Chapter 1 And so it begins

In which the starting is the Summer holidays

Soo Jin P.O.V

Its summer, not my favorite season which was autumn, but it has its pluses. It’s kind of like the fact that you can spend more time outside with people. Or the fact that gentle breezes balance out the sometimes slightly uncomfortable heat that the sun gives us. But then again, the temperature can soar up and beyond. This is when I feeling sluggish and lazy, a feeling I strongly hate.

This summer, however, there was another reason for me to look forward to summer, a reason so great that it make the downside trivial. Oh gosh, not sure if that made sense, I’m so excited. Let’s try again. It’s like an ant bite can’t ruin the moment when you have everything you wanted in the palm of your hand.

I remember it very clearly. It was eighth day of the summer holidays when my mum and dad called me into the study. They were sitting, face grave and I began to worry.

Was it my school report? I haven’t seen it in the mail yet. Perhaps they already got it and read it! Oh gosh, their faces tell me it’s bad!

As these thoughts ran through my head I sat opposite them and waited.

“It’s about your school report.” Mum finally said.

My shoulders instantly slumped and my head drooped. I knew it.

“I’m sorry I disappointed you.” I said, feeling ashamed

There was a moment of silence.

“Of cause, all results have its consequences, I’m sure you understand that.” Mum stated

I merely nodded, with that she handed me an envelope. I opened it, my hands trembling a bit and I took out the thin bit of paper that was inside. 


Ok, i know this was a crapy 1st chapter. infact i know that the first 3 or so chapters will be like this. Sigh, by all mean skip them but i would like you to read it because it explains about ow it comes to be and also tells you about Soo Jin's personality. Please bare with me beginnings are always hard and I don't want to be one of those writers that rushes to the plot instead of having development in the story. I'm sorry if there was any mistake in it. Please support!!

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lover-shipper #1
What is this???? How dare you not update while I'm away!!! I'm going to find you (should have skinned u yesterday when i saw you) and make you update!! <3 (no seriously)
update, update, update ^.^ congraaaats, btw <3 <3 lots of love to both of you ^.^
Onewsangtae #3
Faster update! Waiting for the story to continue:)
Yoonhaenadz #4
Minho!:)...i'll read it later..
Kimi123 you were the 13th PERSON to comment on my story since the blog was posted so you till get the 10 karma.
To everyone else, there is still 7 spots left to obtain 10 karma points! Comment!
Oh I forgot to say..... CONGRATS ON YOUR BOYFRIEND! :)
Oh well I'm your 64th person who commented but I just wanted to say thats its really good :) Update soon!
saguilar #8
Whaaaaa finally!!!