The surprising wedding

Vanilla and Strawberry

Eunhyuk was wearing his shirt when suddenly the door burst open. "Kyaaa!!!!! Knock the door before entering!! >///<" he said (more like scream) and pulled down his shirt. "Oh! I'm sorry! You have a pretty tiny waist you know?" Eunhyuk face turns crimson red when he heard what his father-in-law just said.

"Why are you here, sir?" "Ah~ Don't call me 'sir'! It's appa! A-P-P-A! And I have come to kidnap you!" Mr. Lee said and lifted Eunhyuk over his shoulder and ran out of the house. The confused Eunhyuk could only obey. He was forced to sit on the car's seat and his eyes were covered by a piece of cloth. "Uh.. Where are we going?" he said when he felt the car moved. "You'll see~" Mr. Lee said. 'I never thought Mr. Lee can be 'this' childish.. *sigh* Like father like son they say?' Eunhyuk said in his mind.

After 15 minutes past , Eunhyuk was again being lifted and carried away. When he was placed on a chair , he can finally see as the body guard untie the cloth. Eunhyuk looked around and finally knew that he was at a bridal shop. "Wait! Why am I here?" he asked Mr. Lee who was standing beside him smiling widely. "Because... We are picking your dress for your wedding with my son~" Mr. Lee said and pushed Eunhyuk inside a dressing room.

"Let him wear the dress that I picked yesterday.." Mr. Lee said to the staff who just nodded in reply. After some minutes , the curtains of the dressing room opened revealing Eunhyuk in a wedding dress.

"Ah... Wait.. You want me? In this dress?! No way.." Eunhyuk said giving his father-in-law puppy eyes in hope he will succeed to persuade him."You. Will. Wear. That. Dress." Mr. Lee said with a straight face. Eunhyuk could only obey. "Wait.. When is the wedding? Hae haven't told me any of this.." he asked. "Well.. Surprise? Ahaha..The wedding is tonight.." Mr. Lee answer with a smile.

Eunhyuk nodded in reply. After a few seconds , "Wait! What? Tonight? As in today?! Wait wait wait!! Is it already legal? What does the public says? Wah!! Who's coming?" he bombered his father in law with questions. Mr. Lee chuckled at his son-in-law. "Don't panic.. It's already settled.. First. Yes. The wedding is today.. Second. It's already legal. I asked the president of Korea yesterday and he with glad accept it. Third. The public also agrees. And lastly , my co-workers and your friends along with your teacher is coming.. ^^" He answered calmly.

By now , Eunhyuk is speechless. 'The teacher is coming? Other students too? And I'm gonna wear a dress in front of them? Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!' He scream in his head. "Okay! Now let's get your make up! And your wig~" Mr. Lee said and dragged the blank Eunhyuk. After his make up and wig was put on , he was good to go.

He was unwillingly being dragged by his father-in-law inside the hotel. (Yes. They are having their marriage at a hotel.) He was then pushed to the bride's room only to find Heechul there. "Ah! Eunhyuk-ah! You look beautiful!! I envy you.. =3=" said Heechul. "No need to be envy of me hyung.. You're prettier than me.. ^^" replied Eunhyuk.

"When will the marriage ceremony start??" asked Eunhyuk. "Oh~ Getting impatient already? -- ~ --" teased Heechul. "Ah.. Hyung~" "Ok~ In 30 minutes~ Let me check your make up first.." Eunhyuk nodded in reply. Then , Mr. Lee entered the room. "Ah! Appa! What are you doing here?" Eunhyuk asked. "Oh~ Getting used to call me appa~? Well.. That's a good start.." 'Why does everyone wants to tease me today?' thought Eunhyuk.

Mr. Lee continued , "Just checking on my beautiful son-in-law~ Say.. How about you marry me instead of my stupid son?" "Ah.. Wha??" "Just kidding! Don't take it seriously! >,< But you're really REALLY beautiful.. Ah~ My son is so lucky to found you.. I envy him.." Mr. Lee pouted and Eunhyuk couldn't believe his eyes that his father-in-law just pouted.

"I'm going to check on Donghae~ Bye~!" Mr. Lee said and went outside the room. Eunhyuk and Heechul was just chatting random things to kill time. Eunhyuk was getting nervous. Seeing his dongsaeng like this , Heechul decided to cheer him up. "Eunhyuk~ Why are you getting nervous for? It's your wedding right? So you should be happy by now~!"

"B-But hyung.. My classmates and teacher are coming to my wedding.. How am I suppose to not feel nervous??" "Don't worry about it.. Your friends and teacher agrees with you and Donghae's decision on getting married..^^" Heechul answered him. "How about Siwon? I feel bad towards him.." "Feel bad towards me? Well.. You should.. Ahaha~" someone suddenly said.

"S-Siwon?! You're here? I didn't expected that.." exclaimed Eunhyuk. "Surprise~! Hehe~ Don't feel bad towards me.. I have already moved on.. Well.. Part of me.. Are you sure you're gonna be happy with Donghae and love him forever?" asked Siwon. "I am more than sure about that.." answered Eunhyuk immediately. "Well.. If that's it.. I am more than happy for you to be with Donghae.." he said.

"Are you sure you're okay? I'm worried.." said Eunhyuk. "I'm totally fine! Anyway , I just found myself a boyfriend~!" "Wah.. So fast.. Who is it?" asked Eunhyuk. "Well~ You know.. Our home room teacher.. hehe" whispered Siwon to Eunhyuk. "Mr. Park?! Wah! That's something new.. So.. Is it going well between you and him?" "Very very well~" answered Siwon happily.

"Have you two kissed yet?" "Eunhyuk-ah.. We have already go all the way.." Eunhyuk's face immediately turned crimson red upon hearing what Siwon just said. "Haven't you and Donghae do 'it'?" Siwon asked. "Eh.. I'm not ready for it yet.." answered Eunhyuk. "Well.. You should be ready.. Sooner or later Donghae will attack you if he gets impatient.." Siwon warned him.

"Guys! The wedding has already start! Here Eunhyuk! Your flower.."

"Ah~ Thanks hyung.. I'm going now.." Eunhyuk said and walked beside Heechul. They were 4 flower girls following him from behind. "Ok.. Eunhyuk.. Now.. Walk on that red carpet.. You can see Donghae right? Go to him.. Be careful with your dress and good luck!" Heechul said and Eunhyuk thank him before walking away.

Everyone who was at the wedding ceremony stood up in sign of their respect to him. Eunhyuk smile to the people there. Finally , he reached at where Donghae was standing. Donghae held his hand and whispered to Eunhyuk "You look extremely beautiful today.." Eunhyuk blushed and muttered 'thank you' at him.

"You look handsome too.."whispered Eunhyuk. 'Thanks' was what Donghae said. Donghae was wearing a light blue groom suit.


"Will you take Lee Hyukjae as your wife and will forever love him until death set you apart?" "I do." "And , will you take Lee Donghae as your husband and will forever love him until death set you apart?" "I do." "You shall now kiss the bride." Donghae leaned close to Eunhyuk's face who was turning redder by seconds. When his lips touched Eunhyuk's , the crowd began to clap their hands.

Eunhyuk then throw the flower and Heechul who was standing motionless suddenly caught it by coincidence. "Ah.. Wait.. Flower.. Me?!" Heechul said surprised that the flower is in his hands. "We'll be getting married after this~" Han Geng said and  winked at Heechul who was now blushing. "Yay~ Hyung is getting married~" exclaimed Eunhyuk happily.

"Eunhyuk-ah! Congratulations!" said Sungmin while handing him a present. "Sorry we're late.. Kyuhyun said he has a 'problem' and I am there to 'solve' it.." said Sungmin with a fake smile towards Kyuhyun. Sungmin was wearing a dress.

"Ah~ Minnie~ Don't be mad.. It's just that you were so cute and y in that dress.." "Yeah.. Whatever.." Eunhyuk could only look in confusion as he didn't know what's the 'problem' and 'solve'.

They were now eating dinner at the table that is set specially for them. "Where are we going after this?" asked Eunhyuk to Donghae. "Home. OUR home." he answered. "Wait.. You already prepared it? And why I didn't know anything about this??" "Because it's suppose to be a surprise?" Donghae answered.

After 3 hours, the ceremony ended and Eunhyuk was in Dongghae's car. Heading to their new home. "What is it like Hae? Big? Small? Two floors? One floor? Mansion? Terrace? Condominium?" Eunhyuk was getting excited. "You'll know it once you see it..^^" asnwered Donghae. After 15 minutes , finally they arrived at their destination.

Eunhyuk was amazed with the house. "Hae.. Isn't this house expensive? How did you manage to buy it?" he asked. "Ahaha~ My father bought it for us.. He didn't want the house to be too big so he thinks that this house is suitable for us.. Do you like it?" asked Donghae back. Eunhyuk quickly hugged Donghae and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

Donghae was surprise at the sudden kiss. He wasn't expecting it though he couldn't help but to smile. "I LOVE it Hae~" exclaimed Eunhyuk excitedly. "I love you so much Hyukkie~" Donghae said and kissed Eunhyuk once again. Eunhyuk kiss him back. "I love too Hae~"

                                                                                              END xD

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Chapter 1: Hyuk is not only beautiful but also sweet and careful here. These are my favourite characteristics of a bottom/uke that I prefer.
Chapter 17: Awwwhhh so sweet and fluffy ^-^
Great job! I love it~~~
Chapter 5: Hae so sweet for making that strawberry pancake.. just so tha Hyuk ca eat his breakfast.. and the oh so innocent Hyukkie~ :3 and my gosh so fast-paced... Hae already marked Hyuk! kkk
Chapter 3: waa~~ THEY KISSED!!!! hurray!!! wonder what's Kibum's relationship with Eunhyuk.. he's so scared of Bummie ..
Chapter 2: waa~~ 1point for Donghae!! xD you already kissed Hyukkie! *fireworks* and blame that bell for interrupting Hae's confession >_<
Chapter 1: I;m just starting to read this.. kkk poor Siwon~ Hyuk just ignored him like that hahaha *bad me*
Chapter 12: Kyaaa~ i'm reading this fic AGAIN :) HAHA~ Btw, did you get the what's the title of the fic. that you asked in your A/N in Chapter 12? That Kyuhyuk/Haehyuk fic? It seems pretty interesting and i want to read it too :) can you give me the link? Kamsa~ ^^
Well, your story was quite good, I like it. But there are some points which bother me..
1. Why do Sungmin and Eunhyuk have to wear dresses?! C'mon, they're guys!!!! Not kind of transvestites.. [or however it's spelled..]so that REALLY bothered me..
2. I think everything went kind ot too fast. They gotta know each other only for a couple of days and DongHae already wants to marry Hyukkie? And when Hyukkie was in hospital and lost memories.. only a few days after awakening he asked him to marry? I had the feeling Hyukkie wasn't even sure if he really loves Hae before saying 'yes'..

Well yes.. that were the main parts which bothered me.. and - but in another way that the one I already mentioned - Siwon also bothered me. But the way you wrote the parts with him were quite good, I just don't like the thought of Siwon and Hyukkie as a couple :S But all in all I like your story, quite good.
eastcandle90 #9
this story is cute and lovely...
they have their first kiss on the 2nd day they know each other??wow!!!hae sure is very fast person...hahaha..but i like him way his is...
good job author-nim...*thumbs up*