007 Break In

Perish in your arms


007 Break In

Fear. That’s exactly what Woohyun could interpret from the look on her face. Yes, he wanted to say. This is the real me. The real Woohyun who killed dozens of people without mercy. “Raeyeon ah~” his lips parted as he called her name. He took a step forward but Raeyeon backed away. He winched.


Hoya was standing beside Raeyeon and he too was surprised at Woohyun’s skills with guns. From his experience, only assassins could do such work in a few seconds.


Woohyun tried to take a step closer but as he did, she’s backing away. “Raeyeon ah~ I..” before he could finish his words, Raeyeon ran out from the room but eventually bummed into Sungyeol.


“Gwenchana?” Sungyeol asked in concern but to find her sobbing. He frowned and glance up to see dead bodies inside the room and two of Raeyeon’s bodyguard. One of them had what it seemed like worry on his face and the other one was quite calm.


“Take me away from here..” Raeyeon whispered between sobs.


Eventhough Sungyeol had a lot of questions to asked, he just can’t ignore the crying Raeyeon. So he did as she wanted. With one last look towards her bodyguards, he wrapped his arms around her shoulder and led her away.


The night is dark and silent which makes it more suspicious than ever. Myungsoo knew this kind of situations. It feels like the enemies are watching their prey, waiting for the right moment to attack. His eyes wondered through the window glass; observing every movement outside of the house. But the only thing he saw were trees and bushes waving with the help of the wind.


He heard Sungjong’s footsteps coming from the stairs. He guessed Sungjong too felt the insecurity he was feeling. Sungjong strode by every room, checking room to room. Something’s not right.


Myungsoo swung the front door open and he could hear thunder rumbling. It’s going to rain, he thought and shrugged off the negative thoughts he have. As he closed the door, a gun was shoved to his head.


Myungsoo smirked. “I remember this moment,” he said.


“Hello friend,” the brunette hair guy smiled, having the pleasure of time encountering his long time enemy. Myungsoo and him had a little history together. It was a bad history to Jinyoung that is. Myungsoo won the battle between them and it stomped all over his pride. So when Jinyoung see him today, you'll never imagine how happy he is. 


Myungsoo turned to face him. But the gun was still pointed to his head. “What brings you here, Jinyoung shii?”


Jinyoung smiled. “A little visit..that’s all..”


Myungsoo remembers this brunette hair guy pretty well. Their history came long before. “Visit? And pointing a gun while you’re at it?”


He shrugged; still have the smile on his face. “I don’t see any wrong in that..”


Myungsoo didn’t say anything, instead, he quickly dodged the gun and hit Jinyoung’s hand with his elbow causing the gun to fell from Jinyoung’s grasp.


Jinyoung smirked. “You got better..”


Myungsoo snorted. He dashed forward to Jinyoung and gave him a few punches on the face, Jinyoung was taken aback but he evades the next attack and went for Myungsoo’s stomach.


Myungsoo staggered and groaned.


Jinyoung spit out the blood from his mouth and motion Myungsoo to attack him first. And so he did. Myungsoo went carefully this time. He let Jinyoung to punch him and on the second, Myungsoo ducked and he was now by Jinyoung’s side. He swings his elbow and it hit directly on Jinyoung’s right jaw.


Jinyoung stumbled by the side as he hissed with pain on his jaw.


“Get out.” Myungsoo barked.


Jinyoung grunted. “Not until my business is done..” he smirked.


Hyejin ducked as the first man tried to grab hold of her. She reached for the chair and slammed it to the man, causing it to break into pieces. The next one came to her by the right but she managed to kick him hard on the knee. She backed away a little and examined the two men in front of him.


“What do you want?” she asked.


The first man smirked. “You have something that we want..”


“Who sent you?”


“Now that won’t be fun wouldn’t it?” the second man darted and grabbed hold of her hair before she could turn and run.


Hyejin screamed in pain as she was yanked back. She could feel the man’s breath on her ear as he whispers. “Where is it?”


“Where’s what?” she could feel tears slid down her cheeks. Her hands clasped to the man’s hand that was gripping hard on her hair.


The man yanked her hair again and she cried in pain. “Don’t pretend you don’t know..” he growled.


“Even if I do, I won’t tell you..” she said sternly. Her mind wondered as she thought of what these guys want. Money wouldn’t be one of it, because they could have just gone for her purse or something.


“You!” before he could yank her again, the door swung wide open and Sungjong stood by the door. He narrowed his eyes to the two men.


“What do we have here.. Another girl?” the first laughed along to the second one’s joke.


Sungjong snorted. He didn’t say anything. Like Myungsoo, he sticks to action first. He took out his gun and so did the second man.


“You move and she’ll die..” he warned while pointing the gun to Hyejin.


“Do it Sungjong..” Hyejin said but she shrieked as the man jerked her up, still having the tight grasps of her hair.


“Shut up..” he hissed to her.


“Sungjong, do it now!” she said again.


“Do what, huh?” the man got confused and eventually panicked.


And that’s when the plan was working, when the enemy is in panic, this is where Sungjong shot the gun on the man’s hand; it went flying to the corner of the room. He then dashed towards the other guy and punched straight to his nose. The man groaned and backed away.


Myungsoo barged in and saw Hyejin cried in pain. Quickly, he rushed by her side and kicked the bulky man on the stomach, causing him to let go of Hyejin’s hair.


“Gwenchana?” he asked and she nodded while rubbing the back of her head where it stung. “Stay here..” Myungsoo said and stood back to fight the bulky man.


“What brings you here?” Myungsoo asked.


Instead of answering, the man dashed towards him and punched him. Myungsoo staggered but managed to regain his balance as another punch came towards him. He evaded it and backed away. “Phew..” he bit his lips.


“Yah L, I told you it’s not going to be pretty..” Jinyoung smirked by the frame door. He had bruises on his face. L beat him again. But only he let him to do that. Its just a way for him to have fun with all of the situations. 


“I thought I’m done with you..” Myungsoo spit out the blood in his mouth.


“Just give us what we want and we’ll be on our way..” Jinyoung said which makes Hyejin to think more.


“What is it that you want?” Hyejin barked as she stood.


“Ah~ Hyejin shii~” he paused. “We just want a simple thing. Your appa’s diary..”


“Appa’s diary?”


Jinyoung nodded. “Just a simple request. I bet you didn’t need them anyway. So you might want to give it to us or your L there will be in so much trouble..”


“Don’t..” Myungsoo growled.


“I don’t have it with me..”


“Don’t mess with me agashi or I’ll make you regret it..”


“I told you I don’t have it with me. I burned them all..”


Jinyoung got mad and was about to have his hands on her neck but Myungsoo was faster to point his gun to him. “You don’t want me to pull this trigger Jinyoung..”


Jinyoung chuckled and raise his hands in defeat. “Sure sure…” he paused as he placed his fingers on his lips. “But I’ll come back alright.. just so you wait..” he smirked. “Come on men. We’ll walk out from the front door..” and with that, the men walk with him.


After they are sure things are quiet again. Hyejin let out a heavy sigh and brushed her fingers to her hair. “Appa’s diary?” she muttered. “What’s with appa’s diary?” she asked Myungsoo.


“Where did you put them?”


“In a box..”




“In the basement..”


“Oh ..” Myungsoo quickly ran towards the basement. His eyes widen in surprise. All of the things were scattered on the ground and out of all the expensive things inside, the black box is missing. The box that contains Pyojin’s diary.


“Oppa.. what’s wrong?” Hyejin reached him and she gasped as she saw the mess. “They have appa’s diary..”


Both of them looked at each other and they knew trouble is coming. They need to think and act fast or else they’ll be left behind with no clues at all.


Raeyeon curled herself on her bed and thought of Woohyun. That was the first time she saw him like that; non human-like. She could feel his hatred that night. Although she wasn’t sure what triggered his anger but the way Woohyun killed those people scared her.


She put her trust on him, opened her heart to accept Woohyun as her bodyguard. Besides, he’s the only person she could have a conversation with. Appa was too busy and he would drag Sunggyu too. But, it hurts her to accept the reality of Nam Woohyun. She couldn’t help but to feel the heavy ache inside her chest.


Yes, Woohyun did try talking to her as they arrived home that night. The problem is, she didn’t even have the courage to look at him. Her heart is aching.


Nam Woohyun. What have you done to me?’ She muttered alone while clenching her shirt hard.


Peering to the night view, Woohyun sighed and walked to his bed, sitting at the edge of it. He still couldn’t get Raeyeon out of his mind. The way her eyes looked at him. It somehow bothers him.


Yet, why did he have think about any of this? Why her view of him matters? He will need to kill her one day. If she hates him, it wouldn’t be hard to kill her by then.


Kill her..


Woohyun stared at his palm. Killing Raeyeon, to be honest, he never imagined that day to come. He wouldn’t let anyone to hurt her but then again, he had to kill her. Ironic isn’t it?


He ruffled his hair roughly and let out a groan. He abruptly stood and walked off to Raeyeon’s door. He knocked twice but no respond. He knocked again; still she didn’t open the door. He was about to bang harder when he heard her behind the door.


“hmmm?” she asked lazily.


Woohyun bit his lips. “Raeyeon ah~ It’s me..”


“I know…”




“Your still not talking to me?” he asked.




“Raeyeon ah..” Woohyun paused. “I’m sorry…”




“I just…want to let you know.. that I am sorry.. that’s all…” he backed away from the door, hoping she would swing it open and tell him that he’s forgiven. But she didn’t. Woohyun sighed. “Good night..” he muttered softly before making his way towards his room.


She heard his footsteps and a slow click as Woohyun close his door. She heaved a sigh. She wanted to talk to him again, play along with his greasiness. But right now, she didn’t feel like she’s ready to face him.


The next morning, Woohyun got called to Shinman’s office and he knew he was going to pay for not doing his job properly. He came late when Raeyeon was attacked due to his encounter with Kim Minah. He’s the main bodyguard compared to Hoya. He was suppose to guide Hoya but then Hoya was there earlier than he did. He was glad actually. At least, Hoya was there to save Raeyeon.


When he reached the door, he knocked and came in. He saw Hoya stood by Sunggyu’s side. Worried was written all over Hoya's face. Woohyun had a small smile. They didn’t have the kind of relationship to worry about each other. But this man seemed to be worried and Woohyun appreciated it.


“Nam Woohyun..” Shinman began and Woohyun bowed. “Where have you been when my daughter is in trouble?” he asked and Woohyun hesitated. He couldn’t tell him about Kim Minah, it was his own personal problem. Personal problem must not meddle along with his work and he knew that.


“I was downstairs-“


“Enjoying yourself while my daughter’s life is at stake?” Shinman’s voice becomes louder. A frown adorned his face as his sharp eyes met Woohyun’s.


“Cheseonghamnida..” Woohyun bowed again.


Sorry? It’s that the best you could do?” Shinman come closer and grabbed Woohyun by the collar. “My daughter almost died and you weren’t there,” he hissed to his face. “I’ll give you one last chance. Where were you?”


Woohyun kept silent again. He didn’t have any excuse to tell him, besides, he deserves the punishment.


Waiting for Woohyun’s answer, Shinman had lost his patients and punched Woohyun hard. Woohyun fell to the ground and he could taste blood in his mouth.


Hoya was about to help him but Sunggyu gripped his arm, motioning him not to interfere. If he did, he too will be in trouble.


“I paid you to take care of my daughter, and this is how you do your work?” Shinman dragged Woohyun up and punched him again. “You should be grateful that she’s alive. I would have cut you into pieces!” Shinman was about to punch him again but Raeyeon barged in the room.


“Appa!” she yelled out.


Shinman still had his eyes on Woohyun. “Back to your room Raeyeon..” he ordered but Raeyeon didn’t answer him. “I said back to your room!”


“No!” she said and rushed by Woohyun’s side and stood in front of his dad. “I won’t go anywhere unless you stop all of this..”


“I’m doing this for your own good..”


“Do you? And what good will it brings me?”


“You’re in danger and I need to protect you..”


“Danger? From what appa?”


Shinman went silent. “It’s not for you to know..”


Raeyeon narrowed her eyes. “I’m in danger and it’s not for me to know..appa, What am I to you?”


Shinman looked at her with wide eyes, shocked on her sudden question.


“What am I to you?”


“You’re my daughter..”


“If I am, you should have notice that long time ago..” Raeyeon said softly before walking back to Woohyun’s side. “Woohyun is my bodyguard, so I’ll be the one to punish him..” she said and hold Woohyun’s arm. With one last look at her dad, she made her way to her room, dragging Woohyun along.


Shinman smirked but it turns wryly as Raeyeon’s words stung him. Hoya noticed the tense atmosphere and excused himself. He didn’t know things would go this complicated when he decided to come here. Something’s up but Shinman just wouldn’t say it.


Sunggyu came by his master’s side and stood there without muttering a word.


“I did it again didn’t I?” Shinman spoke softly. “I made her hate me again..” this time, a tear rolled down his cheek.


Sunggyu winched. The only person in this world that’s aware of Shinman’s true feelings is him. Shinman loves Raeyeon too much that he didn’t show it, instead, he kept on playing with his guilt towards Hyejin, causing him to neglect Raeyeon.


Raeyeon barged in her room with a heavy sighed. She cupped her face and breathes out. Her heart started to ache again. When will her appa notice what he did to her? Being a mafia’s daughter is difficult and how she wished her dad would give the only thing she wanted from him. A father’s love.


A hand land on her shoulder and she turned to face its owner. “Raeyeon ah~” he started again.


She took his hands on hers and dragged him to the couch and made him sit. She bought the first aid with her and sat beside him. Without saying anything, she started treating him.


As she was applying the ointment to Woohyun’s wound, she could feel Woohyun’s eyes on her but she shrugged the awkwardness away and pretended to not be trouble by it.


“Raeyeon ah..” he whispered.


She went on treating him but Woohyun took a grip of her wrist; stopping her on what she’s doing.


“Will you please listen to me..” Woohyun plead while staring straight into her eyes. She avoided them and looked away.


“There’s nothing to listen to..” she muttered.


“Well, I have a lot of things to explain..”






She went quiet. “Wae Raeyeon ah~?” he asked again.


“I don’t know..” she blurted out.  


Woohyun bit his lips and cupped her face; making her to face him. He stared deeply into her eyes. “I scared you didn’t I? The other night?”


She hesitated for a while but eventually, she nodded.


“I know you haven’t seen that side of me but I’m sorry. It’s just.. something came up and my mind got jumbled up. I was mad..” he explained. “I’m sorry..”


“Woohyun.. sorry wouldn’t solve the problem. I saw what I saw and…..it scares me to think you’re that kind of person..” she replied.


“I’m a bodyguard. I’m trained to be that way. Even the prince charming would eventually go to war for his lovely princess,” he grinned.


“That’s different..”


“In what way?”


“You’re not prince charming and there’s no lovely princess..We live in a terrified side of the world Woohyun-“


“-and I bet what you saw that night was not the worst..”


“It is the worst compared to what you are to me..”


Woohyun stared at her face for awhile. Examining her milky skin and her hazel eyes. “What am I to you?” he asked.


She looked away. “My bodyguard of course..” she could feel her cheek blushing. “Let’s just say I cared for you. That’s all..”


“Are you sure?” Woohyun grinned.


She looked at him and scoffed. “yah! Don’t you dare have any dirty thoughts about me liking you.. cause I don’t. I’m your employer.. it’s just a care for my employee..” she said.


Woohyun chuckled. “Fine then.. no need to argue..” he said but then he burst to laugh.


“Aigoo. You’re so full of yourself..” she said.


“Sorry..” Woohyun coughed.


“Promise me if you’re going to do horrid things again, alarmed me to look away..”


“Yes boss..” he said while playfully making a salute to her.


She smiled and ruffled his hair. “Good boy..”


But Woohyun held on her hand, dropping it to his side. He then cupped her face and leaned forward to kiss her eyes.


Raeyeon could feel herself blushing like mad by his sudden actions. Woohyun lowered himself to meet her eyes and he had a small smile on his face. “That’s a spell to make you forget what you saw..” he winked.


“Greasy..” she blurted out and banged hard her forehead to his.


Woohyun grunted. “YAH! What was that for?!!” he yelped while rubbing his forehead.


“That is a warning. Don’t you dare flirt with your master..” she said. Although she could feel her forehead sting, she pretended strong. She needed to keep her macho still.


“Aish.. this girl…” Woohyun kept mumbling to himself and stood up.


“Oh? Where are you going?”


“My room.. I might be killed by you today. Might as well run away..” he joked and walked away.


When he was gone, Raeyeon smiled. She held out her hand and touched where Woohyun's soft lips touched her skin. 'Nam Woohyun..You idiot..' 


*dance and turn around*

Omg. I'm really sorry if this chapter is too cheesy for some of you. hehehe. but to clear out some misunderstading, remember the sniper man, his the brunette hair guys and that brunette guy is Jinyoung. okay.. did I confuse you? well, it was all along Jinyoung. I just didn't mention his name before this. But you could imagine what kind of face this Jinyoung can because I'm not giving him any idol's faces. hehe.

I'm sorry for posting this late. been busy as usual. have a nice day everyone.

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nanamu #1
Chapter 14: I love woohyun!!! Can you put on moreeeeeee fluff or between namu and raeyeon hahahahhaaha
Chocolato #2
Chapter 13: sunggyu! i almost forgot there's sunggyu !
Chapter 12: Oh god ... WOOHYUN WHY?! ):
argghhhhh Hyejin and Minah! D:
gongturchan #5
...who died?!?!?! please update :)
Omo I love your story! It's intriguing and all that suspense based on the truth. What is the truth?
Anticipating the next update! HWAITING!
Wahhhh ~ I have a feeling Pyojin's diary and Raeyeon are connected in a way ... D:
Really interesting~~~~~~!!!!! >o<
updaaaaaaate sssssssssooooooooonnn!!!!
Chocolato #10
wow, and my 3 biases in Infinite are 'working' for the lead girl.

I just wish Sunggyu could have a more active role but that's just the fangirl in me asking for it hahahas