Neverland Chapter 7



Chapter 7
(The wedding)
Chaerin and Minji woke up around 4AM as they showerd and ate breakfast as they headed back to the ranch, they reach the ranch around 6 and was greeted with people setting up all over the places. Chaerin walk into her bedroom where Dara and Dong Wook was sleeping as she was greeted with people she don’t know as she found Dara sitting in front of a mirror as 3 to 4 people were working on her. 
“Chaerin-ah your finally here hurry up and go get ready”
Dara shoo her off in to the bathroom to change into her dress and sent Minji to another bathroom to do the same.  Chaerin was the last to step out as a group of make-up artist and hair stylist started to work on her as they wax her upper lip as it sent a sharp yelp out of and another pull as the hair on her eyebrow was ripe off. 
Chaerin tighten her grip on the chair seat as pain was shooting through her one after the other. Finally someone sooth on lotion on her face to sooth the burning pain that was engulfing her face. After awhile all she see was hands with brushes and powder puff and her hair being yank left and right and after what seem like forever all the stylist back away as small gasp escape their mouth. 
Chaerin look forward and adjust her eyes to sudden light that was hitting her face, her eyes adjust as the vision in front of her came into focus she almost didn’t recognized the person that was staring back at her with her long blond hair loosely curl and hanging to one side over her shoulder as her bangs were swept to the side. She had on a smokey blue/black eye make-up with a thick coat of eyeliner as her cheek had a pretty peach tint to it and her lips were simple in a color that didn’t overwhelm her face as the eye make-up was already a little to much. 
She lifted up her finger to her hair as she trace her finger on the dark blue flower bow that was clip onto her hair that match the dress she had on. She look up in the mirror as she saw Minji and Bom and Dara standing behind her looking at her with the same amazed look she had. They had on the same dress but in different length Bom-unni was short really short Minji reaches up above her knees as Chaerin had a full length dress.
“Oh my god Chae you look so beautiful” 
Dara said as tears started to develop at the corner of her eyes.
“Unni don’t cry you’ll ruined your make-up”
Minji handed her a tissue paper
“Unni why are you crying, it’s not my wedding it yours”
“But I never seen  you look like this before, your so breath taking”
Chaerin stood up and went over to her sobbing unni as she hug her
“Unni chill out ok this is YOUR wedding day so don’t cry anymore save that for the alter and it won’t be the last time you see me in a dress I still have to Minji bride-made”
“Also she has to be a bride as well”
Bom butted in as she wrap her arm around Dara waist and rested her chin on the small women shoulder. 
“Who said I was going to get married”
“Chae the more you keep denying it and run from it, watch your going to be next to get married”
“Haha yea right”
After some touch-up everyone waited as guest after guest was filling back yard mingling and talking. Dara and Dong-Wook mom were with Dara in the bedroom chit chatting about her beautiful she look and talking about the honeymoon.
“I hope to have little grandkids soon”
Dara blush as heard her soon-to-be-mother-in-law said that.
“Omo look at your cheek it’s all red”
Dara mom giggle at her daughter Bom was with Teddy outside greeting all the guest with Dong-Wook.
“How much longer until we get there”
Jiyong shifted from side to side in his seat, he hated sitting in the car for a very long time.
“Stop being such a baby it’s only another 15 minute”
Gummy laugh at her younger brother, he was always the more grown up of the two but when it come to long drives he turn to this impatient child. She handed him a glass of water for him to drink so it can help him claim down, he took the glass and gulp the content down in one shot. Mister and Mrs. Kwon was in another car in front of theirs leading the way to the ranch.
“Look at this place it’s nothing but trees and dirt, how can anyone live here”
Jiyong was always a city boy and never really step foot outside the city, he never like the country side it was to empty no life, no clubs, no high end stores, no fancy lights, all he see was broken down towns people in out dated clothing and dirt road, bug infested land, he would be caught dead being out here but because it’s his hyung wedding he would have to it up and deal with it for one day. 
“The sooner we get there the faster we can leave”
Gummy didn’t mind her brother whining and complaining he was always pamper when he was a baby until now, he never had to lift a finger whatever he wants he gets. Gummy always complain to her parents that if they keep babying him like that he will be a spoil brat when he gets older. Well this was the result in their pampering this self center, arrogant, blunt person she call a brother, but no matter how her brother act she still love him very much.
As the cars drove further they were passing by a huge land of plants, flowers, and farm, Jiyong eyes darted at all the scenery in front of him rows and rows of grapes, then coconuts tress as people were using these long stick to knock the coconuts down, then rows of orange trees then apple, lime, lemon, watermelon, he have never seen so many different fruits and vegetables and on the other side of the road was farm with so many animals that he have never seen in person except on t.v. or on his dinner plate in a more smaller and dead version.
“Pretty amazing huh?”
Jiyong look over to his sister
“This is the Lee’s Neverland Ranch”
“This whole place is theirs?”
“Yep it even go further then this” 
A couple more minute they pull up to a small modest house as the front was full with cars of all type to expensive to cheap run down cars, one car caught his eyes it was an old truck that look vaguely familiar that was park in front of the house. He step out and was greeted by reporter and photographer as they started taking picture of him and his family. They pose for a family picture as they were lead to the back of the house as it open up to a huge land as there was a large lake to the right of the backyard and there was row and row of white chairs that was getting filled with the awaiting guest.
Jiyong turn to see his friend were gather in a group surrounded by girls giggling and latching onto their arms. Jiyong made his way to his friends as they wave the girls to go away.
“Man finally you’re here”
Taeyang slap Jiyong back
“Damn that hurt”
“Stop being such a ”
Taeyang said laughing as he gulp down another glass of champagne.
“Hyung you should stop drinking so much the wedding about to start.”
Daesung took the empty glass from his hyung hands and place it down at near by table.
“How much had you have”
Jiyong ask eyeing his best friend since middle school as his eye were glossy his cheek had a tint of pink.
“He had 6 glass already”
TOP gave a disapproving look at Taeyang. 
“He shouldn’t even have came”
Seungri was now helping Daesung keep Taeyang balance.
“Here take him to my car and let him sleep”
TOP toss his car keys to Daesung as him and Seungri drag their drunk hyung to the car and place him in the back seat and roll down the window and went back to join the other two. 
“So this place is pretty nice huh”
“I’m surprise I though they might be getting married next to a pig barn or something”
Jiyong laugh as he grab a glass of whine from a tray the waitress and waiter are carrying around, he took a sip of the whine as he smiled.
“This is pretty good”
“They make it here at the ranch”
TOP said as he was sipping on his own glass
“Wow for a place that produce and make all these things I’m surprise their house is smaller then my room. They must be cheap people or all of this is just for show.”
As he gulp down the glass and place on a passing by tray. 
“I’m going outside to help seat the guest”
Minji said as she slip on her heels and headed out the door, she could see Bom-unni and Teddy-oppa was talking to a couple of the guests as Dong-Wook-oppa was on the other side greeting more guest. Minji made her way over to a table that a couple of guest decided to littler it with empty glasses and call over a waiter and ask for his tray she places the empty glasses on the tray and ask the waiter to take it to the kitchen.
Minji turn around as she was greeted by a wide smile man with blonde hair as he ran over to her and embrace her into a tight huge. Her eyes widen as this was the last place she would have thought she would run into him.
“Op…pa.. what are you doing here?”
The blonde young man smile from ear to ear a pond seeing her face. 
“I’m here for Dong-Wook-hyung and Dara-noona wedding”
“O yea I forgot you and Dong Wook-oppa know each other”
The sir was silent as both people shifted in there position not wanting to talk until the blonde open his mouth once again to kill the dead silent. 
“Minji why haven’t you came home yet omma and appa have been worried about you”
She shrug  his hand off of her as she turn around as she wipe the table cloth.
“Yea right they don’t give a about me”
Daesung grab her by the shoulder and turn her around to face him
“What are you talking about? Ever since you just up and left out of state they have been going crazy looking for you.”
Minji felt a pain in her chest hearing that her parent have been looking for her and that she cause them pain.
“Why should they care”
“Minji are you clueless or your just pretending, they are you parents why would they not care?”
“They said I was the black sheep of the family”
“Minji you can’t blame them you were always the rebel in the family and always go against their wishes.” 
“So trying to marry me off was the best thing they can come up with?” 
“Minji-ah I talk to them about that and they are very sorry to even think about doing that, omma really misses you and appa been getting sick these last couple of months.”
Minji couldn’t help but worry hearing that her father was ill and how is her mother holding up, she can’t help but feel guilt and pain as she listen to him.
“Oppa I’m sorry”
“Don’t need to say sorry to me”
“I know I need to tell omma and appa that”
“You should and come back home we all miss you very much, it’s not the same without my little sister around.” 
The blonde man pull in the small frame girl into his arm as he embrace her in a tight hug.
“I miss you to oppa”
The two let go from their embrace to look up to see a black hair young man walking up to them with a huge smirk on his face.
“I see I can’t leave you for a minute and you already have a hot girl in your arms”
Seungri wiggle his eyebrow at his hyung and then lean into the girl as he grab her hands and lifted up to his lip and kiss the back of her hand.
“Well hello beautiful my name is Seungri, but you can call whatever you want.”
Before he knew what hit him he felt a sharp pain hit his stomach as he fell to his knees on the green grass as he gasp for air.
“Get you filthy lip off my hand and if you ever touch me again I will rip your balls off”
She then turn to the blonde man next to her as he was chuckling at the sight in front of him.
“Oppa I’ll see you back at home this weekend tell omma and appa I’ll see them soon.”
She look down at the pale face man below her as she gave an evil smirk and walk away.
“Yep, that’s my baby sister that you haven’t met.”
Chaerin was in the bedroom keeping Dara company as everyone left to prepare the wedding and greet the guest.
“Unni how do you feel”
“I’m excited, scared, nervous, anxious, I never knew I can feel all these emotion run through me like this.”
Chaerin grab her unni hands and clamp it in hers
“Unni just breathe and know that you will be marring the man of your dreams in a little while and you will be the happiest women in the world.”
A couple more minute have pass at it was time to get ready for the bride to walk down the ailed, the bride maid in their matching but different length dress and Dara in her sweet simple retro dress that she search high and low for.
She pair it off with simple open toes white heels and her hair in a bun with white roses pin to the side of her bun and a veil hanging from the crown of her head. 
She made her way to the back door of the Lee’s house as one by one her bride maids disappear into the crowd.
Chaerin was the last of the bride maids to walk out as she heard a couple of gasp and whisper among the crowd, the walk was slow and long she was already getting annoy form all the stare she was getting. She prayed to God to help her not trop over her dress in front of everyone finally she was drawing closer and closer to the front as she look to her left and then to her right as she caught eyes with someone that look too familiar.
*no that can’t be him*
She glance over again as the face register in her mind
*what the hell is he doing here?*
*omg dose he recognized me?*
Chaerin had no time to have a mental battle with herself right now as she went to stand next to Minji, everyone stood up as the wedding theme played and slowly Dara emerge from the door with a smile to bright up anyone days as she only had one person she was staring at her future husband.
Chaerin smile as she could see the love the two have for each other but something was bothering her, it felt like she was being watch and she had a inking feeling who that person could be.
She shook the feeling as she watch her friend made her way to the podium as she and her future husband held hands and exchange vow’s with one another they exchange rings and seal everything with a kiss. Then a sudden pop noise made Chaerin jump as the sky were litter with blue and silver confetti and white rose petal as it gracefully fall a pond the bride and groom and the their guests.
She reaches out her hands and grab a couple of the falling confetti as she smile at how beautiful it was and then notice a pair of dark brown orbs watching her behind the blue tainted sky.
A/N: OMO how long have it been since I last updated????? seem like forever, but I had a good reason I was sick and lazy at the same time lol but I hope you guys like this chapter. 
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Chapter 25 Is up!!!!


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Chapter 29: Hul..still poor Jiyong #reread
babyda #2
Chapter 25: Ohh -_- i don't hve feeling about CL&GD love story. I can't feel them like Chaerin & Jiyong story..oh sO heartbreaking
j3llyD0NuT #3
Chapter 21: T-This i-is n-n-n-not going to be agnasty for Skydragon is it ? :'(
mimi_qitchi #4
Chapter 29: Omg u updateeeeeee,after long hiatus, thanks u...
Can't wait to see chaerin meet jiyong,,,
Chapter 29: Omg wow it's really crazy knowing that their daughter and son are dating...please update soon or not ill still be waiting for happens next!!!!!
amama13 #6
Chapter 28: OMG OMG OMG!!! I just read this story in one band AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm addicted to it! I love yr stonline. Addictive, imaginative and amazing. I cannot wait to find out what happened next.
Chapter 28: OMG! This is so good! Please keep it up!

Finally Jiyong meets with chaerin's daughter.. omoo i didnt know if jiyong could recognize her so fast like that. What's gonna happen next time.. omoooo
mimi_qitchi #8
Chapter 28: OmG thanks u, cause u Dont leave this story, i will wait your next updated...
Chapter 28: omg what is goin to happen will jiyong refrain Gd from dating Cl please don't ...... You have been gone so long......i am so curious to what will happen if chae and ji meet....she might freak and break them up.......please don't take a break so long^^
leechaerin #10
they are too cute !