Tour =)

Vanilla and Strawberry

The next day~

Donghae POV

Today we are going to school!! We are actually not schooling.. Just bringing Eunhyuk around the school to see whether he remember anything. The doctor said that usually people regain their memories through awful incident that occur in their life.. I wonder if my Hyukkie has a bad experience in his life? I better ask Han Geng-hyung about this~

End of POV

"Is this my s-school?" Eunhyuk asked Donghae and he just nodded in reply. Eunhyuk then held Donghae's hand. "Is there something wrong?" Donghae asked. "N-No... Just.. S-Scared.." "No need to be scared.. I'm here for you.. ^^" Donghae replied. "Here we go.. Are you ready Hyukkie?" Eunhyuk just nodded in reply.

They went to the school classroom , teacher headquarters , swimming pool , dance studio , library , counseling room and then the school garden. "Woah.. It's really beautiful here! And the air here is so fresh! I love this place!" Eunhyuk exclaimed. "More than you love me?" Donghae suddenly asked leaving Eunhyuk to blush.

"Don't you remember? This is the place that I drag you after I found out that Siwon is hitting on you.." "Oh.. Mianhae.. I can't remember it.. And who's this 'Siwon' person?" Eunhyuk asked. "Hmm.. That person? You don't need to know him.." Donghae replied. The school bell rang which means it's recess time.

Eunhyuk and Donghae walked to the cafeteria to eat lunch. "What do you want to eat?" "Anything that has strawberry in it~ ^^" answered Eunhyuk. "Woah.. Daebak!" "Why?" Eunhyuk asked with a confused face. "Even though you lost  your memories , you still didn't forget your favourite fruit.. Ok! I'll get you some strawberry sandwiches.." Donghae said and went to the counter to buy it.

As Eunhyuk was waiting for Donghae , someone spotted Eunhyuk. "Eunhyuk-ah! Where have you been for 3 days? I was worried about you!" said the newcomer while hugging Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk was stunned at the sudden action that was done by the stranger. "W-Who are y-you?" Eunhyuk asked and the newcomer quickly separate them from the hug.

"W-What? Y-You don't know m-me? H-How cruel of you!" said the stranger and was about to cry when Eunhyuk said "M-Mianhae.. I got caught into an accident.. I lost all my memories.. I can't remember anything.." Eunhyuk said and looked at the stranger "S-So.. Who are you again?" "M-My name is Siwon.. Choi Siwon.." 'Ah! The one that Donghae mention earlier..' thought Eunhyuk.

"Nice to meet you.. ^^" "Eunhyuk! Why did you let this creature sit beside you?!" asked Donghae who was shocked at Siwon sudden appearance. "Hey! How rude! I'm a man not a creature you moron!" Siwon yelled at Donghae "Come on Donghae... He can sit with us.. I don't mind.." "Well.. I mind!" Donghae said.

"Please.. It isn't a big deal.." Eunhyuk said giving puppy eyes at Donghae. "Eh.. O-Ok! But just today Siwon!" Donghae said and Siwon nodded his head furiously. Donghae was jealous all the time as he sees Eunhyuk and Siwon chatting and laughing happily. Eunhyuk was eating his strawberry sandwich when the jam got into the corner of his lips and Siwon suddenly kiss the corner of Eunhyuk lips to get the jam off.

Eunhyuk face was as red as a tomato while Donghae face was red with anger. 'I was the one that supposed to do that!' thought Donghae and he quickly stood up and drag Eunhyuk away from Siwon. "D-Donghae.. W-Where are we going?" asked Eunhyuk but Donghae didn't even answer it. Donghae drag them back to the garden.

"Donghae.. What is wrong with you? You know that it's rude to leave Siwon like th-" Eunhyuk didn't even get to finish his sentence when Donghae landed his lips on his. Eunhyuk was shocked at the sudden action and tried to pull away but Donghae hugged him to prevent him from doing so. After a few seconds , Donghae parted their lips leaving a crimson red Eunhyuk behind.

"You're mine.. Don't forget that.." Donghae whispered huskily at Eunhyuk's ear and hug him tightly. The hug lasted for minutes until Donghae decided to let him go. "Now.. Let's continue our tour.." "There's more?" "Yes.." Donghae answered. They went to the school gym and the shower room. "Where are we going now?" "The school storage.. We have to see every corner of this school to see whether you remember anything.."

When they were close to the storage room , Eunhyuk suddenly became scared of what's coming. He squeezed Donghae's hand. They went closer to the storage when suddenly Eunhyuk collapse to the ground. "Eunhyuk! Are you ok?! Wake up!" "What happened?" Siwon suddenly pop out of nowhere. "I don't know! He suddenly fainted!" "Carry him to the health room!" Siwon said and Donghae quickly lift Eunhyuk up in his arms and carry him to the health room.

After 15 minutes..

"It seems that he has a traumatic experience that involves the storage room.. I think he can remember something if the same incident happen again.." said the doctor. "When will he wake up?" Donghae asked. "After 1 hour or so.. Do you want to stay with him?" "Yes.. I'm afraid that he'll be scared when he wake up with no me beside him.."

"I'll leave you two then.." the doctor said and got out of the room leaving the unconscious Eunhyuk and the confused Donghae behind. "I wonder what bad incident occur to Hyukkie at the storage.." thought Donghae.


What do you think happen to Hyukkie at the storage? Sorry late update.. I woke up at 2 p.m.~ hehe~ ^^ I'm having insomnia lately so it's been really hard to sleep.. I have taken piano lessons recently.. It the best!! I love piano more now~ Don't worry.. I love Hyukkie more than that.. keke~ My mom just bought SS4 CD last Sunday!!! Yay!! I love you mom!!

@lovekdramakpopmanga: I'm sorry.. I haven't read your FF.. I've been busy lately.. I'll read it once I have time to do so.. ^^

Also!! Have you seen this?! Eunhyuk with his hubby~ <3 

Updated on 12 April 2012 8:17 P.M.

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Chapter 1: Hyuk is not only beautiful but also sweet and careful here. These are my favourite characteristics of a bottom/uke that I prefer.
Chapter 17: Awwwhhh so sweet and fluffy ^-^
Great job! I love it~~~
Chapter 5: Hae so sweet for making that strawberry pancake.. just so tha Hyuk ca eat his breakfast.. and the oh so innocent Hyukkie~ :3 and my gosh so fast-paced... Hae already marked Hyuk! kkk
Chapter 3: waa~~ THEY KISSED!!!! hurray!!! wonder what's Kibum's relationship with Eunhyuk.. he's so scared of Bummie ..
Chapter 2: waa~~ 1point for Donghae!! xD you already kissed Hyukkie! *fireworks* and blame that bell for interrupting Hae's confession >_<
Chapter 1: I;m just starting to read this.. kkk poor Siwon~ Hyuk just ignored him like that hahaha *bad me*
Chapter 12: Kyaaa~ i'm reading this fic AGAIN :) HAHA~ Btw, did you get the what's the title of the fic. that you asked in your A/N in Chapter 12? That Kyuhyuk/Haehyuk fic? It seems pretty interesting and i want to read it too :) can you give me the link? Kamsa~ ^^
Well, your story was quite good, I like it. But there are some points which bother me..
1. Why do Sungmin and Eunhyuk have to wear dresses?! C'mon, they're guys!!!! Not kind of transvestites.. [or however it's spelled..]so that REALLY bothered me..
2. I think everything went kind ot too fast. They gotta know each other only for a couple of days and DongHae already wants to marry Hyukkie? And when Hyukkie was in hospital and lost memories.. only a few days after awakening he asked him to marry? I had the feeling Hyukkie wasn't even sure if he really loves Hae before saying 'yes'..

Well yes.. that were the main parts which bothered me.. and - but in another way that the one I already mentioned - Siwon also bothered me. But the way you wrote the parts with him were quite good, I just don't like the thought of Siwon and Hyukkie as a couple :S But all in all I like your story, quite good.
eastcandle90 #9
this story is cute and lovely...
they have their first kiss on the 2nd day they know each other??wow!!!hae sure is very fast person...hahaha..but i like him way his is...
good job author-nim...*thumbs up*