start of something

Past and Present

Just like the first day the next day at school started off the same. Doojoon and key fighting while Jessica and Yuri just doing what they’re best at: flirting with other guys. Yoona and Nicole took their seats and yoona turned around hoping to see Nichkhun or yonghwa but to her surprise those two weren’t at school yet.


Nicole: yah yoona what are you doing?

Yoona: nothing. What do you mean?

Nicole: first you stare at him like a weirdo and now when he’s not here you stare at his seat.

Yoona: shut up I wasn’t.

Nicole: don’t lie. Im yoona just admit it that you’re in love with Nichkhun.

Yoona: no im not.

Nicole: then why were you staring at his seat?

Yoona: I wasn’t I was just looking around.

Nicole: god yoona how can you lie? You’re bad at it.


Just then the two boys Nichkhun and yonghwa walk in who were having like a serious conversation not noticing Jessica and yuri waving and calling them. Shortly after key and Doojoon walk in and everybody just stop talking except Nichkhun and yonghwa. Key was already in an angry mood so when he hears them talking he’s about to go to them when the teacher walk in.


Teacher: alright people go back to your seats and that means you key. Yonghwa and Nichkhun stop talking. Jessica and Yuri stop that and sit down. I have an announcement to make.

Doojoon: that you’re finally leaving?

Teacher: unfortunately no.

Key: could it be that you’re giving us a day off?

Teacher: no.

Yuri: that you finally found a girlfriend?

Teacher: no and everybody just stop talking. Its nothing to do with me it involves somebody else.

Doojoon: dude stop talking and just get to the point (yoona just slightly glares at him for his rudeness to the teacher)

Teacher: fine I just want to say that starting today there is going to be a new student joining you.

Key: is it a girl?

Teacher: yes (there’s cheering from the boys and just annoyed looks from the girls).

Doojoon: well hurry up and introduce her then.

Teacher: hang on. (He goes out of the class room and comes back in with the student. Everybody just stares at her because she looks really pretty and cute) guys say hello to your new classmate Seohyun.

Key: why hello there.

Seohyun: umm hello everyone my name is Seohyun and I hope we can become good friends.

Doojoon: I know we will.

Jessica: shut up Doojoon.

Yuri: yeah. You’re making her more nervous.

Seohyun: no its okay.

Teacher: so Seohyun why don’t you go pick somewhere to sit.

Doojoon: (shoves the person sitting beside him) here come sit by me.

Key: no come sit by me.

Jessica: she’s a girl so she has to sit by a girl. Here Seohyun you can sit next to me.

Seohyun: umm thanks but teacher would it be okay if I sit next to yonghwa oppa? (Everybody just gasps including yoona and Nicole at the fact that this girl knows yonghwa. Doojoon and key just glare at yonghwa who gives them a little “in your face basterd” smile).

Teacher: oh okay. Yonghwa, do you mind?

Yonghwa: nope not at all. Here Seohyun sit down.

Seohyun: thank you. (As she goes to take her seat she sees yoona stare at her and Seohyun gives her a smile and yoona also gives her a smile but slightly awkward one).


As the morning lesson goes on people around are still looking at her and whispering stuff to each other. Jessica and Yuri are passing notes.



Yah how do you think she knows yonghwa?


I don’t know but do you remember how he talked about a friend yesterday well it’s her I think.


Ohh yeah I think it’s her as well.


Why are you even worried? You’re way prettier than her and she’s got no chance with yonghwa or Nichkhun.


I know but man she gives me a bad vibe. Do you think we should as her to hang out with us?


Why should we?


We can use her to get closer to those two and in no time they’ll be lusting after us.



 Nice plan.


Teacher: Miss Yuri is there a problem?

Yuri: no sir.

Teacher:  then why are you laughing and not paying attention.

Yuri: sorry sir.

Teacher: don’t make me catch you again.


Soon after the bell rings for their first break and just as yoona is about to get up and go out she gets shoved to the side by Jessica and Yuri who run towards yonghwa, Nichkhun and Seohyun. Nicole helps yoona get up.


Nicole: yah watch where you’re going.

Yuri: whatever loser.

Nicole: that little-

Yoona: just leave it will you. They’re not worth it.

Nicole: you’re too nice yoona.


Jessica: (holds out her hand to Seohyun) hi my name is Jessica.

Seohyun: hello.

Yuri: and I am Yuri.

Seohyun: hello.

Jessica: so do you want to hang out with us.

Seohyun: I..Umm.

Yonghwa: you guys move off a bit. You’re scaring her.

Nichkhun: anyways she won’t be hanging out with you guys.

Jessica: excuse me?

Yonghwa: Seohyun come with me I want you to meet someone. (They walk towards two people who are talking about something) umm excuse me yoona?

Yoona: (can barley speak) umm...Yes...Umm how can I help you?

Nichkhun: we were wondering if you and Nicole wouldn’t mind showing Seohyun around school and making her feel comfortable.

Nicole: of course we wouldn’t mind. We’re happy to do it. Aren’t we yoona?

Yoona: yes.

Jessica: but- (the bell goes off again as a warning that their break had ended).


They go back to their seats and carry on with the lesson. Yuri and Jessica are sort of giving evil stares to Nicole and yoona while Doojoon is just staring at them. Nobody knows but Doojoon had always thought of yoona as somebody who was interesting but in a weird way as the day goes on and lunch time arrives Nicole goes over to where Seohyun is sat and asks her to have lunch with her and yoona.


Nicole: (heading towards the canteen) oh by the way I’m Nicole and you already know yoona.

Seohyun: it’s nice to meet you guys.

Yoona: (sitting down at a table) so how come you know yonghwa and Nichkhun?

Seohyun: ahh well I know yonghwa because we have been close friends since kindergarten and for Nichkhun I became friends with him through yonghwa.

Nicole: ohh. Well im glad to have made a new friend.

Seohyun: me too. Honestly I thought I would’ve been a loner but yeah it’s nice to have someone to hang out with.

Yoona: you could’ve chosen to hang out with Jessica and Yuri you know.

Seohyun: I know but to me they just sounded of trouble and besides they were wearing too much make-up.

Nicole: (laughs) they always do.

Yoona: you guys talk I’ll just go to the toilet and I’ll be back.

Seohyun: okay see you in a bit.


Seohyun and Nicole continue talking about all sort of random stuff while yoona heads to the toilet. As she is going back to the canteen after being to the toilet there is no one on the hall way as they are all either outside on the field or in the canteen. Yoona starts to skip because she hears one of her favourite song on the school radio. As she is skipping she twirls and unknowingly she bumps right into the person who makes her blood boil by just looking at him.


Doojoon: ahh watch it.

Yoona: (bows) sorry (and starts walking away).

Doojoon: yah you stop right there.

Yoona: what now?

Doojoon: you hurt me and you’re just going to say sorry and walk away?

Yoona: I said sorry didn’t I? What do you want me to do beg for your forgiveness while kneeling down?

Doojoon: well that could be a start.

Yoona: (just gives him a disgusted look) look here I said sorry and that’s it okay. Its not like I did it on purpose.

Doojoon: who’s to say you didn’t?

Yoona: hah im not like you okay? I don’t hurt people and I don’t ever intend to. So bye and lets not speak ever again.

Doojoon: why you (he grabs yoona by her waist and pushes her against the lockers and goes close to her face while she closes her eyes and looks away) nobody ever speak to me like that do you understand?


Just then he feels a sharp punch on his face which sends him tumbling on the floor. He turns around to see who it was.


Doojoon: what the do you think you’re doing?

Nichkhun: giving you what you deserve that what.

Doojoon: that’s it (goes to punch Nichkhun but is stopped by yoona).

Yoona: stop it please. Doojoon just go. I apologise on his behalf as well please.

Doojoon: this isn’t over yet (walks off).

Nichkhun: are you okay?

Yoona: yes. You shouldn’t have punched him you know.

Nichkhun: I know but I could see he was scaring you do I had to do something.

Yoona: thank you.

Nichkhun: so where is Seohyun?

Yoona: oh she’s in the canteen with Nicole.

Nichkhun: oh okay.

Yoona: you want to go see her?

Nichkhun: sure why not.

Yoona: okay let’s go. Wait where’s yonghwa?

Nichkhun: oh he’s somewhere I’ll text him to meet us in the canteen.

Yoona: but do you really want to be seen with me?

Nichkhun: what do you mean?

Yoona: well you’re popular and imagine what they will say when they see you and me together.

Nichkhun: ahh well they can say what they like.

Yoona: (laughs) okay. Oh one last thing why did you chose us to hang out with Seohyun?

Nichkhun: because I know you guys will always have her best interest at heart and you’re not like other girls. You guys are nice and normal.

Yoona: thank you.

Nichkhun: (gives her a little wink) you’re welcome.


As they walk in through the canteen door the atmosphere suddenly becomes cold. People gasp and murmuring is going around as they are wondering why a guys like Nichkhun is with a girl like yoona. As Nicole sees yoona she gives her a “well done” smile and winks. And that was the day when things changed for yoona. From that day on she would no longer be invisible and no longer be known as a nerd.  

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RitzLeija #1
super cute!!
this was cute!
sujushineegg #3
nice story!
aw when are you going to update? :(
update update update!
haha that was so cute!! xD
pinkypn #7
boys too bad she has a bf. you spelled junho name wrong
Jaimee #8
Haha I think khun is gonna be jealous :P<br />
I would love to have jay as my bestfriend ^_^
ohmygosh. khuna!!! but yea, i feel bad for doojoon! hehe anyway, nice story! update soon~
pinkypn #10
i feel bad for Doojoon