

Chaeyoung heard the door creaked open and closed quietly. Soft footsteps made on her bedroom floor grew louder as the person came nearer. She felt the blanket moved and her bed dipped as the intruder laid next to her. She didn't move nor speak. A few minutes and the intruder spoke. "I can't sleep." The intruder whispered to the quiet room.

Chaeyoung slowly turned around and faced the voice. She looked at the woman's exhausted face. "You should've gone there with her you know."

"I would've, but I have work tomorrow." Jennie sighed. "I have work tomorrow and I can't sleep. I'll look like ." Jennie said worried. She can't look like a zombie at work. She can handle feeling like a zombie, but, looking like it? Nope.

Chaeyoung hid her small smile. Her wifey is worried about looking like for work. As far as Chaeyoung remember, Jennie never looked, as she phrased it,  like . She might feel like it. But never looked like one. Chaeyoung is pretty sure that work is not the main issue here. Jennie can't sleep because Lisa is not here. Lisa went to Jeonju for a photoshoot. This is not the first time this happened. Jennie will most of the time pay her a visit when Lisa is away for work or when Lisa goes home. "Don't worry you'll still look great wifey. Did you talk to Lisa?"

"Yeah, she called earlier. She said they have a morning shoot tomorrow so we said our goodbyes so she can sleep early." Jennie said turning towards Chaeyoung. "That's an hour or so ago. I tried to sleep early too since I also have work tomorrow. But, I can't. So here I am."

"Here you are." Chaeyoung gave Jennie a smile. She moved her hand and started playing with Jennie's hair. Chaeyoung noticed Jennie's breath slowly evening out and her eyes slowly shut close. Minutes passed and Jennie is sleeping like a baby. "Works like a charm." Chaeyoung murmured. She pulled the blanket up and covered Jennie so she doesn't get cold.

Chaeyoung slowly got up and quietly exited her room. She marched over to Jisoo's room not bothering to knock. She threw herself on the bed and position herself comfortably. She put her switch on Jisoo's nightstand and started browsing through her phone.

"There's a stash over here." Chaeyoung heard Jisoo talking to her teammates through her gaming headset.

"Take cover there's a snipper. Find him. Good. Lets move." Jisoo commanded her team. Chaeyoung stood up and walk towards Jisoo to watch the game. A few minutes watching and she decided she should play her own game too. Jisoo's been ignoring her anyway too immersed on her game.

Chaeyoung opened her kart racing game and played on a course she knows she's good at. The game started and she's gaining distance. One rider was on her tail so she throw some traps. The rider slipped and spin away from the track. 

"How long have you been there?" Jisoo finally noticed Chaeyoung lying on her bed concentrating on her phone. Given that Chaeyoung was holding her phone horizontally Jisoo knows she's playing. Jisoo flopped down beside Chaeyoung and watched her play. "Throw all your traps now chipmunk."

"Shuushh.." Chaeyoung reprimanded Jisoo but did what she said. She drop all her traps and zoomed her way to victory. 

"Yay! I won. Look I got first place." Chaeyoung said clapping happily, a huge bright smile on her face.

"Aww.. congratulations." Jisoo said patting Chaeyoung's head affectionately.

"Thanks. And, I wasn't here long. About.. 20mins?" Chaeyoung said settling back to her comfortable position.

"Last call?" Jisoo asked.

Chaeyoung looked at the time on her phone and did the math using the information Jennie gave her earlier. "Two hours or so."

"Less than an hour then." Jisoo said standing up. "I need to take a break from my PC. Wanna grab a cookie? And some milk?" Jisoo extended her arm to help Chaeyoung up.

"What am I? 4?" Chaeyoung sassily retorted. Jisoo just looked at her and raised her eyebrows silently saying yes.

Chaeyoung just can't be bothered to say anything else. She grabbed the hand offered and stood. Besides there is nothing wrong with an adult woman eating cookies with milk, she reasoned to herself. She's definitely not a child. "Lead the way."


"Stop bullying me. Move." Lisa walked in on Chaeyoung animatedly playing with her phone. Jisoo was sitting in front of her with a smirk on her face while also playing with her phone. Lisa approached her best friends to greet them.

"No!!!" Chaeyoung shrieked. "Moveeee!!!" Chaeyoung slumped against the chair looking devastated.

"Welp. I won. As usual." Jisoo leaned back and looked at Chaeyoung with a smug look on her pretty face.

"You cheated!" Devastation gone. Chaeyoung said pointing at Jisoo.

"I didn't." 

"Umm.. Hi? I'm back?" Lisa hesitantly said making her presence known. She snorted when noticed the cookies and what appears to be milk gone cold on the table. She grabbed a cookie and munched on it.

"Welcome back. She's in my room." Chaeyoung glanced at Lisa and pointed at her room. She turned her attention back to Jisoo who's still sporting a smirk across her. "Now you! Why do you always cheat!" 

"I told you. I wasn't cheating. It's called strategy." Jisoo twirled her phone on her fingers and shrugged.

Lisa finished her cookie and went to their room. She quickly showered and changed to comfortable clothes. She made her way to Chaeyoung's room passing by the bickering duo.


Lisa slowly made her way to Chaeyoung's bed where her beautiful wife sleeps. She slowly sat down and booped her nose to Jennies cheek. "Jennie.." Lisa whispered. 

Drawn like a magnet, eyes closed, Jennie snuggled closely. "You're here.."

"Yeah. Let's just talk later. Let's go back to our room and sleep okay?" Lisa gently said.

"Okay." Jennie hummed.

Lisa slowly got up expecting her wife to follow. Lisa turned back to the bed and her wife is still laid down with her eyes closed. 

"Nini.." Jennie only hummed in response.

Lisa bend down and kissed her wife. A smile bloomed on Jennie's face but she still didn't open her eyes. "Since you my queen won't even be awaken by a kiss. I would just have to carry you back."

Jennie just laid there waiting to be carried. But her wife seems to be going away. The door creaked open and footsteps can be heard moving away. Still, Jennie waited. A few moments later her wife seems to have come back. Jennie felt soft lips against hers as strong arms lifted her off Chaeyoung's bed princess style. Jennie automatically wrapped her arms around Lisa's neck and slowly opened her eyes.

"Gimme another kiss Lili and put me down. I'll walk." Jennie said.

Lisa gave her a quick kiss but didn't put her down. "You can put me down now. I'll walk."

Lisa just smirked. "Too late for that now my queen. Our bed awaits. Hold on tight." Lisa walked out in Chaeyoung's room with Jennie on her arms.

Jennie heard voices getting louder as they near the dining room. "Are they fighting?" Jennie asked her wife.

"Games." Lisa said. One word, that was enough explanation on what was going on. They're all really competitive. "Don't even think about joining them. I'm not putting you down anywhere except our bed." Lisa pointedly looked at Jennie.

"Don't worry. I like where I'm at now." Jennie said patting Lisa's cheek. "Onwards my knight in pink pajamas." Jennie cheekily said.

"Goodnight guys. Enjoy your game." Jennie said passing Chaeyoung and Jisoo.

"Night wifey." Chaeyoung said with furrowed brows, attention still on her game.

"Goodnight." Jisoo said looking up for a bit. She paused with her eyebrows raised. "Jendeukie. You have legs you know."

"I know. Lisa has longer though, it's faster this way." Jennie said before they disappeared in their room.

"Ha! See that!" Chaeyoung said celebrating her win.

Jisoo got distracted by the couple that she stopped playing. Chaeyoung used that opportunity to widen the gap and Jisoo wasn't able to recover. "Yeah. Congratulations! Let's go to bed."

"It's still early." Chaeyoung said.

"It's almost 2am." Jisoo said standing up and started heading towards her room.

"It's still early for you. You just want to go back playing on your PC cause you lost." Chaeyoung said trying to provoke Jisoo to play again.

"Yes you're right. Now go to sleep. Good night." Jisoo said as she tiptoed to kiss Chaeyoung's cheek. Jisoo went into her room and shut her door. Meanwhile, Chaeyoung stood at the hallway dumbfounded. A few minutes passed by and Jisoo's keyboard can be heard. Chaeyoung sighed and call it a night.

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mixedmotions #1
Chapter 15: one of my favourite stories for sure, you’re an amazing writer
curseurheart #2
Chapter 15: Shy Lisa is the cutest!
Married life treating them both great, huh?
I almost forgot ChaeSoo still living under one roof with them.

Thank you so much for the update. Stay safe, author!
Chapter 7: Okay wow just wowwww hshshshhs hubby is prepared lol
Chapter 6: <3
Chapter 5: Chaeng love youuuuu jshshshsj
Chapter 11: Very cute!
dalanDAN18 #7
Chapter 9: This is so good!!! Good job! More please :)
curseurheart #8
Chapter 8: This story makes my heart goes gooey
Chapter 8: Love your story
Chapter 2: First to comment wow