Key's Dark side

In which the starting is the Summer holidays

We walked around Seoul’s street, with SHINee in their disguises (professionally done this time), trying to find a place to eat. They led me to a fine Korean restaurant and after being seated the members began to argue as to what to eat.

“I want chicken!” Onew stubbornly said once again.

“As if hyung, you just had chicken. You eat it every day and Key have to cook for you or we have to buy it.”

“Yeah lets have kimchi and something else” Jonghyun said excitedly

“I want to eat ramen…” Minho drifted off day-dreaming about ramen

“No, you can always eat it at home and you eat too much of it. Let’s have soba noodles.” Key said, closing the menu.

“But…” The others started

“Lalalalala, we’re having noodles, noodles. I can’t hear you lala.” Key covered his ears and moved his head.

In the end we ate noodles

“Aish, it’s like giving a child what it wants.” Jonghyun complained

It was 5 in the afternoon and we headed back to our dorm after the noodles. After that we pretty much spent our time deciding where I should sleep. In the end I was to sleep on the spare bed in Taemin’s room because we were closest in age. I was at first against this as Taemin was not here to decide but there was no choice so I went with it.

It was now 6 and Minho went out to have a run. Jonghyun, Onew Key and I where left in the house with nothing to do. We sat in the living room and Jonghyun scooted close to me. It was bit uncomfortable so I moved to the side a bit. He grabbed my chin and looked at me (most girls would have fainted but I was too uncomfortable to swoon)

“Hey? Did I tell you that you are cute? Be my girlfriend?” Jonghyun asked, his chocolate eyes boring into mine.

“W… what?” From the babe till now he was fine, I guess he the skin ship mode. But asking me to be his girlfriend is too outrages. I don’t like him in that way, I idolize him. Never the less, it made me blush and the atmosphere awkward.

“I asked if you wanted to be my girlfriend.” Jonghyun repeated, leaning closer to my face. I froze.

Then I saw Key stood up and stood next to Jonghyun, his hair covering his eyes.

“Yah,” I shivered, his voice dripped in menace. He reached one hand out and grabbed Jonghyun’s ears. I’m serious, the air coming off Key was scary. With that Key pulled Jonghyun’s ears and led him to a bedroom. Jonghyun’s eyes went wide in fear as he grimaced at the pain. I saw him mouthing a help me before the door closed with a quiet click.

I blinked and wondered what just happened. Then my mouth dropped open when I started to hear Jonghyun in the other room.

“Ya, Key. Ah! That hurts, stop it! I’m sorry, yah!” Jonghyun sounded as though he was really in pain.

I slowly turned my head to Onew who didn’t do anything. He just shook his head

“I wouldn’t go in if I were you. Key is uncontrollable with this kind of stuff. Especially when he goes into his ‘dark’ mode”

“Stop hitting me! Yah, don’t you dare, I know what you’re about to do. I know you wouldn’t dare to kick me theAAAAAHHHHH!” I stood up, shocked. The yell slowly turned to a groan as I made my way to the door.

Before I could reach it though Key went out and shut the door behind him, dusting his hand. He looked up at me and smiled widely.

“Come on, let’s play on the Xbox.” He grabbed my hand and started to pull me.

“But, Jong.” I started

“Don’t worry about him. He’s fine.” Key said as he practically skipped down the hall.


Jonghyun’s P.O.V

I groaned in pain as I just lay on the floor, paralyzed.

The door opened and looked up to check who it was. Onew made his way over to me and gently pushed me up to a sitting position. Despite his attempt at being gentle I still winced at the pain.

“Gwenchana?” He made himself confortable on the floor opposite me.

“I’m sorry hyung but that has got to be one of the most stupid questions you have ever asked. I swear sometimes I think Key is a murderer hiding underneath his talent.”

 “You bought it upon yourself. The poor girl, getting a scare when you suddenly pounced on her like that. And you know how Key is.” Yeah, I did.

He sighed

“Well, come on, I’ll help you take care of those bruises. You can’t really sit here all day.” Onew pulled me up to the bed then went out and came back with bruising cream.

As he applied it to the bruises that were starting to show up I winced.

“Ok, that’s all of it. Although, I can’t really help you with the one down there.” He said awkwardly.

I sighed

“I’ll never forgive him if the doctors tell me that I have to adopt if I want children.”

We made our way out of the room, me limping a bit. I can hear Call of Duty on the Xbox playing and we made our way to the games room. As I entered a game just ended with Key beating Soo Jin by just two points.

“Are you a prodigy or something?! I’ve been playing for years and you only been playing for a year! How is that possible that you reached a score so close to mine?” Key complained, slouching on the couch.

“Haha. You’re just being nice.” Seeing her happy made me feel a bit guilty that I scared her, even though the intention was purely to make Key jealous.

Key saw me first and shot me a glare, I avoided my gaze and tapped Soo Jin on the shoulder, planning to apologize. Before I can get a word out

“Jonghyun oppa! Gwenchana? Did Key hurt you too badly because it sounded as though you were really in pain.”

“Ha? Oh no, it doesn’t really hurt. I just wanted to apol”

“Liar, I can see your bruises. Key oppa, apologize now please.”

All looked at Key and I knew it was pointless, Key never apologizes for what he does during ‘’dark’ mode.

The look on Key’s face was as though there was a full out war inside his head. Soo Jin looked at him expectantly while Onew and I knew that he won’t say it.

“I’m sorry,”

My eyes went out so big that I swear it would be bigger than Minho’s. Onew’s was as big as saucers.

“Wh…what did you just say?” I stuttered shocked out of my minds

“You heard me, and I will not repeat it.” With that he made his way out of the room. Two pairs of eyes followed the singer’s back out of sight, shocked as to what just happened.

That girl, that girl is something. How did she get him to apologize? This is god damn a miracle! To be noted in the pages of history. So she is something to him right? Have to be!

“Onew oppa, Jonghyun oppa, please close your mouth.” Shocked dinosaur is so hilarious and shocked dubu is irresistibly cute.

The two of us immediately shut our mouths.


“Why are the two of you looking as though I’m a goddess?”

We quickly went over and sat on either side of her.

“That’s because you are. Key never apologized for his ‘dark mode before, he refuses to. This is the very first time.” I explained

“What is this ‘dark’ mode? Onew oppa said it before as well.”

“It’s basically when Key gets so pissed that he loses his mind, producing a vibe that even light can’t brighten and no hits are given lightly. He only did it once before so it doesn’t happen a lot. The he hasn’t blown up on Taemin. Though I know without him telling that he won’t do it to someone younger, no matter how pissed off he is.” Onew said.

“Haven’t you tried to stop him? I mean look at Jonghyun oppa. The bruises look terrible, how are you going to perform or rehears?” Soo Jin lightly touched a bruise on my arm.

“The last time I tried to stop him I got a black eye. Luckily there was no schedule for 2 weeks. Even makeup won’t be able to hide it.” Onew unconsciously shivered as he thought back to the dark time.

“I’m fine anyways, and I just wanted to apologize for jumping on you.”

“Yeah umm, I’m sorry but I won’t be able to accept your offer whether it was true or not.” She smiled awkwardly at me.

“It’s because you like someone else don’t you?” I tried to sneak in the most important question ‘who do you like?’

“A…ani I don’t” She stammered, it was so obvious that’s she’s lying.

“It’s Key isn’t it. Am I right? Am I right? Of cause I’m right.” Soo Jin’s face flushed as bright as a tomato and remained silent.

“See, I’m right it is Key” Looked up at Onew who nodded. I looked back at Soo Jin. Her face was still red but something has shifted in her. Her eyebrows were pulled down a bit and her hand slightly clenched.

“Yeah, so what if it’s Key?” She started slowly “So what if it’s him? It wouldn’t make a difference anyway! He would never like me in that way anyway! You don’t have to tell me! Because I already know that I’m just a nobody while he is a freaken idol! You don’t have to tell me! Because I know that I don’t stand a chance with him!”

“Wait! What? No! That’s not…” But it was too late Soo Jin already left the room, eyes glistering.

I looked sadly at the door that she just existed from and frowned.

“That didn’t go well.” I stated

“Obviously, but I can understand what she means. We’re idols anyway, these things happen all the time. We won’t have a normal relationship.” Onew replied quietly


The sound of the front door closing start us out of our thoughts. We went out to the hall and saw Minho taking his shoes off.

“Hi, hyung! Where’s Key and Soo Jin?” Minho wiped off some of his sweat.

“Minho, you will not believe what just happened.” I poked him to stand still

“Ok? What happened?” He asked, grinning

“I asked Soo Jin to go out with me to make Key jealous. Key turned dark mode and left me paralyzed, then I found Soo Jin and Key playing the Xbox and she told Key to apologize and he did! You know that never happens! Soo Jin told us that she like Key but then she got upset because she thinks she’s not good enough for Key.” I spoke really quickly, hoping that Minho would understand the enormity of the events that took place.

Sure enough, his frog eyes were as wide as I have ever seen.

“You… you guys… you guys played Xbox when I wasn’t home?! I always ask you to play with me but you never do and the one time you decided to play I wasn’t home?! AGH!” With that he stomped into his room and slammed the door.

I looked at his door in disbelieve.

Aish that kid!


Soo Jin’s P.O.V

I lay on the bed, my eyes swimming. I felt so guilty to have burst up in front of Onew oppa and Jonghyun oppa like that. But it was true, even if he is interested in me we would never work out.

Why are you so childish?

Wait, what? Who was that?

Your mind, der! Now shut up and listen, you have to face this. Confess to him, you will never know if you don’t

As if it will work out

I already told you, you will never know. Face it, don’t be like other cowardly girls.

Yeah, whatever mind, just be quiet like before I thought as I mentally waved my hand


I opened a=my eyes and realized that I had fallen asleep. I got off the bed and stretched as I looked at the clock which was in a shape of a sun.

7: 15 it read

I cautiously opened the door. I wanted to talk to the others and say sorry for causing too much trouble but at the same time I wasn’t confident enough to face them again just yet.

I sneaked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, I was a bit hungry again. I smiled seeing a shelf of the fridge filled with banana milk Taemin

I tried looking for the normal milk but I didn’t find any so I grabbed a bottle of banana milk.

I’m sorry Taemin, I’ll make it up to you!

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Taemin will get upset.”

Minho’s deep voice nearly made me choke.

“oh, I’m sorry, but I was going to make up to him later.” I said then continued to drink

“Yeah? How were you planning on making it up to him?” Minho’s eyebrow rose

“Oh, I don’t know, I was thinking of buying him 3 litters of banana milk”

Minho chuckled “Are you hungry?”

“Yeah, I’m planning on fixing something up did you want any?” I scanned the fridge and saw vegetables “I’m making vegetable soup.”

“No, thanks. We’re on a diet so we’re not supposed to eat after 7.”

I shot up “What?! You guys are already so skinny and plus its soup, vegetable soup.”

“No thanks, but I’ll keep you company.” And he sat down on the dining table.

A few minutes later, as I was cooking, I heard noise from other members as they came into the kitchen as well. We said hi to each other and the other sat themselves down as well, planning to keep me company. Key seemed to have gone into a better mood and he smiled every time I looked at him.

Setting myself down on the table I raised my spoon, ready to eat. But then I put it down again

No, I can’t eat until I say something.

I stood from my seat and bowed towards Onew and Jonghyun.

“I’m really sorry about before. I shouldn’t have burst. I’m really sorry, not only am I stay at your dorm I’m also causing so much trouble.”

“Yah! You don’t have to say that. It was our fault as well, we should have understood and laid off the topic.” Onew calmly replied.

“Hey! What are you guys talking about. What did you do to her?”

The three of us turned towards Key

“Nothing!” we all said at the same time. His eyes narrowed but didn’t say anything more. The rest of the time we spent talking about my ‘great achievement’ and everyone was surprised and felt happy about it. Everyone but Key that is, who have gone back to a silent mode. Probably rubbing his damaged ego as Jonghyun said.

That night, as everyone slept, the front door opened slowly and then there were noise of someone stumbling over the piles of shoe at the door.


I’m so sorry for yet another bad and boring chapter :( Who could the person at the door be and what will happen? Wait till next chapter ^.^

This was a really long chapter so the next one won't be until late next week! Thank you and subscribe and comment!

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lover-shipper #1
What is this???? How dare you not update while I'm away!!! I'm going to find you (should have skinned u yesterday when i saw you) and make you update!! <3 (no seriously)
update, update, update ^.^ congraaaats, btw <3 <3 lots of love to both of you ^.^
Onewsangtae #3
Faster update! Waiting for the story to continue:)
Yoonhaenadz #4
Minho!:)...i'll read it later..
Kimi123 you were the 13th PERSON to comment on my story since the blog was posted so you till get the 10 karma.
To everyone else, there is still 7 spots left to obtain 10 karma points! Comment!
Oh I forgot to say..... CONGRATS ON YOUR BOYFRIEND! :)
Oh well I'm your 64th person who commented but I just wanted to say thats its really good :) Update soon!
saguilar #8
Whaaaaa finally!!!