011 Here goes

Perish in your arms

“Like I said, I need it and I want you to get it for me,” Hyejin exclaimed as she narrowed her eyes to the stubborn man in front of her. It has been hours as she tried to convince to him but all she gets were shrugs and smirks.


Eli smirked again; amused by the strong impression Hyejin is giving him. He had to admit it was a turn on but he wouldn’t answer her easily. Her conditions were deadly and he knew if he sticks his hands in this case, he’ll die. “Look Hyejin shii,” he leaned forward and placed his arms on his desk.

“Your deal is finely attractive but I don’t think I can pull it off,” he said, worried crossed all over his face.


She sat there and continued staring at him. Now she regretted not having Sungjong or Myungsoo with her. It was always easy to convince others when they are there to help her. “I guess I have no choice,” she said and abruptly stood and pointed her gun to him. “If I ask a person what I want and I can’t get it. I’ll have to kill them.” She whirled her hair with her long fingers. “It’s just a way to keep my secret safe,” she bit.


Eli scoffed. “Seriously? You’re threatening me with a gun?” he stood up and Hyejin’s gun followed his movements. “You’re in my territory Hyejin shii and guns are my bestfriends,” Eli smiled, now, closing the gap he had with her.


Hyejin didn’t budge; she still had the confident expression on her face. “Then take the deal,” she said.


Eli stood closer; her gun is now on his chest. “I’ll die either way. Why would I agree on such a deal?” he asked, motioning closer.


“You’re the only one I can trust with this job,” she spat.


Eli stopped his steps and rubbed his chin, examining her face for a while. “You’re a charmer, you know that,” he said.


Hyejin shrugged. “I know.”


Swiftly, Eli elbowed her gun away and pushed her to the wall. “I like that,” he said.


“So it’s a deal?”


He sneered. “Deal.”


“Good.” She smiled back. “Now can you let me go?” she asked as she’s stuck between his strong arms.


“That depends on the conditions I have to give.”


She looked at him. “You’re not serious?”


“I’m dead serious.”


“Name it.”


“Go out with me,” he said.


She glanced at him. “What?”


“Like I said, go out with me. You’ve got nothing to lose. I’m the richest bachelor here and let’s just say I could get you what you want,” Eli said, still having the million dollar plastered on his face.


She smiled. “I’m sorry honey. I already have someone in mind.”


He chuckled and backed away. “It’s a deal.”


“Thank you.”


“Best not thanking me yet. Save it for tonight.”


“What’s tonight?”


“Our first date?” he winked.


She crossed her arms. “You’re a charmer yourself.”


“You don’t say,” Eli said and went back to sit on his chair. “I’ll pick you up at 12?”


“Eli, who goes out at 12 midnight?” she said, gesturing her hands.


“Us,” he paused. “and also, Lee ake,” he said and that attract her.


“Then I shall have to excuse myself,” she said and reached the doors. “Don’t want to make you disappointed if I’m not finely dressed,” she winked back at him and shut the door behind her.


Eli smiled. “She’s good at that.”


“Good at what?” a figured appear.


“Using people,” Eli said and faced his friend. “She learned it from you?”


Myungsoo smiled. “I guess I did influence her a little.”


Eli laughed. “Yeah right Myungsoo.”


“So what’s she’s after?”


Eli shrugged. “I’m not sure yet and she won’t tell me. But she did want me to steal some files from ake. I gotta say she’s giving us hackers a pretty hard time,” he said and poured himself a red wine.


“You’ll be fine, hyung. You’re an expert in this.”


“and did I ever mention about I can’t get through ake’s files using my computer?” Eli asked and raised one of his fine lined eyebrows. “I have to crash into his office to get them,” he sipped his wine. “and like I said, she’s giving me a hard time.”


“I got your back.”


“For how long Myungsoo? For how long?” he paused and stared at Myungsoo. “ake is not a game and you know that better than me,” Eli bit.


Myungsoo sighed in frustration. “I know.”

The bitter drink sent little burning sensation to his throat, but Woohyun just laughed in delight as he gulped another drink. But everytime he did, Raeyeon’s face flashed in his mind. Angrily, he took another bottle and poured another glass, overflowing some on the table. Another shot and he let out a groan as his throat felt like burning. He was about to pour another when Donngwoo caught the bottle.


“Get a hold of yourself,” he said and sat infront of him.


Woohyun ran his fingers to his hair. “I need it,” he said. “Give me the damn bottle, hyung.”


Dongwoo sat there, staring sternly at his ruined friend. “You look awful, you know that?”


“That’s why I need that,” Woohyun said and tried to snatch the bottle from Dongwoo but he fell to the floor instead. He let out a groan as he felt nauseas.


Dongwoo bent down. “You’re killing yourself,” he sighed. “Get up,” he said and helped his friend up.


“I betrayed her,” Woohyun mumbled. “I let her down.”


“Yeah and you’re an idiot too,” Dongwoo added and Woohyun laughed, making it hard for Dongwoo to stabilized himself with the heavy Woohyun leaning against him.


“This,” he hiccupped. “Is the first time I heard you curse,” he chuckled.


“and don’t let me say it again. Now get up!”


“I miss her,” Woohyun mumbled and Dongwoo sighed.


“Idiot,” Dongwoo said and carried his drunk friend to his office.

Raeyeon carefully applied some ointment on Hoya’s lips and he hissed in pain as the medication sting his wounds. She hit him lightly. “Stay still,” she scolded him and continued to apply another drop, Hoya hissed again and grabbed hold of her wrist.


“That hurt!” he exclaimed and closed his eyes shut.


She laughed. “Araso,” she said and lowered her hand from his grip, picking the cotton bud.


“Raeyeon ah~”




“Why did you let him go?” he asked and she froze. “You know he’ll stay if you let him.”


“It’s not that simple,” she said and stared down to the first aid by her lap.


“You just lose your chance,” Hoya said.


“I’ll get another.”


“But it won’t be with the same person.”


She stared at him. “Then what do you think I should do? I couldn’t just stop him and say it’s okay to betray me and give him another chance. It just won’t work that way,” she paused and took a deep breath. “It just won’t.”


“Sometimes, someone had to make the first move,” Hoya said and shrugged as he looked at him. “I’m just saying.”


She hit him hard in the arm.


“Ouch. That hurts!” Hoya growled.


“You’re not a gentleman,” she pouted.


“I’m just saying and that goes to Woohyun as well-“


“Like he’s here to hear that-“


“-then you shouldn’t have to be the one to let him go.”


“He let go of me first. He tried to kill me.”


“and why hasn’t he? You live long enough until that psychopath turn up. Even then, he didn’t try to kill you. She did”


She stiffened. What Hoya said was the right thing but she was upset and hurt at the same time. She didn’t know what to do.


“I advise you to just hear him out first. Ask him why then you decide whether to leave him or held him tight,” Hoya said, looking at her in concern.


“You sound like a cop,” she joked.


“I am a cop,” Hoya spat out.


She looked at him and then she laughed. “I’m okay so stop making jokes already.”


Hoya shrugged. “Oh well.”

 Hyejin bit the tip of her pen and sighed. A lot of things seemed to be bothering her, right after she knew the truth about her father and Shinman. She felt guilty, of course, but she’s still thinking about her revenge. One must properly organize it if you want the person responsible to suffer more than you do but Hyejin had forgotten one thing.


She had forgotten about her deal with Nam Woohyun. How could she forget such a thing? She paid someone to kill Raeyeon and now that she knows the truth, killing Raeyeon was maybe like, helping ake with everything.


“Damn it,” she cursed and brushed her long defined fingers through her hair. If she were to meet Raeyeon now, she might not make it for her date with Eli. She took her phone and dialed Woohyun’s number.


A groaned was heard as he answered the call. “Yobesaeyo?” his husky voice came out hoarse as he could feel how dry his throats were after 3 bottles of wine.


“Woohyun shii, I have something to tell you. Are you free now?”


A murmured whine. “What time is it?”


“The night is still young,” she said.


He groaned. “Sure. Yours?”


“Yours. I’ll be there in 20 minutes top,” she stated and Woohyun agreed and hung up the phone. Without hesitation, she grabbed her coat and went out of her mansion.


The night was cold and waiting for Hyejin made Woohyun felt bad. He was woken up by reality. The reality that he had lost the person he cares the most, Raeyeon. He scoffed at himself and looked up to the night sky. “Didn’t know it was there didn’t you?” he smiled.


“Woohyun shii?” Hyejin appeared and frowned as she saw how tired and devastated he looks like. “Did you drink?” she asked.


“Is it obvious?” Woohyun twitched his eyebrows. “What did you want to talk to me about?”


Hyejin looked down to her feet. “About our deal,” and woohyun stiffen by the words but he tried to look calm.


“What about our deal?”


“I-“ she paused and took a breath. “I want to cancel our deal.”


Woohyun’s eyes went wide and for a few seconds there, he stared at her, telling himself what he had heard. “You what?”


“I want to cancel the deal,” she bit. “Look, about the money, don’t worry about it. I’ll take it away if you want but if you want to keep them-“


“It’s not the money I’m worried about,” Woohyun had a smile on his face and because he was happy, he hugged her tightly. “You don’t know how much I wanted to hear those words.”


“Now you’re making me awkward,” Hyejin said and Woohyun chuckled before releasing the hug. “But, I have another deal,” she continued which makes Woohyun to raise one of his eyebrow. “Don’t worry, it has nothing to do with killing, I hope. But, I kinda need you skills right now. Are you ready for business?” she asked.


Woohyun rubbed his chin. “This better be good.”


“That’s more like it,” she smirked.

Raeyeon skipped downstairs to have something to drink when the loud bell chimed the whole house. She furrowed her eyebrows and went straight to the door to find a wet Sunyeol, grinning at her.


“Can I come in?” he shivered.


She stared blankly at him before realizing the questions he uttered to her. She cough, “Yeah, sure, come on in,” she said and peered outside as Sunyeol went in. In seems that the rain is getting heavier and it was cold outside. She wondered where did he came from and how did he get here. “Wait here,” she said and went upstairs.


Hoya just came out from his room, he looked at Raeyeon, “Whose here?” he asked.


“Sungyeol and his all wet,” she said. “Do you perhaps have any clothes that could fit him?”


“He’s a tall guy,” Hoya joked and Raeyeon stared at him with the-really-look. “I think I have something in my closet,” he smiled charmingly and Raeyeon smiled, following him from behind.


Sungyeol shivered as he could feel the coldness brushed his skin and he regretted coming here unprepared with an umbrella. It was all his dad’s faults, making him run away again. “That dirty old man,” he cursed under his breath.


They had a fight again, this time is about the party tonight. ake wanted to introduce his son to another girl, one of his close partners in crime. But in a way, Sungyeol was forced to do it and he didn’t like it. So, he told his dad off and went straight to Raeyeon’s house. He felt that Raeyeon could be someone he could lean on. Somehow.


Sungyeol was too immersed in his thoughts that he didn’t realize Raeyeon had already stand in front of him. She smiled and placed the towel on top of his head. “Get yourself dry first and I’ll wait you here,” she said.


He chuckled and stood up, placing his hands on her head. Without saying anything, he followed Hoya to the guestroom upstairs. “The spare clothes are on the bed,” Hoya smiled as he swung the door open.


“Thanks,” Sungyeol said and went in.


While waiting for Sungyeol, Raeyeon made her way to the kitchen and made some hot chocolate for him.


“I’m sorry to barge in like this,” Sungyeol said and he leaned against the wall. Raeyeon flinched as she was startled by his sudden appearing.


“Gosh, Sungyeol. You startled me,” she said with a low laugh and handed him the mug. He whispered a thanks and both of them sat.


“So, what brings you here?” she asked as she took her first sip of the hot chocolate. She smiled, satisfied with the taste.


Sungyeol shrugged. “You know, got a fight with the old man,” he said and Raeyeon nodded. A few seconds of silence before Sungyeol continues again. “I hate being us,” he said and Raeyeon glance to look at him, wondering what did he meant by that. “The sons and daughters of mafias,” he blurted out. “I just, can’t get a normal life. All of the things that old man wants me to do is to match up with the daughter’s of the best mafia around,” he explained with a gush of anger.


Raeyeon just smiled, completely understand what Sungyeol was saying. Being the daughter of the mafia had bought her life in all sorts of dangers you can think of. It was hard to finally adjust yourself in that kind of life and she understand Sungyeol right away.


“But,” he continued. “Meeting you was different,” he smiled and looked at her.


She smiled and looked down to her mug. “I’m no different than others Sungyeol,” she said.


“Nope, I can tell different when I see one,” he said, grinning.


“If you insist, I shall take that as a compliment,” she joked and Sungyeol chuckled.


“You know, why don’t you tag along tonight?”


“What’s tonight?”


“My dad had this kind of party. A midnight party. He wanted to pair me up with the Gil’s daughter,” he said with a disgust face.


Raeyeon’s eyes went wide. “You mean 'The Gil' ?”


“Yeah, The Gil. You know how his daughter is. A full-time drama queen. I can’t stand a second with her,” he said and Raeyeon burst to laugh. Gil’s daughter named Taehee. Since she had the same name as the lovely actress, she started to think that she has the right to be all drama queen because of her name. She’ll talks and nags a lot. People who are accompany her as a date or anything couldn’t stand with her.


Raeyeon had to hold her stomach from giving her more pain from laughing. It wasn’t her fault; she’s imagining Sungyeol with Taehee together. How their relationship would be and she can’t help but to laugh. “I could come along and watch how the play goes,” she .


“You can’t leave me with her,” he said and she laughed again.


“Araso, araso,” she said while wiping the tears in her eyes.


That night, Raeyeon dressed herself decent enough in her navy-blue dress. Her make-up was light and she was eager to went out and forget all about her problems that she has. She looked herself in the mirror and Woohyun’s face flashed through her mind. She shook her head. If she kept thinking about him, there will be no fun tonight. She’ll go all moody and slumpy. She promised herself that she should at least make Sungyeol happy that night.


Hoya was waiting in the car. It was good news to him that they’re going to ake’s house. He could at least search for a few things inside the house instead of sneaking in. That would be harder. As Sungyeol and Raeyeon entered the car, he step on and make their way to ake’s house.


Hyejin arrived just in time to see Raeyeon got out of the car with Sungyeol by her side. They locked eyes, Raeyeon saw her with a tall handsome guy, probably her date for tonight. She was about to look away when just right there, she saw someone else came into the picture. It was Woohyun.

Author's note: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and hope you guys are still here to read this =)

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nanamu #1
Chapter 14: I love woohyun!!! Can you put on moreeeeeee fluff or between namu and raeyeon hahahahhaaha
Chocolato #2
Chapter 13: sunggyu! i almost forgot there's sunggyu !
Chapter 12: Oh god ... WOOHYUN WHY?! ):
argghhhhh Hyejin and Minah! D:
gongturchan #5
...who died?!?!?! please update :)
Omo I love your story! It's intriguing and all that suspense based on the truth. What is the truth?
Anticipating the next update! HWAITING!
Wahhhh ~ I have a feeling Pyojin's diary and Raeyeon are connected in a way ... D:
Really interesting~~~~~~!!!!! >o<
updaaaaaaate sssssssssooooooooonnn!!!!
Chocolato #10
wow, and my 3 biases in Infinite are 'working' for the lead girl.

I just wish Sunggyu could have a more active role but that's just the fangirl in me asking for it hahahas