Chapter 4

In which the starting is the Summer holidays

Chapter 4

Soo Jin's P.O.V

 SHINee, I love them but I’m not one of those who are crazy with the- everything have to be SHINee related or if I see them I have to touch them or if I see them I don’t think I can retain myself from kissing them or practically them. No, I’m not that type. I love them, for their music, it’s just so that they look good at the same time. Plus instead of being wild and crazed I’d like to be polite just to say that not all Shawols are having mental breakdown.

But still, it feels weird to be sitting in front of an idol which practically everyone knows. My eyes were still wide from shock while Key was now awkwardly staring at his hand. I felt as though someone just shoved butterflies down throat. It isn’t pleasant to imagine nor was it a good feeling. I can feel the heat rush to my cheeks and I hate it because before I knew who he was I was so confortable and I even felt a bit confident, a feeling that I don’t usually have for people I just met. But now that I know his status in society, which is much higher than mine, I felt as though I made a fool of myself before speaking to him so casually.

Oh, gosh I have spent the last half hour, wasting time of an idol. You know time is everything for them. Stupid Soo Jin should have known from his lips and voice. Oh gosh, oh gosh. Ok, ok, calm down, calm down, you have to sort this out right? You can do it.

My stomach was still full of butterflies but I took a shaky breathe before talking.

Key’s P.O.V

She has been sitting like that for the last five minutes. It was quite amusing really, her big brown doe eyes even bigger than usual. Her lips parted just slightly in shock. I wanted to laugh but I stared down at my hands instead. Damn, why does she have to be so cute when the situation is nothing to laugh at?

Well what have you done Key? You want to run before she snaps out of it, goes crazy and shout that you were here. Then again you can’t leave her. There have been lots of news about these days and the last thing I want is for her face to be on the news…not that it wasn’t pretty to look at.

She took a shaky breath.

Well here goes, the usual screaming.I scrunched my eyes my in anticipation.

“What happened to your schedule?” she asked in a leveled voice.

I looked up at her in surprise. She should be screaming right now.

My surprise must have shown on my face because then she shrugged. She looked completely calm but her hand shook slightly as she lifted her cup before continuing.

“Would you rather that I’d be one of those girls and scream right now?” She said jokingly

“Ani, ani, it’s not that. I just never really met someone like you before.” I quickly replied

“Not all Shawols are crazy. I’m behind the absolute obsessive fans. Just don’t get the screaming ones wrong, all Shawols care for SHINee.” She smiled then blushed at what she just said

I smiled as well, half because of the thought and half because her smile is contagious.

I can see through her, even though I only known her for an hour. She was really nervous but she’s trying to cover it up, it’s cute but I wish she would open up more. Before my disguise was ruined she was talking to me in a more opened way like we were friends. It’s nice because usually when I meet someone for the first time they would judge me as an idol.

“Why don’t you just talk to me like normal? Like you did before you knew?” I asked her

“You’re an idol, Key.” She simply stated

I nodded, of course. I lowered my head in disappointment.

“But I can try…” Her voice sounded weird, and then I heard a stifled noise from her.

I looked at her in hope. One of her hands was covering and her eyes looked amused. She let out a small “Ha!” before landing her head on the table and started laughing. I instantly smiled as well, her laugh sounded angelic.

“Your…mole is..haha…your mole is…coming off” She said between fits of laughter.

I put my hand near my mouth and sure enough the clear square sticker to stick the ‘mole’ on was now only dangling by the corner. I chuckled as I took it off completely.

When she regained her composer she looked up at me. Though the amusement is still in her eyes and her cheeks still flushed. I was glad that she was acting openly to me again.

“I’m sorry, but who does your disguises? Even the wig is obvious.”

“I did actually. I know it was a y job right?”

She nodded, brushing away some of her black mane from her face.

“But it more to have to do it in the first place right? I can’t imagine myself trying to disguise as someone I’m not. It’s like I’m ashamed of myself, having to cover up and watch what to do in public just because I’m good at what I’m passionate about.” After a paused she blushed and said “Sorry that was cheesy wasn’t it?”

I only looked at her in amazement. What she said sounded as though it was coming from her heart. How can she be so cute, shy, trying to be strong and honest? I swear I have never met anyone like her before and it baffles me. That was when I made my decision.


Ok I know this was could have been a confusing chapter. Even my head was trying to sort out what’s going on and I’m the author. So now I’m just going to clear things up for everyone.

When Soo Jin met unknown she acted cold and guarded even though she was really scared at the possibility of or kidnapped. At the café shop she gradually opened up because she felt like she can trust him and for the first time she connected with someone she just met straight away.

After she found out about Key she was putting on a mask again and only acted politely because he was an idol. After Key asked her to be opened to him she realized that this must happen to him a lot the: I’m opened to you when I don’t know who you are but judge you and act differently when I do know situation. So she opened up to him again.

As for Key

He felt happy when Soo Jin dropped her cold mask and talked to him. For him it felt like no one was judging him a feeling he forgot once he became a star. He convinces her to be opened again after she slightly close off. He is then baffled at the way she reacts because it is the first time he’s met a fan who was so understanding.

Ok and that’s all I hope that cleared things up for you more or less. And please continue to read. This chapter mostly got to do with Soo Jin’s personality and I somehow managed to make it very complicated. And to my silent readers (if there are any) please voice up and comment or I’ll feel discouraged. And thank you to my first two subscriber, you have motivated me to write more thank you!

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lover-shipper #1
What is this???? How dare you not update while I'm away!!! I'm going to find you (should have skinned u yesterday when i saw you) and make you update!! <3 (no seriously)
update, update, update ^.^ congraaaats, btw <3 <3 lots of love to both of you ^.^
Onewsangtae #3
Faster update! Waiting for the story to continue:)
Yoonhaenadz #4
Minho!:)...i'll read it later..
Kimi123 you were the 13th PERSON to comment on my story since the blog was posted so you till get the 10 karma.
To everyone else, there is still 7 spots left to obtain 10 karma points! Comment!
Oh I forgot to say..... CONGRATS ON YOUR BOYFRIEND! :)
Oh well I'm your 64th person who commented but I just wanted to say thats its really good :) Update soon!
saguilar #8
Whaaaaa finally!!!