Chapter 8

In which the starting is the Summer holidays

Chapter 8

Soo Jin’s P.O.V

. That’s what I feel like right now. My mind I think has gone to mush due to all the shock of the day so far, and it’s not even 2 in the afternoon yet!

I guess I handled seeing Key quite well, most girls would scream right there and then. When I saw Onew, Jonghyun and Minho I also went to shock, I would have puked if not for the situation. But when I stood in front of SHINee’s dorm I started to feel dizzy and when Key’s warm hands held my cheeks and his forehead touched mine it was too much. The world spun like crazy and I guess I fainted.

The equation:

 (Meeting Key+ Minho+ Onew+ Jonghyun+ SHINee’s dorm+ Key’s touch) <3hours = Brain melting

But enough with that, I have to wake up and sort everything out. Although, the last time I tried to do that look where it got me. Sigh, why did it have to be Key? Gorgeous, stunning, talented Key of SHINee. The one that make my heart pound and my skin tingle when he touches me. The one who talks as though he really cared for me.

But I have to stop with that. These feelings were only because he’s an idol. He probably only thinks of me as a girl who is in need of help. He can never like me in that way.

I felt a stinging at the back of my eyes at the thought. I’m very much aware that I’m lying down and am only conscious for the last three minutes. But I didn’t trust myself to open my eyes right now; I don’t want the tears to come out.

I let the feeling slowly subside and ever so cautiously let my eyes open. I sat up on the cream colored couch as my eyes adjusted to the light. My senses came back and for the second time, I felt reality hit me again.

I’m in SHINee’s dorm, SHINee’s dorm, SHINee’s dorm, SM Entertainment, SM Entertainment…

I was panicking and seeing the glass of water on the table I began to take huge gulps. The heavy sound of a door shutting started me and I choked. Water spilt everywhere and I coughed violently, tears springing from my eyes. I can hear footsteps rushing towards me and feel the couch dip from the additional weight. From my slightly blurry sight I can see Onew, he put a hand on my back and patted it.

“I’m so sorry for startling you. I’m sorry.” He said hurriedly as he took tissues from a box and started wiping my face. Except it was more like rubbing my face, I mean it was like scrubbing my face with a brush. Onew’s expression looked as though it was concentrating so hard and I couldn’t contain myself to laugh a bit, but it was muffled as Onew continued to ‘wipe’ my face.

“Onew ssi, stop it’s alright, I’m alright” I tried using my hand to brush his off, it was really hard to speak and he didn’t seem to notice my hand or what I said.

After a few more attempts I used both my hand to grab his wrist and pushed it back

“Onew ssi, stop, I’m alright.” My lips curled up, seeing the expression on his dubu face

His eyes shifted and realizing what he’s doing he blushed.

 It was one of the cutest things I’ve seen Dubu do and I laughed at that. He started laughing with me, slowly our laughter grew and the two of us found ourselves laughing like fools at the silliness of it all.

Onew’s P.O.V

She’s so cute! Her laughter, contagious. I haven’t even talked her properly yet and I’ve taken a liking of her already.  No wonder my dongsaeng like her. I approve!

“What’s going on here?” The familiar sharp voice rang out.

The two of us stopped laughing immediately, like we were caught doing something we shouldn’t. We turned to see Key making his way towards us. His eyebrows furrowed more as he sees Soo Jin’s hands still on my wrist. She took her hand away, putting it on her lap and blushed.

“I asked what’s going on here. Hyung you said that you are going to get snack. And why is she wet and the two of you just sitting there laughing like idiots?” Key shot me these questions with his hands on his hip, his foot tapping annoyingly.

“Why? Jealous?” I answered back my eyebrows lifting and dropping.

Key and Soo Jin blushed. Haha 

Soo Jin’s thought: I doubt, but it made me blush anyway.


“I’m sorry it was my fault. I was drinking and Onew startle me when he closed the door so I choked. That would explain why I’m wet and the broken glass on the floor.” She said timidly, looking apologetic with a slightest of pout.

Onew’s and Key’s thought: Omo, so cute.

Key’s voice soften “Ok, fine. Are you alright by the way? You fainted at the door way.”

“Huh? Oh umm yeah. I guess it was because of all the shocks of today. You know, meeting you guys, your dorm in less than three hours.” I left out the Key’s touching me part, as if anyone needs to know that.

“Omo, you’re so inconsiderate Key. Did you even know how she felt about all of this?” I asked, shaking my head.

Now it was Key’s turn to look apologetic. He reached out his hand and touched her cheek then patted it.

“I’m sorry, now go into the bathroom and change out of those wet clothes. I’ll clean this up” Key indicated to the floor.

“No, I’ll clean it. I made the mess.” She protested

“No. Go and get change.”

They were so busy arguing that they didn’t notice me leave. I know it shouldn’t be me who would clean it up. I’ll be creating more of a mess if anything.

I closed the door softly to my room this time. Jonghyun and Minho looked up at me and questioned the lack of snack with me. I only told them that they shouldn’t interrupt the sweet moment outside.


Soo Jin’s P.O.V

This guy was so damn stubborn! Why can’t he just let me clean the damn mess?

“Omo, you stubborn girl,” Speak of yourself “Fine, I’ll let you clean the mess. But only after you’ve changed.”

“Do you promise to leave it there for me to clean?”

“Fine, fine, I promise.” Key popped his hands up in surrender.

I sighed, grabbed my suitcase as Key led me to the bathroom. It was luxurious. I know that that’s an odd thing to say about a bathroom. But it really was. Cream colored tiles that went up the wall. The tile feature wall behind the double basin and mirror was a simple design of cream and white but it was beautiful the way it complemented the bathroom. There was a huge bath tub on one side and a shower on the opposite side.

After a few moment of awe I opened my suitcase. It was only water so it wasn’t dirty. After rummaging through the suitcase I was able to get what I needed (It's the now outfit). Having rearranged my suitcase again I exited the bathroom.

I didn’t know where to put my suitcase so I decided to drag it with me to the living room again. Key was nowhere in sight and as I entered the living room I noticed straight away that the mess was gone. Not a shard of glass was left on the floor and no water mark was seen.

Damn him, he’s going to die once I find him.

I began my quest around the house to find Key and then kill him. I entered what seems to be the kitchen and it was empty. There was a plate of chicken bones on the table and I looked into the sink and there were dirty dishes filled to the rim. I shook my head in disapproval.

If I’m going to bother them by staying here I guess I should help out as a thank-you.

I dumped the chicken bones striped of all of its meat (and I mean ALL) into the bin and then got started on the dishes.

Fifteen minutes later I placed the last bowl I was drying down and smiled at my work.

Strangely enough none of the members have made an appearance. Just then I heard a loud thump. I went out of the kitchen, curious. The sound seemed to have come from behind a bedroom door. I stood there wondering whether or not I should enter.

I jumped when I heard singing coming from behind it,

“Whatever he does its Onew sangtae”

From the singing I can hear Key’s distinct voice and I can feel my annoyance surface again.

Damn him, he’s dead

I knocked very briefly before entering.


Key’s P.O.V

Gosh I was so jealous. I ran my hand through my hair after closing the door behind Soo Jin. I walked to our small broom cupboard and took out the dust pan and brush.

She’s going to be very angry isn’t she? But I don’t want that pretty skin to be at risk of being cut.

I thought as I picked up the glass pieces then got a cloth to wipe up the water.

The others were still inside Onew’s room so I went in casually and crawled under the bed.

“Ya! What are you doing under my bed?” Onew asked


“Is she really that scary that you have to hide under my bed?”

“Yeah she is, or at least, I know she will be when she finds out that I cleaned the mess when she made me promise not to.” I let out a huge sigh “It’s all your fault hung, so please don’t talk to me.”

The truth was that I was still angry at him but out of jealousy. I wanted to be the one to make sure that she was alright. I was angry because if it was not for the fact that I was an idol then I would continue to consider how I feel about her. But being one, at the slightest of attraction in a romantic way to a girl I’d have to push the feeling aside. I hate this.

I laid there for about 10 minutes just thinking and sorting out my feelings. While also feeling a bit dreaded since I can’t hide forever.

“Key is obviously interested. I mean, look at him. Taking her here instead of some other hotel. Panicking when she fainted, which never happened before regardless of who fainted, and then jealous when Onew hangs with her. I’d be surprised if he doesn’t ask her out by the end of the month.” Jonghyun’s voice caught my attention.

I poked my head out from under the bed straight away.

“Ya, hyung! You know that’s impossible, what would the fans say about Jongkeahhhh!” I squeaked out in panic since Onew was about to step on my head because he wasn’t looking where he was going.

I closed my eyes, covering my head. I can hear Onew’s surprised shout as well. Then I heard a heavy thud. There wasn’t any pain. Was it really that bad that at first I can’t feel the pain? No, the pain still hasn’t come yet. I slowly took my hand from my head and opened my eyes.

 Onew was lying in a heap, his expression was really scared mix with pain from the floor.

We laughed lightly as usual. Jonghyun, Minho and I “Whatever he does its Onew sangtae.” As we clapped out hands

Onew’s thought: Ya! You were the one poking you head out!

A brief knock sounded and before anyone could react Soo Jin opened the door wide, her expression etched with annoyance. That expression instantly changed when her eyes landed on Onew.

“Omo what happened to you Onew ssi? Are you hurt? What am I asking, of course it would hurt if you fall.” She gushed as she grabbed Onew’s hand and helped him sit up.

“Oh no, it doesn’t hurt, I’m used to it. Key just kind of took me by surprise when he poked his head out and I nearly stepped on him.”

“I’m glad you’re fine.” She patted his back like a mother comforting a child.

Why is she so close to him? I found her first.

“Ya! I was the one who nearly got stepped on! Why aren’t you making sure that I’m alright?” Frustration and jealousy boiled in my mind

She turned to me, eyes immediately turned to deadly daggers


I gulped

What have gotten myself into?


Ok, that’s your update after camp. I’m not sure if I’m going to update on Monday since this was such a long chapter compared to my other ones. Do you think the story is moving too fast or too slow? Please tell me because sometimes I think I’m going too fast.

I might update on Wednesday or some when then. Till then.

Subscribe and comment!


P.S Isn't the picture of Key cute? Look at his lips!!!! Love the fact that Taemin is in it as well. Speaking of which, where is Taemin in the story anyway? Don't worry, he'll make an appearance next chapter or the one after that, depends. ^.^

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lover-shipper #1
What is this???? How dare you not update while I'm away!!! I'm going to find you (should have skinned u yesterday when i saw you) and make you update!! <3 (no seriously)
update, update, update ^.^ congraaaats, btw <3 <3 lots of love to both of you ^.^
Onewsangtae #3
Faster update! Waiting for the story to continue:)
Yoonhaenadz #4
Minho!:)...i'll read it later..
Kimi123 you were the 13th PERSON to comment on my story since the blog was posted so you till get the 10 karma.
To everyone else, there is still 7 spots left to obtain 10 karma points! Comment!
Oh I forgot to say..... CONGRATS ON YOUR BOYFRIEND! :)
Oh well I'm your 64th person who commented but I just wanted to say thats its really good :) Update soon!
saguilar #8
Whaaaaa finally!!!