Die Together: Chapter 6~

Die Together
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Yunho deepened the kiss, making it become even more intimate than it was before. He slipped his tongue out and tried to part Jaejoong's lips.

Jaejoong voluntarily parted his lips and allowed Yunho to slip his tongue inside to entwine their tongues together and fight for control over the other's mouth.

Yunho pressed Jaejoong's neck closer towards himself, lessening the little gap between their bodies so that they could kiss even deeper.

Jaejoong squeezed his eyes shut as he felt the temperature heat up another 100° Celcius in the room. A small part of him screamed that this was wrong, but an even bigger voice overpowered the tinier voice and said that he should just enjoy it instead of resisting.


" Mmmh... Yunho-ah... ", he moaned as he wrapped his hands around Yunho's neck and pulled himself closer.


Yunho heard the sultry moan emit from the older man's lips and attacked his hyung's tender pink lips again and again.

Jaejoong's eyes shot open when he felt Yunho's hand start to push the thin hospital gown off his shoulders.

Terrified, Jaejoong struggled with Yunho and shoved him away roughly, causing the latter to fall onto the cold tile floor on his bottom.

The pair stared in each other's eyes, breathing heavily. The quick beeping of the heart monitor slowed down to a normal, steady pace.

Yunho glanced down at the floor to avoid making eye contact with Jaejoong. Finally, he stood up and dusted himself.


" I--I'm sorry. It was a mistake. ", stammered Yunho and walked out of the room.


As he rounded a corner, Jaejoong swore he caught sight of a single tear escape the younger's eyes. Before he knew what he was doing, he ripped the IV drip out of his arm, fell from his bed and tried to limp to the door to call Yunho back and apologize.

His arm stung like a thousand needles injecting cobra venom into his system, but he didn't care. He eventually made it out of his room and caught sight of Yunho waiting for the elevator.


" Yunho! ", shouted Jaejoong.


But Yunho didn't seem to hear him calling his name. Jaejoong winced as he took another step towards Yunho.


" Yunho! ", Jaejoong shouted again, this time louder.


But again, Yunho didn't hear his frantic calls as he entered the empty elevator. Jaejoong felt his knees give way and collapsed to the cold floor, but he didn't give up and started to crawl towards the lift.


" Yah, Yunho! Yunho! Jung Yunho! Yah! ", screamed Jaejoong at the top of his lungs.


This time, Yunho thankfully heard his shouts and saw Jaejoong crawling frantically on his elbows and knees towards him.


" Jaejoong hyung! "


Yunho forced the elevator doors open as they were about to close. As soon as the doors opened again, he rushed out of the elevator and over to Jaejoong.

Yunho grabbed Jaejoong's arms and hoisted him up into his arms bridal style.


" Yah! What were you thinking, hyung?! ", scolded Yunho.  " You should rest! "


" You bastard! I wanted to tell you something, but you had already ing walked off! ", spat Jaejoong.


Yunho bit his bottom lip as he looked to the side in case he started to cry. Jaejoong's words had stung his heart a little.

Jaejoong seemed to notice the hurt in the latter's eyes and tilted Yunho's cheek so he could look at him.


" H--hey, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I was just so mad that I-- "


" I know. It's not your fault. ", Yunho said with a gentle smile.


Yunho carried Jaejoong back to his hospital room and laid him on the bed. He reached for the IV drip and inserted it back into Jaejoong's arm carefully.

As Yunho stood up and turned to leave, a hand gently grabbed his wrist and held him back. He turned back and saw Jaejoong holding his wrist.


" Hey, Yunho? I--I'm sorry for pushing you back there when you kissed me. I-- "


" No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you or tried to go that far. ", apologized Yunho.


" But I-- "


" Get some rest, hyung. I'll be back to pick you up in a couple of days. ", said Yunho.


Yunho walked out of the room once more and shut the door quietly, leaving Jaejoong in the quiet room by himself.

Jaejoong felt his eyes well up with tears and buried his face in his hands as he brought his knees up to his chest.

Sniffling, Jaejoong tried to wipe away the continuous flow of oncoming tears from his eyes, but it seemed like an endless stream.

Giving up, he laid down instead and tried to sleep, but tears continued to cascade down his cheeks non-stop.

Numerous thoughts swarmed around restlessly in his mind, preventing him from getting any decent sleep at all.


Why did Yunho kiss me? He knows I'm straight and not gay like him, yet he did that! Urgh, that bastard!...

But his lips... They were so soft and tender and gentle and sweet... It felt so comforting when he kissed me...

But that was wrong! And yet...so right at the same time...



Jaejoong's eyes shot open and he sat up, clutching his head in frustration. He breathed heavily, trying to steady his rapidly beating heart down.

He looked around his room and found that it was already night time. His usually calm resolve cracked and he threw his pillow across the room in anger and frustration.


" Why, Jung Yunho?! Why?! Why did you have to kiss me of all things?! ", he screamed out loud.


Jaejoong threw another pillow across the room in anger before stopping to cool down and sleep.




A couple of days later in the early hours of the morning, Jaejoong woke up to someone shaking his shoulders lightly. He murmured tiredly as he swatted his hand to shoo whatever was trying to wake him up.

But the shaking persisted until he finally opened one sleepy eye only to see Yunho hovering above him and shaking him awake gently.

Startled, Jaejoong sat up, bumping his head into Yunho's nose hard in the process.


" Ouch! "


Yunho held his painful nose gingerly to make sure it was still intact and not lost among Jaejoong's raven locks.


" Omo! Sorry, Yunho-ah! Are you alright? ", asked Jaejoong.


" Yeah, I'm alright. Thanks for asking. ", said Yunho as he massaged his nose.


Yunho handed Jaejoong a brown paper bag.


" What's this, Yunho? "


" Clothes for you. We took your old clothes to be washed. ", explained Yunho.


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mmsfpc #1
heyyy im super late but OMG!!! so sad but the best, i cried my heart and eyes out! waiting for yout next work
i am here again........ and i feel soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad you are really amazing .....please continue i wil support yo in every work fighting ;)
Chapter 16: i loved it ..this was sad but wonderful
mickeycute #4
Chapter 16: so sad. but nice ending
DaisyRose #5
hi there, its my first time found this story. thank for this yunjae fic
springmiya #6
Chapter 16: - -
0 '
' that so sad
Chapter 16: sometimes its good when read the manliest side of Jae..
thanks for sharing this masterpiece..
really appreciate and i enjoy it ^^v
This is a simple story :) Keep up the good work.
jjliss #9
hey there!! this story is interesting cause is one of few ff where jj act manly and is straight ...well even at the beginning...i will keep reading!!
tanisanursyifa #10
Heeeyyyyy deaar:D its been a while since I am not reading yunjae fanfic :( . BUT , this story TOTALLY AWESOME :O GAAHHHH how dare you to make me cry :( . Please make a fanfic again and I'll be your eternal readers haha XD