Sugar Rush!!

In which the starting is the Summer holidays

Hey guys, its been a while and I know that some of you were waiting for a long time. I'm sory everyone things just kept on popping up and then I was sick for a whole week so it's been very hard to update.  But enjoy this chapter cause i really liked writting it :P


Soo Jin’s P.O.V

I was still confused as to why SHINee would say that I have talent when I obviously don’t? I tried to get the thought out of my head as I made my way to the fridge and opened the freezer compartment.

I wonder what kind of ice-cream they have…

I rummaged through the small compartment.

“You won’t find any ice-cream there” A familiar deep voice advised. Every time we talk it always happen when I’m looking in the fridge.

“So where is it? Every house should have ice-cream” He didn’t say anything so I turned my head. Minho looked at himself.

“Oh, of course” I finally realized “But I don’t understand, even if you guys are on a diet you should still eat ice-cream”

“It’s too tempting to have it here” Taemin popped out of no where “Once, my trainer caught me eating half a box of ice-cream so he took it away from me” Taemin pouted “It was the limited edition banana flavor too.”

“Are we about to leave? Its quite hot so we should treat ourselves with ice-cream.” Onew walked into the kitchen “Come on, Jonghyun is waiting for us at the door."

“Ok,” I closed to freezer door

What kind of house doesn’t have ice-cream?


We walked out of a cute ice-cream parlor with our cup of ice-cream. Onew and I got vanilla, Key got strawberry, Jonghyun was eyeing his cup of Oreo ice-cream and Minho was trying to contain the much too excited Taemin, who got banana flavor, while balancing his choc-mint ice-cream at the same time.

I was a bright summer day and the sunlight that hit us was a bit tense but it was alright because I got ice-cream and SHINee with me.

“Soo Jin –ah,” turned my head and found Key shoving a spoon of strawberry ice-cream into my mouth.

“Key oppa, you don’t eat ice-cream often so you should save it for yourself”

“Bwoa? Who said it was for free? Give me a spoon of yours” Key said in mock demand

“Haha I see, ok say ahh”

“Ahh!” and I popped a spoon inside.

“Soo Jin, if I give you some of mine will you give me some of yours?” Taemin chirped

“Araso” and he fed me, gosh I feel like a bird.

And, like promised, I gave Taemin some of mine. Except, he bit down on the spoon so I couldn’t get it back. I switched tactic after a while and tried to get his spoon. Tactic         Fail

I swear the look in his eyes were so damn full of mischief.

“Yah! You two! Stop giggling and acting like a couple” We looked at Key innocently. “And don’t share ice-cream either”

“But umma, you shared ice-cream” Taemin whinned

“You usually don’t share food with anyone, why start now?”

“Soo Jin is the first person that is allowed to call me Tae-baby so she should be the first to share food with me. You can’t tell e to share or not anyways”

“I’m your umma and I can. So no sharing”

Tae frowned and turned to me pouting

“Umma have been even more naggy than usual.”

I laughed and out of pure rebellion, I shoved a spoon of vanilla ice cream into his mouth, now I feel like a mother bird.


Key’s P.O.V

I flet Jonghyun’s arm clapping my back.

“It’s alright to be jealous” he then smirked and went on

“What the hell,” I said in English


SJ’s P.O.V

Soon enough, our ice cream cups were in the bin.

“Ok, let’s go home” announced Jonghyun

“What? Why? We have the rest of the day so let’s just enjoy ourselves with food.” I wanted to keep going

“Our diet won’t allow it. We’re not allowed to eat ice-cream every day in fact it was recommended that anything like that is not to be consumed more than once per week.”

“But that’s ridiculous! You guys are already so skinny”

“I’ve already broken the limit, once eating ice-cream when we met and once today. At this rate I will be fat!” Key piped in. I looked at him you have got to be kidding me.

“Ok, I’m starting to doubt that SM can distinguish between anorexic, skinny and healthy weight. I’m afraid that they think anorexic is skinny, skinny is healthy and healthy is fat. Either way we are going”

“But” I cut Taemin off

“Tae-baby, I have something to tell you. Yesterday I drank a bottle of you banana milk.” Taemin’s eyes widened and mouth dropped. It took all I got not to laugh.

“I was planning  to buy you a liter of banana milk to repay you, and I still will, but, I will buy you two liters of banana milk if you come with me now.:

I left him time to ponder, is it better to have one or two liter of banana milk. Two of cause but the diet!

He looked at his hyungs who shook their head. Don’t do it Taemin

Then he looked back at me then back to his hyungs, back and forth back and forth, it was truly dizzying

“AAGHH! I’M COMING WITH YOU!” He finally yelled

“Yay!” “Yah!” One exclamation was of joy while the other was of shock

I grabbed Tae’s hand and started pulling him along before anyone else can say anything.

I could just catch the frustrated sigh Minho threw out before hearing footsteps behind us, running to keep up.

I smiled, time for them to eat!

I gasp and could feel my eyes lighting up. It was a doughnut shop! I threw the door open and bought six jam doughnuts and handed them out. Taemin looked at his, bit a bit of it, looked up, smiled and started to devour the doughnut.

I looked at the others who seemed to be more hesitant.

“Well come on, don’t waste my money” As soon as I said so they wolfed it down as though they haven’t in days.


I had to forbid them from buying a second doughnut, after all there were so many more food to taste.

Next up was chips, jelly, ice tea, chocolate, sushi milk tea and so many more afterwards. After a few tastes, the members seemed to have forgotten all about their diet and was joyously eating anything given to them.

However, it was until the cotton candy which I came across in a small faire that the members started acting funny. We were in a secret park, out of anyone’s view, when I noticed that Jonghyun has not stopped smiling. He looked more like a happy puppy now than ever.

“Soo Jin-ah”

“Yes Tae-baby?”

“Jonghyun is… smelling me”

“WHAT?!” I gently pushed Jonghyun off Taemin without being too rude.

“He always does that when he’s high on sugar.”

“That doesn’t mean that it’s ok.” I swatted Jonghyun’s hand away from Taemin

“Usually umma woul- uff!”

Taemin stumbled as Jonghyun threw himself on Taemin.

“What, is, going, on, here?”

I cringed, Taemin sighed and Jonghyun, well, me made a noise that resembled a whimpering puppy.

Yep, Key is on “Dark” mode, again. Jonghyun continued to make puppy noises while slowly crawling backwards, at the same time Key advanced.

“Ok, ok, break it up. The last thing we need is unwanted attention” With that I pushed Key in the opposite direction while Jonghyun scurried off somewhere else.

“Chicken!” I sighed, never could I have imagined a bit of sugar could turn out like this.

“Onew! Please control yourself…..” My words died off as I saw the leader walking like a chicken

“Cliché really,” Minho stood next to me and watched Onew without concern. I forced my mouth to shut and sat down on a bench

Minho lowered himself next to me. Taemin was now taking advantage of puppy Jonghyun, who was now on all four with Taemin on his back. Key was working out his ‘dark’ mode at a tree, punching it repeatedly while dark aura pulsed out of him. As for Onew, he bought a bucket of chicken and did the chicken dance while he ate.

“You have got to be kidding me.”

“I know, sometimes I wonder if I’m the only sane one in the group.”

“Although, your random aegyo is pretty unusual for you”

 He looked at me, mouth opened

“Aish this kid!” He chuckled as he ruffled my hair


I looked around again and saw that Key has settled down and sat watching over Taemin while Jonghyun ran off to play with the chicken who was eating chicken. I smiled without realizing it.

“Minho oppa, have you ever liked someone that you know you won’t stand a chance to be with?”

“Yeah” he said softly

“Really?” I looked at him. He just nodded

“Then what do you do?”

“I don’t know, I really don’t know”

I let out a small gasp “You mean you still feel that way?” Silence, then.

“we are friends for long time now, but I know that I don’t stand a chance because she us the most beautiful amazing and talented girl I have ever met.”

“Don’t be silly, anyone who rejects you would be a fool. Have courage and say something”

“Thanks, I’ll think about it. How about you? Shouldn’t you say something to that someone?” He poked me. Yep, random aegyo.
I shook my head

“From the sound of it, the girl you are talking about is also from SM/a big company. Meaning that she is close to your ‘rank’. Me and that someone? Not so much.”

“How would you know? Anyone who rejects you is a fool. Just say to him how you feel and if he make you sad or cry, send him over to me and I will take care of it.” He winked and raised his fists.

I laughed, imagining the things he’d do with his charisma.

“Arasso, I’ll think about it. Now, how about we get them out of here and go back home?” I jabbed my fingers to the still slightly crazed members.

“Ahh, yeah we should go “ Minho stood up and started to walk away.

“Oppa” He turned around “Thank you”

He nodded “ Thank you to you too”

And we walked back to the clucking Onew, barking Jonghyun, sleeping Taemin and the unusually quiet Key.


So here we are, at the end of yet another chapter. I'm contemplating whether or not i should go on hiatus. Now that I have school AND wait for it...... a boyfriend (yes people be proud of me, I'm not going to be a loner :P) I'm not gonna have as much time to update. I'll let you gúy know some when ok? Thanx for reading!

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lover-shipper #1
What is this???? How dare you not update while I'm away!!! I'm going to find you (should have skinned u yesterday when i saw you) and make you update!! <3 (no seriously)
update, update, update ^.^ congraaaats, btw <3 <3 lots of love to both of you ^.^
Onewsangtae #3
Faster update! Waiting for the story to continue:)
Yoonhaenadz #4
Minho!:)...i'll read it later..
Kimi123 you were the 13th PERSON to comment on my story since the blog was posted so you till get the 10 karma.
To everyone else, there is still 7 spots left to obtain 10 karma points! Comment!
Oh I forgot to say..... CONGRATS ON YOUR BOYFRIEND! :)
Oh well I'm your 64th person who commented but I just wanted to say thats its really good :) Update soon!
saguilar #8
Whaaaaa finally!!!