The Shock

In which the starting is the Summer holidays

Hello Readers! Its been over a week, I'm sorry! But, the holidays just started and so I WILL HAVE MORE TIME TO WRITE YAY!

Important: This chapter will contain PG stuff so no not M rated because nothing really happens. But for the readers who are strict on Nos Nos then don't the marked bit (You will know) I repeat, nothing happens. Much.


Third person P.O.V

Taemin stumbled into his dorm, feeling as though his world was spinning around like crazy and not him. He shuffled forward then cursed as he tripped over the shoes that were sprawl all over the floor. He blindly stumbled through the house trying to find his room. After five of constant hic-upping and bumping into random things he had finally rapped his hand around his door handle. Leaning heavily on it he opened the door and pretty much collapsed inside.

Soo Jin’s P.O.V

I woke up with a start when the door to the room opened and a figure collapsed onto the floor.

“Ommo, who is it? Are you alright? Key oppa?” I worriedly questioned as I sat up in my bed.

The figure groaned and slowly lifted himself up, he slowly made his way to the middle of the room and I gasped when I realized it was Taemin.

“Taemin! It’s so late are you alright?”

He turned his head to but didn’t say anything

“Oh! I’m sorry, you don’t know what’s going on so you must be confused. Let me ex.”

I yelped as Taemin pounced on me and pinned me on the bed

“You don’t have to explain, I know why you’re here” He whispered into my ears

The smell, his breath, there was something wrong with it. Realization dawned on me

“Taemin have you been drinking?” I asked in disbelieve.

“I must say hyungs have good taste, you’re cute but with great femininity.” He purred as though I didn’t say anything.

I tried to squirm out of his grip but his whole body was on mine and a hand was pinning my wrist on top of my head.

“T…Teamin, get off me please” I was getting worried

“Hum, as if I will.” Then my neck.

I froze. ---------

One of his hands sneaked under my over sized t-shirt and roamed a round my stomach. I wanted to yell him to stop and get off but then his lips came crashing down on mine. He forced his tongue into my mouth while at the same time taking off my shorts.

I began to cry, his kiss was choking me and the taste of alcohol was sickening. He finally let go of my wrist and I tried to use my hands and push him away but he was too strong. He began to run his hands up and down my inner thighs and more of my tears fell. Key, help me! I wanted to scream but I couldn’t.

I could tell that Taemin is taking off his pants and grinding up to me. I was scared and disgusted. He grabbed the edge of my shirt and lifts it over my head. His lips left mine and I used the chance to half scream half sob

“Key oppa, please help me” I felt it before I realized what was happening. My head was turned to the side and my right cheek was sore. He slapped me but this doesn’t stop me from saying

“Key oppa, help me. Please, come and save me. Oppa ” My calls were getting softer as my sobbing took over. Taemin was sitting on me, his lips moving downwards. --------


The door slammed opened and Taemin slowly turned his head as though it was barely a distraction.

Key rushed towards Taemin and full on threw him off the bed and then something happened, and reflecting on it later,  that I never expect will. Key slapped him. Then in a slit second Taemin punched Key. Then the other members entered and seeing what was going on Minho and Onew restrained Taemin while Jonghyun rushed to hold back Key.

“You son of a ! How could you! I’ll report this! And then you will go to jail for an underage! You son of a ” Key yelled in anger. The other member’s except for Taemin was shocked to silence. Key have never been like this to a person younger than him. He could get angry, pissed, violent with his hyungs but the most he will do to someone younger than him is get annoyed. Plus Taemin was considered his son.

“You,” Key started again but Jonghyun interrupted

“Shut up Key! Can’t you see the state Soo Jin is in?”

The whole time I kept whispering “Key oppa, Key oppa” voice cracking and tears continuously streamed down my face from the shock.

Key stopped fighting Jonghyun’s grip

“Soo Jin” he whispered and Jonghyun let Key go, trusting him not to do anything reckless.

The other’s quickly carried Taemin outside and Jonghyun looked at me sadly before closing the door, leaving me and Key alone. I was still sobbing and saying his name. Key silently climbed on the bed and gently held me. None of us cared at the fact that I was only in my underwear. I clung onto his shirt as I cried, he just hugged me and rubbed my back.

After a few moments I started to shiver but I didn’t care, Key did though and he slowly reached out and grabbed my T-shirt and quietly put it on me then went back to holding me. He laid us down on the bed with my head facing his chest.

“I sorry, I’m so sorry that you have to go through this.”

I shook my head firmly. It wasn’t his fault, I wasn’t expecting it either.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t here earlier to protect you”

“You’re here” I managed to choke out through the now less violent crying.

That was the last thing any of us said before we drifted off to sleep. With me felling scared, shocked but now safe but I didn’t know that Key’s heart was hurting so badly at seeing the traumatized me and while leaking a few silent tears himself.


Minho’s P.O.V

I was shocked at the events that just took place. I couldn’t believe that our dongsaeng nearly someone. Seeing him all droopy and completely drunk, mumbling about uncomprehend able just made me that much angrier.

I leant across the dining table and sniffed

Yep, definitely drunk.

“Taemin look up.” He didn’t seem to hear me

“Tae, look at me” I tried again. Slowly he lifted his head and his eyes were unfocused.

“How many times have we told you not to go out until late at night?” I sternly asked

“I’m not..hic.. a child hyung… hic…”

“You’re not a child? You are a child Taemin! You went out got drunk, not caring about your image, then you come home and nearly a girl, Tae!” I snapped

“Who cares about the girl? She’s a freaken . And what have I got to keep my image for? So what if we’re idols? I don’t give a damn anymore.” He half shouted, speech slurred

“She is not a ! What do you know about her? And what was that about not caring? Well fine, be the selfish thing you’re going to be but next time freaken think before you do anything!” I didn’t know that I was going to hit him and I would have if Onew didn’t grab my arm fast enough.

“Enough Minho, can’t you see he’s drunk? We’ll talk to him about it tomorrow when his head is cleared up. He probably won’t even remember this.” Onew’s voice was full of giving up.

I was shocked with myself as I realized it myself but I was really worried about how our beloved maknae is growing up to be. I don’t want him to stray to the wrong path.

I signed and the three of us cared the maknae onto the couch to sleep for the night. He was already out like a light.

The three of us sighed as we looked down at out sleeping dongsaeng, how did he turn out like this?

We dully said good night to each other and I returned to my room, collapsed on my bed and wished that I could sleep until tomorrow night.


Omo! This is Taemin we’re talking about! Yeah see! nothing happened! But it is Taemin we are talking about I'm sorry if I offened anyone. I love Taemin, honestly. (But Key's my bias ^.^)

I'm so gald that they made their comeback which is ver successful! Hwaitting SHINee!!

Next update will be in a few days time ^.^

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lover-shipper #1
What is this???? How dare you not update while I'm away!!! I'm going to find you (should have skinned u yesterday when i saw you) and make you update!! <3 (no seriously)
update, update, update ^.^ congraaaats, btw <3 <3 lots of love to both of you ^.^
Onewsangtae #3
Faster update! Waiting for the story to continue:)
Yoonhaenadz #4
Minho!:)...i'll read it later..
Kimi123 you were the 13th PERSON to comment on my story since the blog was posted so you till get the 10 karma.
To everyone else, there is still 7 spots left to obtain 10 karma points! Comment!
Oh I forgot to say..... CONGRATS ON YOUR BOYFRIEND! :)
Oh well I'm your 64th person who commented but I just wanted to say thats its really good :) Update soon!
saguilar #8
Whaaaaa finally!!!