Dad's approval

Vanilla and Strawberry

The next day..

Donghae and Eunhyuk were eating their breakfast when suddenly Donghae's phone ring signaling an incoming call. Donghae excused himself from te dining room to answer the call. He looked at the caller ID and it read 'Dad'. 'What does this old man want now?' He thought. "Hello dad~ Why are you calling me when I just had a lovey  dovey moment with my lover and you just ruined it.." he said and pouted.

"You sound very childish young man.. I just want to ask you something.." "And.. What~ Is that?" "How's your lover condition? Is he alright? And.. When are you planning on introducing him to me?" his dad attacks Donghae with questions. "Ahaha~ (Awkward laugh) His condition? He looks healthy right now.. Introducing him to you? If you're free then today~" 'Please be busy! Please be busy today!' he silently prayed.

"Ok! I'm free today! Come to my office A.S.A.P.!" (As Soon As Possible P.S. In case if you guys don't know) his dad said and quickly hung up. "Secretary Kim. Inside my room. Now." after seconds past , his secretary entered his room. "What is it sir?" he asked. "Cancel all my meetings and schedule for today.. I need to meet my-soon-to-be-in-law-son.." he said proudly.

"Are you sure sir?" His secretary asked for confirmation. "Yes" was all he said and the secretary quickly went out of the room.

On the other hand..

'O.M.F.G.!!! (should I explain this to you? I guess not..) What should I now?! Should I tell Hyukkie about this? Of course you have to! Will Hyukkie agree? I don't know! What should I do now? Tell Hyukkie of course! Ah!! Wh-' "What cha doing~?" Eunhyuk asked the daydreaming Donghae. "Ah.. Uh.. I have to tell you something Hyukkie.." Donghae said and held Eunhyuk's shoulder.

"Hmm? What is that 'something'?" Eunhyuk asked. "Let's visit my father today~ What do you say?" Donghae prayed in his mind. There was a long pause until Eunhyuk said. "Ok! But for what? Why do I have to visit your father?" He asked confusedly. "My dad want to see the person that I fell head over heels with~" Eunhyuk blushed madly at the cheesy lines.

"When are we going?" "Now~ Let's change your clothes~" Donghae said and pushed Eunhyuk into his bedroom. "Ah! Hae! Are you coming in?!" 'Hae?' Donghae thought. "Hae?" he asked. Eunhyuk face turns red before answering his question. "Ah.. It's a nickname for you.. You don't like it? I'll change it.." "No! I don't mind it at all.. And.. Actually.. I love it~" Donghae said and pecked the flushed looking Eunhyuk.

Eunhyuk face even redder than before. "Ah.. I can change on my own.. You can stay outside.." he said and quickly shut the door before Donghae could even protest. After a 30 minute journey.. Finally! They arrived at Donghae's father office. "Wah!! So big.." "Actually.. This is not the main building.. The main building is even bigger than this and it's at Mokpo.." Donghae explained.

"I can't imagine a bigger building than this!!" exclaimed Eunhyuk in disbelieve. "I'll take you to Mokpo someday if you want to see it.." Donghae said. "I would love too!!" "Let's not waste time outside and come in?" he said and Eunhyuk just nodded in reply. Donghae walk past the hall and every staff bowed to him 'So.. This is how they greet Hae~?' Eunhyuk thought.

They went to the elevator and Donghae pushed the highest floor button. (Since I don't know how many floor the building has) After some minutes past , finally the elevator door opened. Eunhyuk looked around and there was only one door at that floor. 'So.. This floor is  specially made for the boss room?' thought him.

Donghae knocked the door. "Come in" the voice from the room said. Donghae opened the door to reveal a handsome old man and smiling kindly to Eunhyuk. "Dad.. This is Lee Hyukjae.. You may call him Eunhyuk.. He is the person that I love with all my heart.." Donghae said proudly at his father. Eunhyuk blushed at the statement which was noticed by Donghae's dad.

"Hyukkie~ This is my dad.. Lee Soo Man.." Donghae introduced his father to Eunhyuk. "It's nice to meet you sir.." Eunhyuk said and shake hands with Donghae's father. "It's 'dad' from now on.. Not 'dad'.." Mr. Lee said and Eunhyuk swore he saw that he just pouted. He couldn't believe it 'An old man can pout too eh? That's new..' he thought.

"So dad~ How's he? Is he ok to you? Parli~ Answer me~!" Donghae attacks his father with questions. Eunhyuk just keep silent since he doesn't know what they were talking about. "I accept him.. ^^" Mr. Lee said. 'Accept? Accept what?' Eunhyuk thought. "Yay~ I love you dad~ Hyukkie~ Let's go on a date~!" Donghae said and pecked Eunhyuk lips leaving him with a face as red as a tomato.

Donghae then dragged his Hyukkie out of the building. "Hae.. What's with the accept thingy?" Eunhyuk asked when they were already in Donghae's car. "You'll know it sooner or later.." Donghae said and grin like an idiot while driving. After 15 minutes , they arrived at park. They are now walking by the side of the lake , hand in hand. (After Donghae insisted him for 5 minutes to do so)

"Hae-ah~ What were you guys talking about back then?" Eunhyuk asked Donghae curiosly. 'This is it.. It's now or never..' Donghae thought and he suddenly kneeled in front of Eunhyuk. "What are you doing? The people are looking at us! Get up Hae.." Eunhyuk whispered to Donghae but he just shook his head in refuse to get up.

Donghae then suddenly pulled a little box and opened it in front of them. Revealing a very beautiful ring.

"Will you marry me Hyukkie?" Donghae said and look straightly into Eunhyuk's eyes. The people around just look in anticipation about Eunhyuk's answer.  After thinking for a while , he finally answered. "Yes.." he said with a tear escaped his eyes. The crowd applause and Donghae smiled at them and quickly put the ring on Eunhyuk's finger and then pulled him into his embrace.

They are now walking back towards Donghae's car.  "Hae~ Do you have a ring too? And why is the ring color is blue?" Eunhyuk whine cutely. "My ring? It's right here.. On my finger.. I just put it on earlier.." Donghae said and showed him his ring.

"And.. Why is the color blue~? Because.. I want you to remember me when you see this ring.." Donghae said making Eunhyuk blushed. "I love you Hyukkie~" Donghae said and pecked Eunhyuk lips. "How many times did you peck me today Donghae?" he suddenly asked. "Many~ Times.. I don't want to count either~" Donghae said while Eunhyuk hit him lightly on the chest.

'So.. That was what Mr. Lee and Donghae were talking about..' Eunhyuk thought.


So.. What do you think about this chapter? I know it's boring right? *sigh* I'll make Eunhyuk remember his past sooner or later. This week has been the worst and sad for me.. On Monday.. I have to change class and because of that I cried.. I have to go from the 3rd class to 2nd. Wonder why I'm sad? Because I love the teacher's there. And the next day I got sick.

And I have breathing problem lately. It's hard to breath even now.. The happy thing is! I just bought SS3 CD~! *squeals*

@SungRaeRa: Really? I'm an awesome author? I'm touched!! Because this is really my first FanFic~! <3 <3 Love ya~

And here's a bonus for you guys because I have 50 subscribers~ <3 <3

LOL~! Look at Hyuk's expression when Hae's 'thing' touch his . >.<~! Naughty Hae~ I'll leave you guys with this~ Bye~ <3

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Chapter 1: Hyuk is not only beautiful but also sweet and careful here. These are my favourite characteristics of a bottom/uke that I prefer.
Chapter 17: Awwwhhh so sweet and fluffy ^-^
Great job! I love it~~~
Chapter 5: Hae so sweet for making that strawberry pancake.. just so tha Hyuk ca eat his breakfast.. and the oh so innocent Hyukkie~ :3 and my gosh so fast-paced... Hae already marked Hyuk! kkk
Chapter 3: waa~~ THEY KISSED!!!! hurray!!! wonder what's Kibum's relationship with Eunhyuk.. he's so scared of Bummie ..
Chapter 2: waa~~ 1point for Donghae!! xD you already kissed Hyukkie! *fireworks* and blame that bell for interrupting Hae's confession >_<
Chapter 1: I;m just starting to read this.. kkk poor Siwon~ Hyuk just ignored him like that hahaha *bad me*
Chapter 12: Kyaaa~ i'm reading this fic AGAIN :) HAHA~ Btw, did you get the what's the title of the fic. that you asked in your A/N in Chapter 12? That Kyuhyuk/Haehyuk fic? It seems pretty interesting and i want to read it too :) can you give me the link? Kamsa~ ^^
Well, your story was quite good, I like it. But there are some points which bother me..
1. Why do Sungmin and Eunhyuk have to wear dresses?! C'mon, they're guys!!!! Not kind of transvestites.. [or however it's spelled..]so that REALLY bothered me..
2. I think everything went kind ot too fast. They gotta know each other only for a couple of days and DongHae already wants to marry Hyukkie? And when Hyukkie was in hospital and lost memories.. only a few days after awakening he asked him to marry? I had the feeling Hyukkie wasn't even sure if he really loves Hae before saying 'yes'..

Well yes.. that were the main parts which bothered me.. and - but in another way that the one I already mentioned - Siwon also bothered me. But the way you wrote the parts with him were quite good, I just don't like the thought of Siwon and Hyukkie as a couple :S But all in all I like your story, quite good.
eastcandle90 #9
this story is cute and lovely...
they have their first kiss on the 2nd day they know each other??wow!!!hae sure is very fast person...hahaha..but i like him way his is...
good job author-nim...*thumbs up*