013 Scared

Perish in your arms


Hoya stumbled hard as he managed to jump from the 2nd floor of ake’s mansion. He heard all about the diary got stolen. He tried to search for Raeyeon but Sungyeol was faster to take her home. “Ah, damn,” he cursed under his breath as he saw his palm bleeding. He might have scratched them while falling through the rough edges of the branches.


He took out his phone and tried to dial Dongwoo’s number, but no one is answering the phone. He was about to get annoyed with the operator when he saw Dongwoo being dragged into the mansion. He quickly hid behind the big tree and peeked at the whole situation.


“I can walk by myself,” Dongwoo said as he tried to get ake’s man to let go of him.


“Tsk,” Hoya looked away. He looked up to the big tree again. He guess it, he needed to climb back up.


ake slammed his fist on his table hard. He let out a groan and his eyes stared hard. He didn’t expect this to happen. The one and only clue for his fortune is gone. His eyes wondered across his big room. “How did she get in here?” he sat and tried to calm himself down. He needed to think.


A few men came in with Dongwoo in their hands. They kick his legs to kneel him down infront of ake. Dongwoo groaned in pain and snorted as he saw ake infront of him.


“Care to tell me what’s going on here?” ake asked with a calm tone.


“How would I know-”


“I didn’t call you to get that kind of answer,” ake stood up and slowly making his way towards Dongwoo. “You see, Dongwoo shii, I’m not some kind of ahjushi you see in the markets,” he smiled. “Now, will you care to explain why Raeyeon shii stole the diary?” he asked.


“I told you I don’t know,” Dongwoo spat.


ake rubbed his chin. “Did you ever tell anyone about the diary?” he asked.


“Even if I do, it’s none of your concern,” he said but ake was about to kick him when he add. “But I assure you, words that come out from my mouth weren’t directed to her,” Dongwoo said. “Just to a few people who came by on the day you broke into my club,” he said with a mocking tone.


ake laughed. “I see. You do have to explain why your club looks a little bit off,” he said to himself.


“Sir?” Jinyoung appeared by the door and looked down to see Dongwoo. He grinned. “You want me to kill him?”


“Not yet Jinyoung. I have better use of him,” ake said with a smirk. “For now, I need you to find my idiotic son.”


Jinyoung bowed and left to do his job. A few minutes later, Hoya barged in the room and pointed his gun to ake.


“Let him go and you’ll be unharmed,” Hoya said.


“Aish, this idiot guy,” Dongwoo cursed him. Out of all time, Hoya just had to come and save him now.


“Ah, Lee Howon shi, what brings you here?” ake asked him with a smile as he turned to face him.


“I think I made myself clear,” Hoya spat out. His gun is still in position.


 Shinman scoffed. “I heard that you come to arrest me.”


“I didn’t come here to chat.”


“Tell me Officer Lee, what crime have I done to have you hunting me?” he clasped both of his hands and walked across the room.


“Let’s not waste our time,” Hoya said. “I might lose my patience and shoot you.”


“You know, I know everything about you. How you’ve join Shinman just to so-called-undercover but it didn’t go as plan, I see?”


Hoya scoffed. “Don’t worry. I just need some time. When I have all the evidence I need. I’ll come and get you,” he said coolly.


“Yes, yes. I would like to wait for that. But I don’t think you have much time for it,” ake bit and suddenly, the window glass shattered in pieces and before Hoya could run, he was shot on the shoulder.


Hoya groaned in pain as he kneeled down.


“You’re messing with me child and this is just the warning. Get your friend here and get out of my mansion,” ake said sternly.


Dongwoo was released from the grasp of the two men. He quickly ran to Hoya and helped him up. Hoya smirked as he glanced to see ake.


“Let’s have a fair play when I come and get you,” he said.


ake shrugged. “Playing fair was never in my book.”


“What do you think you’re doing?” Sunggyu yelled as he saw Woohyun walking out of the big mansion. He heard the whole thing from Sungyeol. He got worried because he knew about the diary. Worst, Hyejin dragged Raeyeon into the whole thing and Woohyun didn’t stop her from doing that.


“That’s a very warm welcoming,” Woohyun teased and was about to walk away when Sunggyu shove him off balance. “What the heck, man?” he shove him back.


“Did you know what kind of danger you’re dragging her into?” Sunggyu yelled at him. “It’s fine that you regret about the killing her but you just had to drag her along? It’s just the same thing, man. Both ways lead her to death,” Sunggyu raged. “Why is she alone in the room? Where were you when ake appeared?”


“I didn’t manage to stop her. When I turned, she was gone and went to talk to ake,” Woohyun explained.


Sunggyu ran his fingers through his hair and let out a frustrated sigh. “That’ll straight lead her to be the most suspicious person ake can think of. You know how he is. That man will do anything just to get that diary back and to tell you the truth, I don’t know if I can protect her from him,” Sunggyu spat out.


“If you won’t, I will,” Woohyun asked.


“It’s not as easy as it seems,Woohyun.”


“And how did you know all of this? I didn’t think Raeyeon has any idea on what is the real thing that’s happening right now?” Woohyun raised his eyebrow in curiosity. It does seem like Sunggyu knows a lot about the whole situation.


“I know a lot more than you do,” Sunggyu said bluntly. “That is why; you have to do your part well, brat. If anything happens to her, you’re the first person I’ll hunt.”


“But what are you going to do? I’m not her bodyguard anymore.”


“Just keep telling yourself that and you’ll end up seeing her dead for real,” Sunggyu spat and left Woohyun by himself.


Woohyun stood there for a while. He took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh. He turned to glance at the big mansion and thought of Raeyeon. “Did you have to say that so frankly?” he bit his lower lip.


“The diary?” Hyejin asked as Woohyun walk in her room. He placed the diary on top of her table.


“What do you want to do with it?” he asked her as he sat at the edge of the table.


“I don’t know. Search for some clues would be a good start.”


“What about Eli’s data?”


“He’s working on it. He’ll be here by tomorrow night,” Hyejin answered and started to flip the pages of his dad’s diary. She frowned.


“What’s wrong?”


“Have you tried to read this?” She asked and he shook his head. “Try to look at it and tell me what you think.”


Woohyun grab hold of the book and read it. Well, searching for the clues from the diary would be hard. Somehow, Pyojin wrote it very simple that it seemed like a normal diary with stories about what he ate that day and flowers he sees. “This is going to take a while.”


“Well, I need as much time as I can get,” Hyejin said and took the diary when Woohyun lend it back to her.


They stood there for a while without saying anything. But, Woohyun started a conversation. “I think you still have a lot of explanation to do with Raeyeon,” he said and slipped his hands into his pocket.


“I will talk to her.”


“I hope so. I bet ake is going after her. She’s the only one in the room.”


“Well, you let her loose,” Hyejin said.


“Ouch,” Woohyun replied. “Thanks.”


“Don’t mention it,” Hyejin said and closed the diary. “Go home and rest Woohyun. I’ll see you by tomorrow night and I promise I’ll talk to your beloved Raeyeon shii, okay?”


Woohyun coughed. “There’s nothing going on between us,” he started.


“Pfft. We’re not in the kind of relationship to tell our feeling yet,” Hyejin said.


“Another ouch.”


“Look, Woohyun. Just go home. If I’ll stay with you much longer I don’t know how am I going to fight back from curling my hands with all of those cheesy words that’ll come out from your mouth,” Hyejin explained.


Woohyun chuckled. “Fine. Tomorrow night it is,” he playfully bowed and walk out of the room.


“Geez, I don’t know what Raeyeon sees in that guy,” Hyejin shrugged and continued reading his father’s diary.

The next morning, Hoya was still no where to be found and Raeyeon was getting annoyed that he's not answering his phone. “Where the heck is Hoya?” Raeyeon knocked his door but when it seemed like no one is answering, she twisted the knob and found no one inside. “That’s weird,” she pull out her phone as dialed his number again.




“I’ll get it!” she yelled as she run downstairs, startling the butler whom was about to open the door. Raeyeon swing the door open. But her expectation died when she saw Hyejin in front of her.


“Hi,” she bit awkwardly.


“This is rare,” Raeyeon said. At first, both of them didn’t know what exactly to say to each other. “Why don’t you come inside?” she said, trying to break the ice between each other. Hyejin nodded and went in the mansion. She was seated and the maid came right away with tea and some snacks.


“What brings you here?” Raeyeon asked as she took her sip.


“I promise Woohyun I’ll talk to you,” she paused, Raeyeon still keep staring at her. “I wanted to apologize properly. It seems like we’re going to meet each other pretty often-“


“Wow, wow, wow. Wait a second. What do mean we’re going to meet each other pretty often?”


“You’re going to help me aren’t you?”


“I never said anything.”


“But since ake is targeting you. You will have no excuse not to do so.”


“It sounded like you’re black-mailing me.”


“You can call it whatever you want,” Hyejin said. “Look, I don’t really like this either. Both of us have bad history with each other for almost five years or so and to abruptly come to conclusion that we’re not enemies would not make things better. But,” she paused and took a deep breath. “I guess I kinda need your help in this one too and it’s my fault for dragging you into all of this mess.”


“The mess you created is your own and it was my choice to reveal myself to ake-“


“I don’t think you understand the situation we’re having right now.”


“I get the whole point of you getting your revenge for your dad. But, I don’t see why you are pointing the faults to my dad and wanted to kill me along the way. And then suddenly, you want us to be friends?”


“It was a big mistake. The only thing I knew about the past is that your father killed mine. Everything I search, everything I investigate concludes to that. Why wouldn’t I?”


“He didn’t kill him!” she yelled out.


“I know!” Hyejin yelled back. “I know it already,” she paused. “That’s why I’m asking for your forgiveness. I’m sorry I led you to a miserable life and I’m sorry I paid Woohyun to kill you.”


Raeyeon brushed her fingers through her hair and heaved a sigh. “Just give me time.”


“Don’t take it too long. ake won’t leave you alone that easily,” Hyejin said and stood up.


“I’m not a weakling, Hyejin.”


She smiled. “I know. But if you change your mind, come to my house tonight,” she bit and left the house.


Raeyeon said there, she was deep in her thoughts. Things happen so sudden and she didn’t know how to react to it. Forgiving Hyejin will take a while. But as for the things going on about ake, she needed some answers. She can’t believe Hyejin too easily. She took out her phone called Sunggyu.


“Oppa, where are you?”

“I’m in Busan. Your dad have some meetings he needs to attend to. Wae?”

“When are you coming back?”

“If nothing is delaying us, we would make it by tomorrow. Why? Is there something wrong?”

She shook her head. “Aniya. It’s nothing. I just need to talk to appa about few stuffs I found out. Maybe he could help me with some explanations.”

Sunggyu had the feeling that Raeyeon must have known something about Pyojin. Although he wished to tell her everything he knew. He can’t betray his master. Shinman wanted to keep the whole thing as a secret. He wanted to keep Raeyeon safe from the dangerous things out there. “Keep yourself safe,” he finally said. “I might not be there to safe you if anything happens.”

“He is coming to get me isn’t he?” she bit her lower lip.

“You’re the only person he can think off.”

“Did you tell appa about this?”

“Not yet. I can’t get myself to tell him,” he sighed.

“Mianhe, oppa. I get myself into trouble right?”

He smiled, although she can’t see him. “Serious trouble, I tell you.”

“Then I’ll best be prepared for the worst.”

“Be careful. You might not know what’s going to happen. For now, it’s best to collect some information about him.”


“Don’t forget to eat your breakfast.”

“Aish, araso,” she giggled. “Take care of appa for me.”

“Just stay alive for me.”

“Promise,” she said and both of them hang up the phone. Now, she might need to take back her words. She needed to know.

“Did you manage to contact Eli, yet?” Woohyun asked as he sat down on the couch in Hyejin’s study room.


She shook her head. “Nope. He didn’t answer my phone. I’m not sure if he’ll show up tonight.”


A knock on the door distract them. Stood by the frame door was Eli. “I found someone at the door,” he smiled and pointed beside him.


Raeyeon appeared. Hyejin smiled. “Can’t stay away, didn’t you?” she .


Raeyeon looked at her. “This does not mean that I forgive you. I need information myself.”


“Well come on in,” Hyejin said and Raeyeon walked in.


“I’m glad you can make it,” Woohyun grinned.


“I’m not done with you either,” she said sternly.


“Feisty. I like that,” Eli said which made Woohyun to shove him off balance.


Everyone sat down in circles on the floor as the diary being passed to each and everyone. Raeyeon flip a few pages and she knew by the words Pyojin wrote, some weren’t really very understandable. She gave up trying to solve the riddle and passed it to Hyejin.


“What?” Hyejin asked as she received the diary in her hands.


“I don’t understand,” Raeyeon muttered and drank her portion of the red wine.


 “You look frustrated, sweetheart,” Eli said as he moved closer to Hyejin, peeking the content of the diary. “Wow,” he said.


“What’s wrong?” Woohyun asked as he came with a chip in his hands.


“We need Myungsoo,” Eli said and Hyejin flinched. She glanced up to look at Eli with a warning look. “What? He’s your bodyguard. Besides, his good in breaking codes like this,” Eli said bluntly.


Hyejin can’t call Myungsoo now. She told him off earlier saying that she wanted to take revenge in her own way. Calling him now would result her with a total of embarrassment. She couldn’t risk herself for that. She cleared . “He’s busy,” she replied.


Raeyeon raised one of her eyebrows. “Oh really?” she asked.


“Really really,” she answered her, Raeyeon shrugged and took another sip.


“You better stop drinking that. You’ll end up in my room later on,” Woohyun joked as he sat down to join them.


Raeyeon flushed and looked away from him.


Hyejin placed the diary on the floor. “I did remember some of them said something about me and Raeyeon have something in common,” she added.


“Well that’s hard,” Woohyun said and eat his chips.


Hyejin cast him a glare and continued with her words. “That ‘thing’ we have in common leads to the fortune.”


Eli glanced at Raeyeon then to Hyejin. “Nothing in common,” he said.


“What about the data you saved?” Hyejin asked Eli.


“About that,” he smiled. “They set a virus. Once I open up the file, all of them are gone. I can’t seem to retrieve them,” Eli explained.


She sighed. “Seems like we still with nothing in our hand.”


“and cracking the codes in the diary will take forever,” Raeyeon said and gulped down the remaining liquor. “Hmm, this tastes nice,” she grinned.


“I’ll take her home now,” Woohyun said and pulled away the glass from her.


“What? I want more,” she hiccupped.


Hyejin looked at her and scoffed. “Aish, you get drunk too easily.”


Raeyoen glared at her. “I don’t like you too,” she said and tried to stand up but her legs failed at she sat down again.


“Come on now,” Woohyun took hold of her hand and helped her up. “See you in the morning,” he bit them good bye and laid Raeyeon on the passenger seat before driving her home.


Slowly, Woohyun placed Raeyeon on her bed. She muffled under the blanket, her eyes still close and he could see clearly how the alcohol had made her face pink. “I’m sorry I drag you into this,” he said and kissed her forehead. He was about to walk away when Raeyeon fell on the floor as she rolled over.


Woohyun turned to her and her eyes shot open, shocked by the sudden fall. She blinked. Woohyun can’t help but burst to laugh. “What the heck, Raeyeon?” he laughed his heart out.


She rubbed her nose. “Stop laughing at me,” she wobbled up and sat on her pillow. Rubbing her eyes and observed her surroundings. “How did I get here?” she asked.


“I had carried to you here,” he said.


She gasped. “Did I got drunk?” he nodded. “Did I say anything weird?”


“Apart from saying ‘I love you, Woohyun’, nope. Nothing weird at all,” he said.


“I said what?”


“Saranghae,Woohyun-ah,” he repeated it. When he saw how freaked out she is, he chuckled. “I was joking,” he said.




“You didn’t say anything.”


She threw her pillow to him. “You scared the out of me,” she said.


Woohyun leaned closer to her face. “Wae? Did I blurt out your secret?”


“In your dreams,” she said and lay down, avoiding having to stare at his face.


Woohyun sighed and straightened his back. “I’ll get go-“


“Who’s Kim Minah actually?” Raeyeon stated, her eyes fixed to the ceiling.


He glanced at her. “My ex-girlfriend,” he bit.


Although she expected the answer, she hid her face with the blanket. “Do you still love her?” she asked him but there was a silence. The next thing she heard was him walking towards her and he sat down on the floor, leaning against her bed, his back facing her.


“She was the happiest thing that came to my life,” he started. “I was a bit of a cold person back then because all I do was to kill people and I never had the chance to connect with the world. But when she appeared, she thought me how to love,” he said and laughed awkwardly. “But in the end, she end up pointing a gun at me. Saying all of the things we felt was all a lie. I killed her. I thought I did but I know I slipped my target and I shot her close to the heart and I know she survive that,” he paused. “So, here I am now, doing the same thing that she did to me. I wanted revenge I guess. Although it’s not her. At least I wanted you to feel how I suffered. That’s why agreed on the deal in the first place,” he said.


“So you did have the intention on killing me after all?” she asked.


Waiting for him to continue, she sighed. But she was caught by surprise as Woohyun pulled the blanket away from her face. He was sitting on her bed and he bend down to look at her. He smiled weakly. “I can’t. You’ve done nothing wrong to me,” he said.


A tear fall. She cupped her face. “Don’t look at me. I’m still drunk,” she said and laughed at herself from crying in front of him.


He covered her face with the blanket again and looked away. “Cry all you want. I won’t look,” he said. Hearing those words, she cried harder and Woohyun could hear her sobs but he couldn’t do anything to comfort her.


She was actually glad to hear Woohyun’s explanation but she couldn’t help but to feel hurt. She had to admit that she started to like his company. She likes being around with him. It makes her feel less lonely.


Besides, life is too hard for her and she knew she was scared to face it. She feels like she’s the only one left out. Not knowing about anything. About her dad and the truth behind Pyojin’s death. She didn’t know anything and yet she has to face it. With ake aiming on her as his next target, she can’t help but to feel uneasy. 

Author's note: and there goes this chapter. and omg. i can't wait to finish this story. It still have a few steps to go~ i hope you guys enjoyed this. and oh oh. i would like to thank HNsenpai from LoL Review Shop for reviewing this story.. She gave this story 90 over 100. how cool is that? Thanks you so much! I really hope i get lots of readers and comments from everyone. Take care!

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nanamu #1
Chapter 14: I love woohyun!!! Can you put on moreeeeeee fluff or between namu and raeyeon hahahahhaaha
Chocolato #2
Chapter 13: sunggyu! i almost forgot there's sunggyu !
Chapter 12: Oh god ... WOOHYUN WHY?! ):
argghhhhh Hyejin and Minah! D:
gongturchan #5
...who died?!?!?! please update :)
Omo I love your story! It's intriguing and all that suspense based on the truth. What is the truth?
Anticipating the next update! HWAITING!
Wahhhh ~ I have a feeling Pyojin's diary and Raeyeon are connected in a way ... D:
Really interesting~~~~~~!!!!! >o<
updaaaaaaate sssssssssooooooooonnn!!!!
Chocolato #10
wow, and my 3 biases in Infinite are 'working' for the lead girl.

I just wish Sunggyu could have a more active role but that's just the fangirl in me asking for it hahahas