Chapter 7

In which the starting is the Summer holidays

Chapter 7

Key’s P.O.V

I jogged down the familiar hallway holding Soo Jin’s hand, hoping that none of my hyungs would suddenly come out of their dorm. I stopped in front of our door and opened it, I waited for Onew to go in and shut the door behind me. Onew excused himself mumbling something about me interrupting his bonding time with his chicken. As Onew hyung disappeared Jonghyun hyung came into view.

“Took you long enough to get up here. I put her suitcase in the living room for now.” His eyes traveled down my arm and looked at Soo Jin’s and my still intertwined hands with a raised eyebrow.

I felt Soo Jin gently taking her hand out of mine. I suppressed a frown, her long and thin fingers fitted perfectly between my knuckles and it felt good to feel her smooth skin against mine.

“Hey, are you alright? You look kind of pale.” Jonghyun looked at Soo Jin.

I turned to face her, worried.

“Omo! You are so pale, are you not feeling well? Where does it hurt? Do you have a cold? Fever?” I frantically asked her, I held her cheeks and put my forehead on hers to feel if she has a temperature.    

She just stared at me, her eyes wide the whole time and a few seconds after my forehead was on hers she swayed and collapsed. She would have hit the tiled floor but I caught her. Without hesitating I scooped her up bridal style and rushed to the living room to put her on the couch.

“Omo, omo, omo” I put my hands on my forehead and spun around in panic “What’s wrong with her?!” In frustration I ripped off my wig and cap.

I suddenly felt strong hands on my shoulders spinning me around to face the shorter hyung.

“Key, calm down. What’s gotten into you? You usually know what to do, why are you panicking? Now, take a deep breath. She probably just tired or something ok?” Jonghyun told me calmly.

Slowly I nodded, I didn’t know what gotten to me. But the thought of her not alright filled me with worry that I cannot describe.

“What’s all of the commotion about?” I turned my head and saw Onew walking out of the kitchen with a drumstick in one hand.

“The girl fainted then Key went all panicky.” Jonghyun explained

“Well make sure that she is comfortable, maybe take off the jacket, in here is warm enough. Get a glass of water so that when she wakes up she can drink. Then after that come into my room, you have a lot to explain Key” Onew instructed as he turned to leave.

Just as I set down the glass of water on the table beside the still unconscious Soo Jin, Jonghyun and I heard the door slam shut. Minho, strode into the living room, looking all happy as he usually does when he sees Krystal. When Minho saw Soo Jin on the couch his expression changed to worried and curious.

“She fainted. Come on to Onew’s room I have to explain to you guys what all this is about.” I simply said.

Once we all settled on the floor of Onew’s room the others looked at me expectedly.

“Spill Key, why is she so important that you have to interrupt the bonding time between me and chicken, twice?”

“Well, her mane is Soo Jin. I met her at the park and she looked lonely so I asked her if she wanted to go to the café across the road and she said yes. Then my disguise kind of got blown so she went into shock.”

“Ok, how does that lead to her being on our couch? Did she say that if you don’t take her then she will scream and do all the erted stuff a.k.a start the extreme fangirling?” Onew asked me again

“She doesn’t have a place to stay. The hotel she was staying at, the same one that we go to to escape fans, was flooded so I kind of dragged her here with the intension of letting her stay here.” I explained

“And why didn’t you just take her to another hotel? There are plenty. Plus, even if she isn’t a fan, she could still spill gossips and all.” Jonghyun voiced

Avoiding the first question i said: “She is a fan of us.” Everyone’s eyes widened “But, that’s the thing” I started again before they pelted me with comments of how I’m such a babo.  “She isn’t the usual fan. Kind, polite and she understands us. You should hear her talk and once you do you will get what I mean.” I smiled slightly as I thought of her personality.

The three others suddenly all smirked and looked at each other before looking back at me. I felt a bit creep out.

“You have a thing for her don’t you?” Jonghyun slyly said

“A..ani , I don’t, I really don’t.” I quickly replied but I can feel my cheeks heating up and my heart beating faster.

“Fine, fine, if she’s not yours then I’ll go for her. She’s quite pretty now that I think about it.” Minho said lightly, wriggling his eyebrow.

“That’s right” Onew and Jonghyun nodded, grinning

“NO!” I yelled, slamming my hands down on the floor then jumped up in anger. They all looked up at me, surprised.

“You!” I pointed my index finger at Minho, eyes glaring “You already got Krystal!”

Minho’s face flamed in embarrassment “W…well, I haven’t really got her. I haven’t asked her…” He mumbled but I ignored him completely.

I then directed my finger and moved it rapidly between Onew and Jonghyun, “And you guys! Don’t you dare as to even touch her!”

Onew’s thought: ! His glare is literally sending lasers!

The three of them sat there looking expressionlessly at me while I still glared. But it was Onew who cracked first. Great bursts of laughter came out, and as soon as Onew made that noise the others cracked up as well. The three of them were rolling around, fists hitting the pale wooden floor.

Their laughter made me realize what I’ve done. My glare dropped and I quickly sat myself down my knees tucked to my chest and I buried my face to hide the furious blush.

“Ughhh!!” I hate the way I’m reacting to her. I never felt this way about a girl before, or at least not this strongly before.

I heard Onew scoot closer to me, still laughing slightly. He put a hand on my shoulder and pats it.

“Don’t worry this feeling is common.”

“Speak as though you know hyung. The only thing you have ever loved is chicken.” I mumbled.

I heard a shocked gasp of my leader

“I don’t mind you talking about my empty love life but never ever talk about chicken as though it’s worthless again you hear me?”

A laugh escaped me but I covered it with a cough. “Yes, hyung, I hear you.”


Ooooooohhhhhh, what’s going on here?

I'm sorry for updating so late for some. You, in the comment box, yes you lover-shiper. Calm down, don't presure me. You left like 10 miss calls.

Ok, I have sad news. I'm going to camp next week so i probably won't be able to update until i don't know Saturday maybe. Then i'll try to update on Monday as well. I'm sorry guys. :(

If you are sick of waiting go to a writter name zeerogue and read her stories. I swear it is some of the best writing there. Not sure if the following will work.

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lover-shipper #1
What is this???? How dare you not update while I'm away!!! I'm going to find you (should have skinned u yesterday when i saw you) and make you update!! <3 (no seriously)
update, update, update ^.^ congraaaats, btw <3 <3 lots of love to both of you ^.^
Onewsangtae #3
Faster update! Waiting for the story to continue:)
Yoonhaenadz #4
Minho!:)...i'll read it later..
Kimi123 you were the 13th PERSON to comment on my story since the blog was posted so you till get the 10 karma.
To everyone else, there is still 7 spots left to obtain 10 karma points! Comment!
Oh I forgot to say..... CONGRATS ON YOUR BOYFRIEND! :)
Oh well I'm your 64th person who commented but I just wanted to say thats its really good :) Update soon!
saguilar #8
Whaaaaa finally!!!