
It's A Small World After All

Title : It's a Small World After All
Pairing(s) : EunHae for this chapter
Genre : drama, romance, fluff (probably gonna drop this anytime soon), implied (?)
Warning : character death, absent!kyumin, absent!yewook
Rating : PG13
Disclaimer : can I? PWEASE?!
Author's notes: this chappie's gonna be all about Eunhae.. you must love them, who doesn't? >w<

***CHAPTER 4***

It was an unusually lively night. The city was lit by lights of different colors and there were couples walking side by side everywhere. It was a perfect view.

Donghae marches around the crowded city, still wearing his school uniform. He carefully ambles every part of the city for any sign of the person he was looking for. He finds her after more than an hour of looking.

“Seonsaengnim,” Donghae promenades to his teacher’s direction. The latter didn’t seem to hear the boy calling out for her because of the noisy crowd around them.

“Lee Sora-seonsaengnim,” he calls out again, two times louder than before. Sora finally hears him. She turns around to see who it was.

“Lee Donghae,” she smiles at him with her gummy smile and he felt like melting on the spot.

Donghae gulps before hesitatingly doing what he came for. “Happy valentine’s day, seonsaengnim,” he takes out the flowers and heart shaped chocolate box he had been holding since he got out from school.

Sora smiles, wholeheartedly accepting Donghae’s gifts. Both of them started seeing the people passing by as invisible, like they were the only two people in the city.

“Seonsaengnim,” Donghae clears his throat, his heart was beating in a fast pace. He grabs his teacher’s hand with his two hands and holds them tightly. “Will you be my valentine?”

She looks up at him with sad eyes, but she was smiling. Donghae starts to feel nervous, he was expecting a big pang when he let go of her hands. But it was her turn to grasp the younger’s hand. “I will be your valentine, Donghae.”

Donghae’s life couldn’t get any better… or could it?

Him and Sora had been dating secretly since that day. He called her seonsaengnim in class and noona out of class. It wasn’t easy, but they went through. Their relationship was quaked seven months after they started dating when Donghae made a call to Sora’s residence for her birthday.

“Hello?” an unfamiliar high pitched male voice answered Sora’s phone. Sora lived with only her brother, and that was not her brother.

Donghae felt slightly suspicious, but tried hard not to lose his trust for Sora just because of one ‘Hello’ from another guy. “Excuse me, is Sora-noona home?”

“Uhm,” the male on the other line seemed like he was thinking of what to say. Donghae instantly jumps to conclusions, but all his suspicions were terminated when the person on the other line started speaking again. “She’s in the hospital.”

“Hospital?” Donghae stands from the stool he was sitting on by impulse.

“Didn’t she tell you?” the other man pauses then sighs. “Your girlfriend’s been suffering from leukemia for over a year now.”

Donghae was not able to speak. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He did not want to believe what he was hearing.

“I’m Junsu, a family friend of hers. I came here to take all her stuff home.”

He still wasn’t able to speak.

Junsu sighs again. “Donghae, is that your name? Things happen. I’m really sorry.”

“You’re lying, right?”

“You should come and visit her,” Junsu’s voice shakes slightly. “Meet me at Asan Medical Center.”

Donghae didn’t want to believe what Junsu, if that really was his name, said. He said it so casually it was unbelievable. He sighs at the thought. He did not believe Junsu, but he decided to go meet him anyway.

“Lee Donghae-ssi?” Donghae was greeted by someone as soon as he stepped out of the taxi he was riding. He turns around to see a slightly taller guy with small eyes and blonde hair.


The taller man nods and he bows. “Let’s go.”

Junsu takes Donghae by the hand and pulls him to the room where Sora was. Donghae didn’t know why Junsu was holding his hand, but he didn’t care. All he wanted at the moment was to walk into a room and not see Sora there.

But we don’t get everything we want.

Junsu stops and stands straight before a white wooden door. He breathes in as he opens it, revealing Sora lying on a hospital bed and a crying man with scarlet hair beside her bed, holding her hand. The room was rainbow colored. It was a very happy looking room, but what was happening inside was far from happy.

The crying man looks at them when he heard the door open. His eyes were puffy from crying. Donghae didn’t feel the slightest bit of jealous. He knew perfectly who the guy was. Sora told him everything about Eunhyuk, her brother. He could tell he was her brother because they looked exactly the same.

“Junsu,” Eunhyuk looks at Donghae’s companion miserably, completely ignoring Donghae.

Donghae was frozen in place. He wasn’t able to utter a word, all he was able to do was stare at his dying girlfriend on the hospital bed. He would’ve hated her for not telling him about her disease, but instead he felt strong pity towards her.

Junsu nudges Donghae’s back and he snaps out of it. “What are you waiting for?” he says with his squeaky voice.

Donghae starts walking towards the pale Sora who was smiling at him sadly.

“Donghae,” she grabs his hand with all the strength she had left, “I’m sorry.”

Donghae wasn’t able to speak. He sat on the side of the bed opposite to where the busy crying Eunhyuk was as tears start flowing from his eyes. “I love you,” he whispers.

They stayed like that for a while – Eunhyuk had his head dug on the pillow with his body shaking from the sobs, Donghae suppressing his tears by just holding his lover’s hand, Sora smiling sadly at the two, and Junsu drawing circles on Eunhyuk’s back to comfort him – until Sora had finally given up and all they could here was the loud beeping of the machine which monitors her heartbeat.

Donghae breaks down and cries like a child who lost his mommy as he holds Sora’s hand with both his hands tightly, like the first time they met.


Donghae walks out of the school gates casually like he always does. He chooses not to walk home with Sungmin or his other friends because of personal reasons.

He walks to the corner of the gate and he grabs his phone from his pocket. He then dials a number and raises it to his ear.

“Where are you?” Donghae pauses for a while to listen to what the person on the other line was saying. “I see, I’ll meet you there.”

He waits for the person on the other line to hang up and keeps his phone back in his pocket.

As soon as he stopped in front of the gate of another school, he was greeted by a gummy smile – yeah, a gummy smile, you wouldn’t notice his handsome face and y muscles, all you would notice is his gummy smile.

“Let’s go home,” the gums spoke, it makes Donghae smile every time.

Donghae nods. They walk together to their ‘home’ like normal friends would, just that they were not normal friends, they lived with each other.

He knows how wrong it was to pretend he loved Eunhyuk just because he sees Sora in him, but he couldn’t help it.

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krybiased #1
Chapter 25: whoa I just found this and read in one go
good work with interesting plot and twists
chunrren10 #2
OHAIII JANNI!! ^^<br />
anyways~!! I super love the story xDD haha!! love the ending~~<br />
really thought something's gonna happen to minnie~~ ;______;<br />
and me is gonna wait for your new fic :P
wow!! that's sweet!! :D<br />
great ending!!~~ ^^
wow!so sweet! :))) DAEBAK!!
ilovekiseop #5
awww.. so sweet.. i love this..
aigoo~ please update~ :| badly want this :))
pls update ~ :))
I really like this. Please update soon. :DD
#9 update..<br />
i love it..yewook..<br />
*anticipating for update..^^