Chapter 9

In which the starting is the Summer holidays

Chapter 9

Yay! Finally an update ^.^ Please enjoy!


Soo Jin’s P.O.V

“You!” I tried to restrain some of the anger from my voice but I guess I failed.

Key gulped.

“What are you doing under there? Huh? Your head is a hazard, what if Onew did step on you? Not only would your head be squashed in but Onew might have sprained his ankle or something worse. Now tell me is that good? No, if that had happened how would you two be able to perform?” I shot him these questions as I grabbed his hands to heave him from under the bed.

“Another thing, why isn’t the mess there? I know I’m making a big fuss but Key. What if you had been cut? Far out Key!” I punched him on the chest with every emphasized word though I doubt that it hurt him. I didn’t want him hurt it would ruin his beauty whether the cut is on his hand or face.

“Stop panicking, I’m fine. See? No cuts, none whatsoever.” He grabbed my wrists and wrestled it to the floor and I started kicking him, not hard or anything, and he used his leg to pin those down as well. I laid on the floor, hair a shrewd, panting from the struggle and pined on the floor.

“I’m alright, ok? Now stop worrying, I’ll tell you if I am.”

My glare wavered and dropped. And I nodded, I was just worried as over a small thing. I looked into Key’s feline eyes. They were so pretty only to be ruined by the bags under them. I frowned.

“Kya!!! My innocent eyes cannot unsee!” We both turned our heads to the voice

It was Jonghyun, one hand covering his eyes and one stretched out as though to stop us.

We blushed furiously and Key got off me and I sat up.

“Pfft, as if hyung. You are after all the king of skin ship.” Minho pointed out.

“I’m sorry everyone, for all the fuss.” I bowed my head

“No it’s alright. Why don’t we just sit and get to know each other.” Onew smiled and I smiled back gratefully.

With that the five of us sat in a rough circle with me between Key and Onew.

“Where’s Taemin by the way? I haven’t seen him”

“Oh he said earlier that he’s going out and won’t be back till late.” Minho explained

There was a moment of silence.

“I still think that I should leave. I’m grateful that you guys are letting me stay but there opt to be a hotel free”

“No, there’s none, I checked when you were unconscious.” Key said looking around at the members

“Yeah, there are no hotels free right now.” Minho dragged out the no and then grinned at Key.

I cocked my head in confusion and looked at Key. Did I just catch the end of a glare? Yeah right.

“Fine, how long am I staying and is this actually allowed?” I wanted to find out all of the information regarding my stay.

“As long as you need to.” Key answered again the other members just nodded.

“I’ll try finding a hotel while I’m here. How about the second question?”

“No need to look we will do it for you”

I waited for Key to continue but he didn’t

“Fine, but I get this feeling that you are avoiding the other question.”

“Which was what?”

I mentally rolled my eyes, now I know for certain that he is avoiding that question.

“Is my stay actually allowed?” I stressed every word

Key laughed nervously, Onew turned his head to look at a wall, and Minho bit his bottom lip and glanced around while Jonghyun scratched the back of his neck.

I let out a sigh:” I’m not supposed to be here am I? I knew it from the sneaking part. What will happen if someone finds out?”

“It depends on who it is. We’ll try to convince them to keep it quiet, but if it’s someone like the manager then I’m sure they are not going to hurt you. They probably will get you to sign a secrecy document then send you off somewhere safe.” Jonghyun stated

“You guys are rebels. Oh Gosh SHINee members are rebels. Wouldn’t it be easier if I go to a manager? You said they will send me off to somewhere safe.”

“Don’t even think about it. It took a lot to bring you up here. Don’t wave our efforts away.” Onew looked at me a bit pleadingly.

Onew, Jonghyun, Minho’s thought: We are going to get Key and Soo Jin together *evil grin*

I sigh again, I’m doing that a lot today

“Fine,just don't regret it you guys are going to be tired of me soon enough.”

“Yay, and I doubt that we will.” Key said smiling “Now, can we stop being serious and talk about ourselves?”

I just nodded.

“Well, ummm” I had imagined talking to SHINee many times but actually sitting in front of all of them (minus Taemin) is different.

“So how old are you? You’re younger than us right?” Onew finally spoke and broke the silence.

“Yeah, I’m sixteen. So Onew you’re five years older than me.”

“Really?” Key’s voice full of surprise “I thought you would be older than that.”

“What? Do I look old?” I touched my face, offended

“No, no. You look young.” Key quickly said “You just don’t act like it.”

“How would you know Key ssi?”

“Ok, that’s it. I’m sure the others would agree with me that you should stop calling us ssi. It make us feel old, to you it’s oppa.” Onew butted in.

“… I never really called anyone oppa before.” And it was true I never have. I find it hard for it to flow naturally in my speech.

“Try it babe, we won’t force you but it would be nice.” Jonghyun finally said

“Did he… Did he just call me babe?” I stammered looking at Key, confused

“Don’t worry he sometimes does that.” He looked at me reassuringly, and then turned to Jonghyun “Although, I’m sure you won’t do that again will you hyung?” Key smiled but his tone was laced with threat.  

“H…ha..ha” Jonghyun laughed dryly “Yeah.. I’ll try…” Obviously threatened

“Ok,” all eyes turned to me. I looked at Onew “Onew ss… oops… Onew oppa.” I smiled I like calling him oppa. Onew smiled as well seeing as I was using oppa.

“Jonghyun oppa and Minho oppa” I grinned, this was getting easier. I then turned to Key. My heart unconsciously beat harder.

“Key…” He looked at me expectantly, the word stuck in my throat “Key…” I tried covering it up with a smile

Damn, why is it so hard?

“Key op… AGHHH. I can’t do this.” I whined and covered my blush. Why can’t I say it to him? The others were so easy. I sound like a kid trying to say a word for the first time.

“Come on, try again” Minho urged, smiling

“Key… KEY OPPA!” I shouted then quickly covered my mouth like I said something wrong. I can feel my face blushing.

The others laughed lightly but Key didn’t say anything, just turned his head to the side.

Key- *blush blush blush blush* Omo, omo, that was so cute. I love how she calls me oppa.

I let my blush die down then uncovered my mouth. I can’t believe I’m in the building that I always wanted to work in since I was small and calling SHINee oppas.

“Why didn’t start calling us oppas before though? Usually fans would call us by oppa straight away.” Minho asked

“Well, I’m not used to calling people oppa in the first place and I don’t think it would be appropriate if I called you oppa without your permission first.”

All but Key looked at me with their lips slightly parted and eyes wide. Then their eyes turned to Key who was smirking.

“Told you she was different.” He said smugly

“What? There are lots of other fans who think like that. It just so happens that I was the one to tell you.” I was confused as to why they are so surprised.

“Ok, moving on.” Onew said seemingly have shaken off the surprise “Is anyone hungry? I feel like…”

“Chicken?” We all finished for him expectantly. Onew smiled like an excited kid

“But hyung, you just had some like less than an hour before.” Key whined

“Yeah, I saw the plate of stripped chicken bones left on the table. I cleaned it up along with the heap of dishes in the sink.” I love how the chicken bones where really stripped

“Ughhh! I leave you guys by yourself for a few hours and you already began to make a mess of the house? Worse, why does Soo Jin have to be the one to clean it up?”

“It’s ok, I have to repay you for letting me stay here. But I have to agree with Onew, I’m a bit hungry I haven’t had anything since breakfast and the cup of coffee at the café.”

“Ok, let’s go.” Key agreed straight away and the others also stood up knowing that they won’t be able to change Key’s mind.

“What are we eating? Can we have chicken?” Onew jumped up and down

“NO!” the other members said

I laughed, the leader is so childish and the others are picking on him.


I’m sorry that this chapter . I’m having a writer’s block, perhaps I should read the feature story 101 tips to fight & overcome writer’s block :D

I’m not sure if the whole oppa thing is right because I’m not familiar with the language too much. I know this chapter was boring so I promise that the next chapter will be better.

And Taemin hasn’t shown up yet!!! I know when he is supposed to come in but I still haven’t reached that part yet. For those who are Taemin biased please be patient!!


P.S the next chapter will be next week and will be quite long ^.^

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lover-shipper #1
What is this???? How dare you not update while I'm away!!! I'm going to find you (should have skinned u yesterday when i saw you) and make you update!! <3 (no seriously)
update, update, update ^.^ congraaaats, btw <3 <3 lots of love to both of you ^.^
Onewsangtae #3
Faster update! Waiting for the story to continue:)
Yoonhaenadz #4
Minho!:)...i'll read it later..
Kimi123 you were the 13th PERSON to comment on my story since the blog was posted so you till get the 10 karma.
To everyone else, there is still 7 spots left to obtain 10 karma points! Comment!
Oh I forgot to say..... CONGRATS ON YOUR BOYFRIEND! :)
Oh well I'm your 64th person who commented but I just wanted to say thats its really good :) Update soon!
saguilar #8
Whaaaaa finally!!!