Why him?

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“So when is this new guy coming to join us, I was passing by our former boss’s cabin. It’s still empty” woohyun leaned against the coffee station in the break room; sungjong was focused on doing some internet shopping that woohyun had to repeat it again with a flick on the back of his head.

Rubbing his head sungjong spoke annoyed, “I just had a quick glance at him when he entered in the morning, someone came and took him for a meeting at the Chairman’s floor. Haven’t seen him since”, sungjong finally settle his phone down exclaiming he bought the new edition products of some skincare brand he was obsessed with, “I mean why would a vice president go to the chairman’s room and not the superior right above him, I tell you something is definitely fishy. This guy won’t definitely be like the old geezer we once had, he looked fairly young to be in such an experienced position. Probably one of the top management is his sugar daddy” sungjong spoke scrunching his eyes shaking his head in confusion. He still couldn’t wrap his mind around getting a replacement like that.

Although woohyun was a bit angered at the company for bringing somebody else from outside the headquarters to such an important position, he remained unscathed and pretend he didn’t care, as he carried on with his own job and didn’t want to deviate further.

He finally headed home around 1am, still haven’t spotted his boss irked him but he was sure they will meet tomorrow as he had some reports to get signed by him before processing it to the next department. He parked his car and was about to get into the elevator to go to his apartment when he received a text from sungjong saying that they were having a meeting with the new boss at 8am first thing in the morning, a smile crept woohyun’s face since he had an inkling that he might like this guy already as he loved going early to work. He ignored the rest of the texts of sungjong whining about the early time and caved in for the night skipping his night run as he needed to be up early.


Woohyun reached right on time as he saw reached his cabin first to keep his bag before getting the reports to his new boss’s cabin, he was just about to leave when he was joined by a groggy sungjong in the corridor to the corner office situated in the east end of their floor. There were some of his subordinates already waiting for them; he nodded as they bowed to him. They were informed that the new vice president asked them to wait for a few minutes before he settled down. As soon as they heard a voice asking all of them to enter, woohyun felt his heart to his throat. That voice, he remembers clearly whom it belonged to. He walked in last trying not to meet the person welcoming them as he stood up from his black leatherette high back office chair asking them to sit in the row of the chairs set in front of his desk.


Kim ing sunggyu stood there looking at him, smiling widely as if he just won the biggest lottery ever. Woohyun froze as the door behind him closed sending him in a stupified trance. Before sunggyu could utter a word, sungjong pulled him sensing him stopping on his tracks and made him sit in one of the two foremost chairs closest to the desk. Once again, woohyun wanted to throw away all these reports and run away from this place. Sunggyu was probably the last person he wanted to be his boss, wait not even the last person. He never wanted to see him again ever in his life because he knew he would die of mortification. Woohyun could feel his stomach squeeze in discomfort and urging him to throw up, but he gulped hard trying his best to not puke.

“You look better, woohyun-ssi” sunggyu chuckled eyeing the younger looking much alive than how pale and zombie like he was when they last met, woohyun’s body stiffened since he could already feel curious pairs of eyes on him and not to mention sungjong’s dumbstruck eyes sending him daggers.

“Anyway…” continued sunggyu grasping everybody’s attention back from woohyun as he introduced himself and kindly requested everybody to do the same. He smiled at intervals and remained poker faced for the rest; he finally wrapped up the small orientation and asked everybody to carry on their work, giving them instructions instantly. Everybody were quite surprised that he was in the same page with the rest even though he had just come today; he looked like someone who knew a lot more than they knew about the reports and the company. Most of all, he was kind and friendly listening to everybody patiently before giving his suggestion on what to fix, he won most of their hearts except their two seniors of which one was frozen like a stone and the other  kept giving him glares. As the group dispersed, leaving only su

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698 streak #1
re-reading this again ☺️
Chapter 16: This is a really nice story, the story development is very well made, from you start things until you end it like we can’t have it any other way, this is perfect. And this also open up my eyes about the friends-relationship thingy. You really did a good job! Thank you for this lovely fic<3
Chapter 16: This is so cute. Love the story, love the development, love the characters. And I really love it how you portray the lovey dovey WooGyu. Thank you for the beautiful fanfic.
Chapter 16: It couldn't have been better, everyone's at peace with their past and present. They settled it in the best way possible. And I loved the fact that their gonna live together now. I mean it all somehow started with them living close that led them here so it makes it even more meaningful. Thank u so much for sharing this with us.~(^з^)-♡ hope to hear from you soon.
Chapter 16: This was beautiful.. I am happy that everything fell in to correct places.. I loved how caring, understanding, loving and protecting Gyu was in this story..
Thanks for writing this beautiful story.
Chapter 16: Hi one of my favourite author and dear friend, i love it here the world you created for woogyu... you did so well all this while and gave a much needed closure for woohyun too. This story will be my go to place for feel good times... thank you for completing this , and i hope you share many more your created worlds like this , so i can escape once in a while. You did great , congratulations ???
Love always ❤
Chapter 16: The end ㅠㅠ I'm glad woohyun and myungsoo worked things out. Sunggyu is such a great boyfriend here uwu thank you for sharing this story ❤❤ see you in another fic ^^
Chapter 16: awww it's end already ^^
it's good hyun and myung talked and be friend again with the right life partners.
gyu is a really great lover.
thank you for happy ending.
Thanks for updating
Chapter 15: Aww we needed the sweetness why would we nkt like it, but why did it have to end like that T-T woohyun needs closure right but why this way :(