
Secret Contract
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Donghae walked inside his company and was met with a series of congratulations from all his staff. Starting with the valet who opened his car door for him to the security that opened the glass door building for him then every single staff he passed by in the lobby on his way to his office. Sungmin was smiling along with them as he stood quietly next to Donghae. Every person that he saw approach them he felt a little weary to since his mind could only focus on the fact that at any time they could be found out. 

"Would you relax," Donghae commented once they were alone in the elevator. "You're gonna get us caught if you keep acting like that."

Sungmin took a deep breathe and fixed his tie. "You're right. I'm sorry. I just-...this is a lot of pressure."

Donghae chuckled and shook his head helplessly. "I thought the groom was the one that's supposed to get cold feet."

"That's not funny, Donghae." Sungmin glared and placed a hand on his hip. "You made your bed now you gotta lie in it. See this contract through because the scandal that follows after this will be a lot bigger than you think."

"Relax, Min. Geeze - why are you so serious all the time?" Donghae joked with a light chuckle. 

The elevator dinged once they reached the top floor and Donghae was still laughing and messing around with Sungmin that by the time he entered his office, he was caught completely by surprise to see his mother sitting sternly across his desk with his father next to her just casually reading the newspaper. 

"Umma? What are you doing here?"

Sehyun turned to look at him and the stoic look on her face had Sungmin and Donghae gulping silently and taking just a small step back. 

"Sungmin, dear, can you give us some alone time?" She asked nicely then sent an icy glare towards Donghae. "My son and I have much to discuss."

Sungmin simply nodded his head and made his exit, swiftly shutting the door after him. Donghae knew exactly why his mother was upset but he didn't think she would personally come to his office to talk to him about it. He figured she'd just call and nag him like she usually does. It would have been a lot easier to tune her out then, but seeing her still glaring at him now with her lips pursed in a tight line, he figures that he was probably in really big trouble now. 

Donghwa wasn't paying attention to what was going on with between his son and wife and simply turned the page of the paper he was reading. 

"How are you, Umma?" Donghae tried to ask casually and slowly walked his way to his desk. "Did-Did you have fun at your party?"

"Are you trying to kill me?" She straight up asked him. "You're not satisfied with hiding that precious jewel from us, now, your own mother, had to hear the news about your wedding in the news?!"

Donghae laughed nervously and glanced towards his father but the newspaper was blocking his way. His please-help-me-puppy-eyed look wouldn't work unless he was looking at him so he was stuck looking back at his mother's furious disappointed face. 

"Um-Umma," he cried helplessly. "It's not like that. We-...We were going to tell you about it first, I swear! It's just- some things came up and we thought it'd be easier to tell people this way."

Sehyun widened her eyes, seemingly offended by what Donghae just said. "What?! You couldn't pick up the phone and tell your mother about your planned wedding in three months! Why didn't you tell us this before!?"

Donghae could tell that he must have really hurt her feelings and felt extremely guilty for doing so. He didn't realize how personal his mother would take this decision, even though he wasn't really hiding anything from her as he literally did just made the decision yesterday, he still couldn't help but want to tell her he's sorry, and he would have if Donghwa hadn't chosen that particular time to intervene. 

"Alright, Sehyun-ah. That's enough." He carefully folded the newspaper back to it's orginal half form and took a proper look at Donghae for the first time since the latter entered his office. "Now, Donghae, I want you to be honest with us."

It was rare for both his parents to be this serious and he couldn't help but feel like a child again. 

"You and're both taking this marriage seriously, right?"

Donghae didn't even think about the implications of what his father meant but he knew the right answer so he nodded his head. 

"Of course," he added for good measure. "I wouldn't just announce it to the world if I didn't love Hyukjae." Okay...that one might have been a little over the top. 

However, it was just exactly what Donghwa wanted to hear from him. Standing up proudly from where he was sitting, he placed a gentle arm around his wife's shoulders and beamed at Donghae. "We're proud of you son."

Sehyun gave him a funny look and tried to shake his arm away. "Hang on a second. I'm not done-"

"Promise us," Donghwa cut her off while still addressing Donghae. "No more surprises Lee Donghae. This is the last one." He glanced at Sehyun who was still pouting but also had settled herself to hear out what kind of barter her husband has come up with. "If you have some hidden love child somewhere now is the time to tell us because I don't think your mother would be able to take anymore of surprises you keep tossing our way."

"Appa!" Donghae whined not at all finding his father's words amusing. Donghwa chuckled but Sehyun still had her arms cross across her chest and waiting for his answer. "I promise. No more surprises."

Satisfied with Donghae's promise, Sehyun made a quick 180 in her attitude as her frown changed into an immediate smile and she was once again back to cooing at Donghae. She walked over to where he was sitting and brought him in for a hug, smooshing his face in the process while fawning over her only child getting married. Donghae tried to pull away but was hopeless to her motherly grip. He tried to look at Donghwa and reached his hand out for him to help but his father was now back on his earlier seat, just casually going back to where he left off on the newspaper. Completely ignoring Donghae's cries for help now that Sehyun has gone on to pinching Donghae's cheeks while congratulating him. 


Hyukjae thought he was about to have a quiet day to himself after Sungmin and Donghae left for work. He had about two hours of peace before it was interrupted with his phone ringing and Sora's familiar ringtone reached his ears. Not thinking anythng of it, Hyukjae answered the phone like usual, only to be surprised to see his sister's angry face taking up the entire screen. 

"Noona? What-"

"Lee Hyukjae, Would you care to explain to me why we had to hear about your wedding on the news? We barely met Donghae two weeks ago and now you're getting marreid in THREE FREAKING MONTHS?!"

Hyukjae flinched a little at her scolding voice and awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. 

"Oh....yeah," was all he could say which didn't help his case at all. 

"'Oh yeah?' That's all you have to say for yourself?!"

Hyukjae blinked and lightly put down the phone on his lap so that the angle on how he shows his face doesn't show the part where he looked troubled trying to come up with an excuse to escape Sora's wrath. 

"Yah! Lee Hyukjae! What are you doing!?"

Where the hell was Donghae when he needed him?!?

"Sora," Hyukjae heard his mother's voice and closed his eyes already ready to hear her scold him nnext. He could only imagine what she would say. When they found out that Sora had eloped with her boyfriend, their mother had not only given her a beating for marrying in secret but also a good long scolding. He could still hear the shrill in her voice every time he thinks about it. "Leave that poor boy alone and help your husband finish arranging your room."

Hyukjae opened his eyes, surprised, and looked at his phone to check if maybe his mother was just setting him up before she starts scolding him as well. 

"But Umma, I'm not done talking with Hyukjae." Sora whined and Hyukjae saw how their mother grabbed the phone from Sora and now all he could see was a white wall. 

"You're not talking to him, you're yelling."

"Umma!" Hyukjae could hear the annoyance in her voice and stifled a laugh. 

"I will talk to your brother, Now go." Her voice was calm and even though he could tell Sora still wanted to protest, the sound of her retreating footsteps told Hyukjae that she ended up giving in to their mother's request. 

The image on the screen then started to shake before a lopsided view of his mother was shown on the screen. Hyukjae waved awkwardly at her and took shallow deep breaths as an attempt to hide how nervous he was feeling. He didn't expect her to yell but probably glare and shake her head in disappointment at him. Maybe

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In less than 24 hours, we enter a new year! Yaayyy~
Thank you again to everyone who read this story and I hope you like this chapter. ^^;
I bet you guys weren't expecting the toys to be used on Donghae like that lmao XD


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Lavender05 #1
Chapter 36: January 1, 2024 and here I am rereading it again 💙💙
EunHaeLove42 #2
Chapter 36: Wow lmao. This story was wow.
It was funny, frustrating, and a wonderful read.
And that little monster Den, killed me with that Baby Shark, song. Lmao plus that tackle and all out fight with Pao, hope i spelled her name right.
It was a little hard reading Dongwha as Donghae's father though. But i got over it as the story carried on.

Anyway, thanks for sharing!
16 streak #3
Back in 2023 👓📖
misshae227 #4
Chapter 29: This still gets me 😭 as I get invited and ‘witnessed’ the union of these two wonderful characters💙💙 Haha rereading your story for the nth time🥰🥰
Chapter 6: Wait.. didn't sora run from home???
Actually I want to read "Burn" but... I'm not ready for angst yet, so i look up your account and find this! Gonna give it a try!
16 streak #7
randomly saw on my wall while searching another fic to read, then i said why not, i miss them so let's reminisce and reread this again 💙💙💙
Chapter 35: Hyukjae, I didn't know that you are more romantic than Donghae. Your opening words were hilarious, but you wrapped it up very nicely
Chapter 31: Donghae you are so dramatic😂😂
Chapter 30: Sehyun and Heechul are so extra😂😂