006 The Party

Perish in your arms


006 The Party

Park Raeyeon looked at her reflection in the mirror, checking whether her dress fits for tonight’s party at Sungyeol’s. Another party that she was forced to go. It was really nice for Sungyeol to invite her but she already planned on staying inside her room and enjoyed her night alone.


But once the news reached her father’s ears, she was urged to go and all he said to her was, ‘play along’.




She didn’t understand what it’s supposed to mean. She wished her father would say things more straight forward, rather than screw her head with riddles. She’s not very bright to solve them.


“Raeyeon shii?” Woohyun called her name as he knocked the door.


While waiting for her to open the door, he stared at the necklace box in his hand. It was Park Shinman who was supposed to stand where he stood. He was here just now. But he was hesitated on knocking the door, it just then Woohyun appeared at sight.


Shinman had a small smile on his face. “Give this to my daughter..” he said and passed him the necklace box. He patted Woohyun’s shoulder before walking away.


‘Ah, the appa daughter scene again..’ Woohyun thought. Those two didn’t go well with each other, Shinman had always being cold to Raeyeon and she on the other hand, never says what’s in her mind.


“Dae?” he heard her respond and he walked in.


“Your dad ask me to give you this..” his eyes were still on the necklace box. But as he glanced up, he was stunned by how beautiful Raeyeon looked with the dark green mini dress.


“Appa ga?” she asked with a frowned and approached Woohyun. Raeyeon weakly smile. “Looks like he really wants me to go to this party..” she took it and stared at the necklace for a while before placing it gently on her neck.  


“You don’t have to go if you don’t want too..”


“What am I going to do? Run away?” she chuckled.


He shrugged. “Or we could have fun somewhere else..” Woohyun grinned.


“Having fun with you is dangerous..”


“Why’s that?”


Raeyeon stood in front of him. “You’re flirtatious that’s why..” she grinned back while taking her purse and jacket. “Come on, the faster we get there, the faster I can go home after..” she pumped her fist before making her way out of her room.


Woohyun smiled and run his fingers on his lips. “Flirtatious, huh?”


Hoya swung the rear door open as he saw Raeyoen strode out from the front door. She was really beautiful that night. The dark green dress fits her perfectly. Raeyeon slipped in and he closed the door. Woohyun came afterwards and sat by the passenger seat while Hoya drives.


When they arrive at Sungyeol’s mansion, Raeyeon could saw a lot of expensive cars outside. “Whoah~ some crowd..” she said to herself. “Is it too late to turn around?”


“Yuph.. too late..”


“Damn it..”


Woohyun chuckled. “Would you prefer to have fun with me instead?”


“Aniya~ Sungyeol’s party is fine..” she paused. “I hope..” she bit her lips. She should have realized earlier. She hated going to a party when there’s people that she didn’t know. The awkward feeling will drown her and she hated that.


When they got off their ride, Woohyun could see how nervous Raeyeon is, he held out his arm and she frowned. But then, she slid hers into his. “Nervous?” he asked.


“If you’re talking about going to a party with unknown people, yeah, I’m kinda nervous..” she gulped and looked around. “Don’t really like crowds that I don’t know..”


“I’m here..” Woohyun said which makes her to turn her attention to him.


“You’re not my date Woohyun..” she muttered with a smile.


“Well, even if I’m not. People are staring at you and jealous of me..I get to talk with a pretty lady tonight..”


Raeyeon looked around and true, every guy or girl that they pass seemed to have their eyes on them. “Do I have something on my face..”




“Oh my god.. really?”


“Yeah.. there’s pretty written all over to it..”


She pouted. “Woohyun~ you’re flirting again..”


He chuckled. “I’m sorry Raeyeon shii. Just a habit I gain when I’m with you..”


Before Raeyeon could respond, Sungyeol came to her with a wide smile. “I’ll see you when the party ends..” Woohyun whispered to her before handing her hand to Sungyeol’s.


After Hoya parked the car, he swiftly walked towards the back door of the mansion. “Tsk. Big houses..” he muttered under his breath as he walked in the huge kitchen full of chefs and cooks busy preparing for the party.


They’re too eventful to even notice him there. Without making any noise, Hoya quietly made his way to the other door that leads to the hall where the party was held. His eyes wondered around and he saw the stairs to his left. He looked at the crowd once again, checking if anyone eyed him before heading to the stairs.


It was awkward and both Sungyeol and Raeyeon felt the same. He had to introduce her to his friends and she had to bow with a smile on her face as if she’s comfortable with everything. Some would whistle at her saying Sungyeol had a very good taste for girls and he would just laugh out loud.  


“Sorry to drag you here..” Sungyeol whispered after they greet one of his friends.


She smiled to him. “No worries..”


“Raeyeon shii~” she heard Sungyeol’s dad called out her name.


She glanced to face Sungyeol. “Let me guess. It was ‘his’ idea..?” she said when she turned to face Lee ake.


“Bingo..” Sungyeol said and Raeyeon chuckled. Sungyeol can’t help but to stare at her with an amusing smile. He didn’t know why but the way Raeyeon was acting, it’s like they’ve known each other long enough and it she looks kinda…






Sungyeol winched. ‘oh?’ he placed his hand on his chest.




‘Igo..booyah?’ he muttered to himself as his heart felt weird.


“Sungyeol?” Raeyeon called out his name.


Ba-dump. Ba-dump.


He looked at her but manage to look away. ‘Crap. My heart..’ Sungyeol clenched his chest hard.


“Sungyeol ah~ gwenchana?” she asked with a worried face.


Sungyeol faked a smile. “Oh.. just a slight.. ache..”


“oh?Odi..?” but before Sungyeol could answer, his dad had approached them.


“Ah Raeyeon shi~ I’m so happy to see you here..” Lee ake said with a wide smile. “Having fun?”


“Dae..Thanks for inviting me here..”


“No no no.. it’s all thanks to Sungyeol..” Lee ake said. “He’s a really god host isn’t he?” he laughed. “But I’m sorry my dear. I can’t stay here too long for a chat; I have a meeting to attend too. For the time being, have fun..” he patted her shoulder.


Raeyeon bowed and ake went pass her and disappeared into the crowd. She turned to face Sungyeol now. But as their eyes made contact, Sungyeol could feel his cheeks burning. ‘aish~ what the heck is wrong with me..’ he bit his lips and looked away.


The awkwardness came again. She coughed. “I’m..going..to the rest room..” she excused herself.


Woohyun was walking to the main entrance as he flashed a few charming smiles to a few ladies that gawked at him. He likes party, everywhere he went, there will be beautiful ladies he could flirt with. While he was busy flirting, a familiar figure caught his eyes. His eyes stopped, making sure of what he’s seeing.


His eyes widen. ‘Ki..m Min…ah?’


Without hesitation, Woohyun darted his way. But the crowds around him makes it harder for him to reach her, there are too many of them. His eyes were kept to her but when he was there, she was gone. He looked around ones again but the sight of her just, gone. He snorted. ‘Must be my imagination,’ he sighed.


He was about to walk away when someone whispered to his ears. “Long time no see, Nam Woohyun..”


This time, it was no imagination. He immediately jerked to face her. “Minah..” his face darkened. Out of all of his history, anything between him and her are the ones he didn’t wish to recall.


“Did I surprise you?” her red lips curved into a smile. Pretending like they were old friends.


“But how-?” lots of questions swarmed him.


“Awh~ you shouldn’t skip the greetings Nam Woohyun. It’s rude..”


“You’re supposed to be dead..”


“But I’m not..” she paused. “Shouldn’t you be glad that I’m alive?” she paused again. This time, she leaned closer to his face. “You love me, Nam Woohyun. Don’t you remember?”


He snorted. “Used too..”


She leaned back to her position with her arms crossed. “That doesn’t make any difference..”


“How did you-?”


“How did I what? Came back to life?” she played her fingers to her lips. “Let’s just say our love woke me up from the death.” She giggled.


“Don’t even talk about our love because it’s not even there from the start..”


“Oh? I thought you were using the same plan for her..”


“Get lost or I’ll kill you. Again..”


“Come one Woohyun. You know I did love you too..”


“Stop saying that..”


“We had something..”


“But it died. It died right when I know the real you..”


“Tsk tsk tsk..You’re so full of denial..”


“Seriously, get lost..”                        


“You’re not happy to see me? Why?” she titled her head, acting all pretty and innocent in front of him.


“What do you want?”


“I think you know exactly what I want Woohyun..”




“More than that..”


Suddenly, Woohyun heard Raeyeon screamed. He looked around before glaring at Minah. “Don’t you dare..” he snarled.


“Oh I’ll dare..” she smiled. “Just having some fun. Take it as a little souvenir for our first reunion..” she giggled. “You better hurry now. I don’t know how long she’ll stay alive..” She stood there, waiting for Woohyun to react.


Woohyun could stay and strangled her to death but right now, he was more worried about Raeyeon. With one last look at her, he rushed to where the scream came from.


Few minutes before, Raeyeon walked around to search for the restroom but all she encountered was big rooms one by one.  And now, she’s lost. “Damn you big house..” she said. Now that she doesn’t know where she is, she decided to have a little tour around. It won’t hurt as she was a guest anyway.


Each and every room seemed to catch her in awe. There were lovely rooms with a Japanese style of interior and she just love how the mansion is located, facing the beautiful city of Seoul. Lights were gleaming and the Seoul Tower stood magnificently in the middle of the city.


She hummed some songs while she walked to the next room. When she swung the door open, she saw Hoya there. He was searching for something. “Hoya??” she called out his name and he sprung to look at her. “What are you doing here?” she asked as she approached him.


He casually ducked his hands into his pockets. “Touring?”


“I thought you were outside..”


“I got bored so I decided to join in the party and looked around. The big mansion screams curiosity to me..so here I am..” he gestured his hands and laughed an awkward one.


She laughed along. “That’s a bad habit to get used to..” she said.


As they were talking to each other, it was then, the big window glass broke into pieces and Raeyeon screamed in fright.


People in black started climbing in one by one. Some with weapons in their hands. “What the--?” Hoya punched the first person who came towards them. He slid below and tripped the second one. “Stay back..” he held out his arm to protect her.


“Hoya, left!” Raeyeon cried out as another man came and hit his fist to Hoya’s jaw.


He shook his head and he felt his head rang. “Woo. You got a pretty hard fist there..” Hoya grinned. The man tried to punch him again but Hoya was faster to kick him in the stomach and he went flying back, breaking the desk behind him.


“Go!” Hoya yelled at her but she shook her head.


“I’m not going anywhere without you..”


“I said go!” Hoya yelled again while kicking his knee to the next person he caught. “NOW!”


“Hoya watch out!!” Raeyeon pointed at one of the man who came in with a gun on his hand.


“Oh ..” Hoya cursed. He quickly dragged Raeyeon behind the couch just in time the bullet was shot. “Aish..” He peeked but another shot was released and he ducked away. “I told you to leave..”he said to her.


“And I told you I’m not going anywhere without you..” she cursed as she tried to peek too but another bullet was shot and she ducked her head.


Woohyun barged in the room to see the person with a gun, Hoya and Raeyeon behind the couch. He quickly ran and reached for the vase and threw it. Trying to distract the person as he slid behind the couch.


Woohyun came by Hoya’s right. He pulled out his own gun. Before Hoya could say anything, he jumped over and all they could hear were gun shots. Worried, Raeyeon peeked to see what happen. She was concerned if the gun had hit Woohyun. But then she saw him, facing his back to her with the dead man by his foot. The other guy came with a gun but Woohyun was fast enough to shot him dead first. A group of man came in through the window and Woohyun shot all of them without even a slight of hesitation.


He was furious actually. His mind was out of control and he was in rage as he thought of his encounter with Kim Minah earlier. He just can’t get her out of his mind that easily.


When he was sure he shot every man who attacked them, he turned around and saw Raeyeon looking at him. But this time, there are fears in her eyes. 

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nanamu #1
Chapter 14: I love woohyun!!! Can you put on moreeeeeee fluff or between namu and raeyeon hahahahhaaha
Chocolato #2
Chapter 13: sunggyu! i almost forgot there's sunggyu !
Chapter 12: Oh god ... WOOHYUN WHY?! ):
argghhhhh Hyejin and Minah! D:
gongturchan #5
...who died?!?!?! please update :)
Omo I love your story! It's intriguing and all that suspense based on the truth. What is the truth?
Anticipating the next update! HWAITING!
Wahhhh ~ I have a feeling Pyojin's diary and Raeyeon are connected in a way ... D:
Really interesting~~~~~~!!!!! >o<
updaaaaaaate sssssssssooooooooonnn!!!!
Chocolato #10
wow, and my 3 biases in Infinite are 'working' for the lead girl.

I just wish Sunggyu could have a more active role but that's just the fangirl in me asking for it hahahas