Chapter 3

In which the starting is the Summer holidays

OK readers thank you for reading up till here. In this chapter there will be the appearance of a certain someone! Yay finally this boring story is really starting! Anyways please enjoy!


Soo Jin's P.O.V

Of all my sixteen years alive I don’t think I have been this excited or have had this much fun. The hotel I was staying at was amazing. It was right inside to city and was very big. My family wasn’t rich or poor but it would still be a stretch to book this for the whole holidays. Think about it, the summer holiday lasts for just under two months.  

But enough of that, I was having a great time. That was until…

I was on my two day long tour and when I got back my room was flooded. Yeah, I know. Apparently my room was underneath the pool and then the crappy architecture gave and Ta-Da, you got yourself a room filled with chlorine water.

Luckily, all my stuff and suitcase was with me on the tour so none of the items were damaged. The hotel manager apologized profusely and gave me all of the money back. The poor guy, stressing like hell trying to fix everything, I didn’t have the heart to yell at him so I reassured him that at least no one was hurt.


I’m standing outside of the hotel, with lots of money in my wallet, a not so small suitcase and have no idea where to go. I didn’t want to call my parents; they were always busy and away. The week they told me about the trip was actually the only week they got off as a break. Right now one might be overseas and one could be across the country.

No,I thoughtI can’t trouble them like that.

So I started to go around for a hotel to stay at.


To think that Seoul is such a big place and yet not one hotel I have been to have a free room. I stifled my sigh as I exited the hotel with no room for the dozen times. I was getting frustrated so I decided to just have a walk.

Right, this is not working.

Instead of calming me down, every step I took got me feeling more frustrated and lonely. I came across a park and, heaving my suitcase with me; I sat down on the bench and watched the children play.

No doubt I was looking like a person who just got kicked out of home with suitcase and all. I, myself, was feeling embarrassed carrying it around but I had no choice.

I got out a sigh and started to worry.

What if I don’t find somewhere to stay? Will I get ? Kidnapped? I’m not really pretty or anything but you never know when people get desperate, right?

I puffed up my cheeks and continued to worry.  

Someone’s P.O.V (you will find out)

I was sitting there, eating my ice-cream and thinking of how excited a certain maknae would be if he was here right now, when I girl caught my attention. She was dragging along her suitcase as she sat down on a bench not far from mine.

Her expression was of frustration then turned to worried. She heaved out a sign and a few seconds later she puffed up her cheeks as her eyebrows scrunched in deep thought. I would have thought it was cute but she was obviously troubled.

I had wanted my day off to be quite but peaceful, but I guess I’m going to change that myself.

I thought as I finished my ice-cream.

Hope she doesn’t recognize me. My disguise is good right?      

Soo Jin’s P.O.V

I felt a shadow over me and I looked up. The person was skinny with white skin in tee-shirt and jeans. He had on sunglasses with long jet black hair and a cap. Though there was something about the hair line… Then his lips caught my attention, they were full and bowed and looked familiar. There was also a mole near his lips though even that looked fishy.

I stiffened, I was as scared as heck but I have to appear strong so that it didn’t make seem like an easy target.

I looked at him; my face faked a guarded expression.

“Umm… are you alright?” He asked his voice was also so familiar but I shook off the feeling. The person I’m thinking of should have blondish hair right now and no mole either.

“Yeah…why?” the last word quavered a bit and I silently cursed myself for it.

Someone’s thought: She’s trying to be strong but she’s really nervous. This person is interesting.

 “Well...umm…you looked lonely and worried.” He said awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.

I continued with my cold façade, raising eyebrows and silently sending him an and?

He blushed slightly, kind of cutely, oh Soo Jin what are you thinking? This person might be trying to do something to you and you think his blush was cute? Plus he got a mole for god sake!

“Did you want me to keep you company?” He said “Maybe we can go to that café across the road”

How do I know you won’t try something funny?” I asked “I’m not one those girls you can just pick up.”

“Of cause not, I give you my word, you can shoo me away the moment you want me to go. I promise.” He said sincerely.

Well he does seem sincere, and the café was just across the road. There are plenty of people to make sure nothing happens.

“Fine, but I’m buying my own drink and food.” I finally replied. Don’t want to be drugged now do we?   


We started talking random stuff like K-pop and music in general. After a while I dropped my façade because he seems like one of those honest people.

“So, what’s with the suitcase?” He asked

I hesitated, I’m not the type to spill out everything but my gut instinct to me to trust him. So I told him about it.

“I see, that’s a crappy hotel. I’ll have to tell the manager, we have been staying there whenever we have our break, escaping the fans.” He said, whispering the last part.

“Pardon?” I asked, not sure if I caught the last part right.

“No nothing.” He said

Just a waiter walked by and accidently knocked to guy on the head with his elbow, causing his sunglasses to fall off. I was in total shocked a fell out of my chair as I gave out a yelp.

He quickly put on his sunglasses on again and went over to me to help me up. It was too late, I already saw. I already saw those eyes, those feline eyes that I would see on TV or on posters. KEY?!


Yes another chapter, from here on there will be more apearance of SHINee, obviously, but YAY! I really hope that you will keep reading and support me in your heart. That was kind of cheesy... sorry... But i really enjoyed writting this so yeah i won't bable on anymore. Subscribe and please comment if there was any mistakes! :D

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lover-shipper #1
What is this???? How dare you not update while I'm away!!! I'm going to find you (should have skinned u yesterday when i saw you) and make you update!! <3 (no seriously)
update, update, update ^.^ congraaaats, btw <3 <3 lots of love to both of you ^.^
Onewsangtae #3
Faster update! Waiting for the story to continue:)
Yoonhaenadz #4
Minho!:)...i'll read it later..
Kimi123 you were the 13th PERSON to comment on my story since the blog was posted so you till get the 10 karma.
To everyone else, there is still 7 spots left to obtain 10 karma points! Comment!
Oh I forgot to say..... CONGRATS ON YOUR BOYFRIEND! :)
Oh well I'm your 64th person who commented but I just wanted to say thats its really good :) Update soon!
saguilar #8
Whaaaaa finally!!!