
Love Like a Dream

As soon as Jaejoong was done with his schedule for the day and was about to leave, he got a call from Heechul.

"'re free right? Come over to my house." Heechul said as soon as he picked up the call.

"Do I have to?" Jaejoong asked since he was planning to go meet Soojung.

"Hey...I'm asking to meet you once in a while and you're gonna ditch me like that?" Heechul said like he was being betrayed.

"Okay." Jaejoong said with a sigh. "I'll come."

"Oh and bring Yoochun and Junsu too if you can. I haven't seen them for so long." Heechul said and cut the calk before Jaejoong could even say anything.

"What is wrong with this hyung? Is he drunk already?" Jaejoong thought.

After letting Soojung know that he won't be able to meet her that day, Jaejoong was on his way to pick up Yoochun and Junsu. 

"Why did Heechul hyung want to see all of us?" Yoochun asked Jaejoong while trying to find a radio channel he wanted to listen to in the car.

"Who knows? Maybe he misses you guys." Jaejoong said and shrugged his shoulders. 

"Weird." Yoochun said with a little laugh.


"Ohhh!! It's been a long time." Heechul said in a loud voice as he opened the door and hugged each of them as they entered.

As soon as they entered, they could see the alcohol that he prepared for them to drink in the living room. 

"Wow! Hyung!" Yoochun exclaimed and gave Heechul a thumbs up.

"And for our Junsu, I prepared this." Heechul said as he put some coke cans on the table.

"Thanks hyung." Junsu said with his husky laugh.

"Oh but we can't start yet. Someone else is also coming." Heechul said getting everyone's attention.

"Who?" All three of them were equally confused and had no clue of what Heechul was planning.


A few minutes later, Heechul's door bell rang and he went to open it.

"Now...we can start the party." He said clapping his hands twice like he's doing some show. 

Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu got up as soon as they saw the two persons following Heechul. They were frozen in the spot and didn't know how to react.

It was Yunho and Changmin. They had the same reaction as the others when they saw the other three members. 

"Come come...let's drink." Heechul said trying to break the ice. 

It was mostly Heechul talking the whole time and the others listening and passing comments here and there but the awkwardness remains.

"Oh it's time for my game." Heechul said as an excuse to get out of the place so they could talk out whatever was on their mind.

"This is so Heechul style." Jaejoong said with a little laugh as soon as Heechul left.

"I know right?" Yunho said as he drank a little from his beer can. 

Silence fell upon them again and they just continued drinking instead. All of them had so many things they wanted to say but they didn't know from where to start.  

"You guys have been well, right?" Yunho finally loosened up and led the conversation like the leader that he was. "I listened to your songs too from time to time. They're good."

" guys are doing pretty good too." Jaejoong said. 

"Do only two of us have to talk?" Yunho asked when him and Jaejoong were doing all the talking. 

"It's just..." Yoochun said getting emotional like he always was. "I don't know from where to start." 

"Actually, now I'm just happy that we're all doing things we want although sometimes I do miss having all 5 of us on stage." Junsu said and everyone nodded in agreement.

"One thing I regretted after all these time was that we could have prevented the split if we just sat down and talked over our differences. I regretted that we didn't talk it out enough to get a solution." Jaejoong said sadly remembering the day they walked away and two of them stayed back. That moment always replayed on his mind like a tape.

"But we were young and exhausted from everything. We shouldn't blame ourselves for this anymore. Just take it in a positive way, all of us became more matured and stronger as we got through this." Yunho said.

"I feel bad for the fans..." Jaejoong said getting emotional as he got drunk little by little. Yoochun comforted him while patting his back from the side. 

"I'm glad that we got to finally sit down and talk things over but why don't we just forget everything and move on? It happened cause it was meant to anyway." Changmin said after keeping quiet for so long."Let's just focus on the future now and meet up from time to time." 


"Our maknae is all grown up now." Jaejoong said with his hand supporting his chin and looking at Changmin with his drunk eyes. 

"Hyung you're drunk." Changmin told him.

"Ah...I miss his nagging too." Jaejoong said teasing Changmin like he always did.

Changmin just looked at him disapprovingly and shook his head and everyone loosened up a bit and smiled at their actions. 

"Changmin, tell me honestly, you missed my late night snacks didn't you?" Jaejoong said still drunk.

"Why is he attacking me when he's drunk?" Changmin complained.

"He really must have missed you." Yunho told him with a laugh as he patted Changmin on his shoulder.

Changmin just let out a sigh.

"He just ruined the mood like that." Yoochun said laughing.

All of them continued drinking and talking till late in the night until they all fell asleep drunk.


The next morning Changmin was the first to wake up. They were all lying on the floor at the same place they drank the night before. 

"Such a mess" Changmin murmured when he saw the mess from the night before.

He quickly washed up and went to the kitchen to make hangover soup for everyone. 

When everyone woke up, they gathered in the kitchen to have breakfast together.

"Sorry guys, I wasn't strong enough to get you all in bed so I just left you on the floor." Heechul told them.

"Thanks for at least lending us blankets." Jaejoong told him with a little laugh.

"Oh it's good." Jaejoong said after tasting Changmin's soup. "Did you really make this?"  


"Changmin's been going to cooking classes lately." Yunho told them.

"Oh really?" All of them exclamined in surprise. 

"Who would have thought this kid would learn to cook?" Yoochun said teasing Changmin.

"Lets just shut up and eat." Changmin said. 


Then Jaejoong's phone rang in the middle.Jaejoong checked to see who it was and turned out to be Soojung.

He got up and went towards the living room to answer the call.

Jaejoong came back with all smiles after finishing the call.

"Who was it?" Yoochun asked.

"No one. Let's eat." Jaejoong said still smiling.

"This is suspicious." Heechul said staring at Jaejoong like he was studying him.

"What do you mean?" Jaejoong said trying to hide.

"We've known you for ages. Let it out. It's a girl right?" Yunho said. 

Jaejoong just let out a sigh not knowing how to escape the situation.

"I'm right, right? It's a girl, right?" Yunho said excitedly feeling like he got it right. He was competitive in even the smallest things. 

Jaejoong just let the truth out because he knew letting them know won't do him any harm. He knew they were gonna keep his secret.

"It's the doctor? SOOJUNG? OMG!!" Heechul exclaimed with his eyes getting bigger after Jaejoong told him who the girl was. " finally did it huh?" 

"This is so exciting." Junsu said with eyes glistening ready to hear more of the story.

"But be careful hyung. You're one of the members among us who's gonna get so much backlash if you got found out in the wrong way." Yoochun told him worried of what could happen.

"I know...I'm trying my best." Jaejoong said. 

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Really sorry to have been on such a long hiatus :(
Hope you still read the story and enjoy it...I'll try to be more active too :)


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Neng2ovid #1
Chapter 18: She should not have stopped him.
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Chapter 16: I kiss jae. You should kiss her
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Chapter 14: So they are officially together finally
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Authornim I am in love with this story.. pls finish ..thanks
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