knocked out? Same orders. We take her and make sure she wasn’t up to anything suspicious.” Joon said while slipping his head in his helmet and jumping on top of his bike.


“Roger.” Henry saluted and threw the girl over his shoulder and took her to Taemin’s bike.


“Yeah, now that she’s dead weight you decide to help…” L grumbled.


Henry ignored him and sat Minji side ways in between Taemin and the handles. 


“There.” Henry smiled pleased.


“Lets roll.” Joon commanded and accelerated, leaving everyone behind.


“Yes, your royal assness.” Taemin rolled his eyes but followed Joon nevertheless.


Soon they were all rushing at speed of light back to their base. The place was obviously not pretty or well maintained in any way. It was a shabby room they found abandoned at the far end of an alley. They added a few chairs, a couch, a broken table and voila! They had the perfect hangout. Gikwang made sure they got electricity and running water to spare; he was quite the handyman.


As soon as they arrived, they dumped the girl in the couch and waited for her to wake up.


“It will take a century before she decides to resuscitate.” Henry noted. He was sitting crossed legged on the floor with a sleeping L’s head resting on his thigh.


“I’ve got a better idea.” Joon announced nonchalantly. He grabbed a bowl, filled it with tap water and proceeded to dump it on Minji’s head.


The girl woke up with a start and sat up immediately. When she realized where she was, she began to squirm her body against the couch.


“W-Where is this?” She asked almost inaudibly. She inspected her body and her clothes to male sure she hadn’t been attacked in anyway.


“Yeah you would love to know that, wouldn’t you?” Taemin smirked. “You ugly little spy.”


“What’s wrong with you people?!” Minji yelled frustrated. “I’m not a spy! I was just walking by! I SWEAR.”


“We can’t take any risks, now can we?” Himchan smiled. “We’re one of the most feared gangs in the city, after all.”


The other five boys cheered and high fived each other. They were so proud of the reputation they had built so far.


“So what now? You can’t keep me here forever.” Minji crossed her arms. Now she was more pissed than scared.


“Why not? We have a bathroom, and a heater, and food, and electricity~“ Henry added innocently. “I would live here if I could.”


“Then why don’t you?” Gikwang asked curiously.


“Are you crazy? Who would live in this dump?” Henry scoffed like he had just heard the most ridiculous question.


“You crazy bastard.” Gikwang chuckled.


“I’m out of here.” Minji announced while sprinting for the door, but an arm caught her by the waist before she could even touch the handle.


“Not so fast, bunny.” Himchan said, then he pulled her down and pinched her wrists against the hard floor. His eyes gleamed mischievously. “You’ll stay here until we say otherwise. Oh, and you still have to pay for leaving be child-less in a future.”


“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Joon grabbed a handful of Himchan’s hair and pulled him off Minji. “Girls just bring trouble. You do whatever you want when you’re not in my sight.”


“Chill bro, I was just messing around.” Himchan rubbed his head.


-Minji’s POV-


How did I ended up in the hideout of some gang? I don’t remember the details. What I do know is that I need to get out of here before they sell me into slavery or something. The first attempt was a complete failure, since I almost ended up getting by some blond ert called Himchan. So I had to think of something else.

“How do you want me to prove I’m not another gangster?” I asked the leader cautiously.


“Lets see.” The guy walked to me and stared at my face for what seemed like decades. Even if he was terribly handsome, I was scared out of my brains. His eyes were so intense they sent shivers down my back. “You are probably telling the truth.” He concluded.


“Now you decide to believe me, you dim witted-“ But I stopped myself before angering them any further. “So can I leave?”


“I didn’t say that.” He raised a finger in front of my face. “A high-class girl like you must have something to offer us in exchange of your freedom.”


“High-class? How did you-“ I was taken back for a moment.


“Oh please, I may be a gangster, but I’m not stupid.” He lifted his chin proudly.


“Says the idiot who repeated grade school.” Interrupted the cute-but-ugly-tempered boy Taemin. I’ve never seen a boy that resembles a girl as much as he does.


“Would you shut it?” Joon spun and yelled at Taemin, who didn’t even seem to be listening. "As I was saying, you definitley look like some rich . The way you talk, the way you move, it's all too lady-like." He sounded digusted.


“Just let her go. She’ll only bring us trouble.” Gikwang said. Finally someone here has some sense!


“She’s so ugly my eyes are hurting.” He added while putting a magazine on top of his eyes and dozing off.


“Excuse me?!” I gasped.


“Yeah, just let the bunny go.” Sang Henry. He was stuffing some instant noodles in his mouth.


“Fine, get out of here before I decide to strip you off your clothes to sell it on the streets.” Joon warned me. He didn’t need to tell me twice.


I hurried out and slammed the door behind me, enjoying the fresh air. But just when I thought I was safe, I found myself face to face with ten fierce looking and armed men. They were obviously not looking for a nice chat. 


This is not happening.

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I like Himchan & minji more
did u stop updating this officially? i hope not please????????? T__T this is so good!
lahdeedah000 #3
I miss this story...hope you can find time to update this eventually!! <3
lahdeedah000 #4
Aawwwwwwwwwww!! But I doubt the confessing will come easily...on either side. And OMGeeeeee, a drunk deadly six?? Hahahahahaha!!
I really like the way you write this story by using lots of dialogue. You don't always switch the point of view, which was smart because it would be hard to follow if you switched it all the time. The plotline is very interesting and you do a good job at leaving your readers wanting more. Please update soon ^^
lahdeedah000 #6
....Once again I feel like I'm spamming you. -__- Oh well! :D

OMGEE I LOVE where we went with the party! You're brilliant!! I hope they can sneak out ok, and not get caught. But Minji is gonna be sooooooo BUSTED later! XD And before, I thought Sang Il was a bit annoying, but now I'm rooting for him. Oh, the irony. Sang Il vs. Jonghyun... who will be the victor?? Hmmmmm.... Waiting for your next update! :D
lahdeedah000 #7
....I feel like I'm spamming you with comments... XD

But anyways, I <3 this soooo much!! I think they'll end up going to her party anyways. They'll feel too guilty if they don't, haha. And Minji's brother, hmmm, I can't wait to see how things develop. And UGH Minji's mom annoys me so much! But then again, I'm sure that's how you wanted her to be. :))

And seriously, I couldn't even tell that English was your second language! I mean, now that you said that, I notice when you make grammar errors, but still, I love your writing style, and especially your characterization and plot!! Keep up it up! And, I'm gonna stop now cuz I really do feel like I'm spamming you now. XD
lahdeedah000 #8
Gaahhhh you have no idea how much I love you and your story! You are so dependable on updates, AND you're a great writer!! I hope you know we all appreciate that sooo much. <3

Hmmmmm.... I wonder what would happen if the Deadly Six and Jonghyun met at the party. Drama...dun Dun DUN! :))