Die Together: Chapter 10~

Die Together
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Yunho walked back to the direction of the P.D. and took a shortcut through an alley, but suddenly a black car pulled up in front of him and two burly men dressed entirely in black stepped out.


" What? ", asked Yunho as he stopped walking.


" Boss's Assistant wants to see you now. ", said one of the men in black gruffly.


" Now? "


The men nodded their heads.


" Okay. Lemme make a call first. ", said Yunho and whipped out his phone.


He dialled Kangin's number and waited for him to answer.


" Yoboseyo? "


" Boss, I'm gonna be a little late for work today. Something came up, so I have to see to it. "


" Okay. See you later. "


Yunho hung up and looked at the men.


" Let's go. "


The men nodded and opened the back car door for Yunho to get into. Yunho cimbed into the backseat while the two men sat in the front and drove off somewhere.


" Sir, Boss's Assistant is on the visual communicator now. ", said one of the men from the front.


" Patch him through. ", ordered Yunho as he wound up a tinted screen between him and the men.


" Yes, sir. "


A small screen flipped down in front of Yunho's face and the screen crackled slowly to life. A blurry image of a man's face soon adjusted and was much clearer for Yunho to see.

The man was young and fair like an angel, he had spiky blond hair and his steel gray eyes seemed to pierce deep into you when you made direct eye contact with him.


" Hey, U-Know. "


" What is it now, Jie? I thought Boss wanted me to go undercover? "


" He still does. Just wanted to let you know Boss asked everyone to meet up at Club XXX now for a private meeting. "


" Why now? Why not tonight or tomorrow? "


" It's important. Boss can't wait any longer. He wants the shipping done by tomorrow night immediately, but he suspects the P.D. will find out and be on our tail. The P.D. is always hunting us down, especially Kim "Hero" Jaejoong. "


Yunho stiffened slightly at Jaejoong's name, but the man on the screen thankfully didn't notice.


" Why "Hero" Jaejoong? ", asked a curious Yunho.


" Dude, you don't know? He is the ing best cop they've got! If they send him in, we're screwed! Boss's plans will be screwed! "


" Was he the guy who fought one-on-one with you back in Florida? "


" Now only you remember. ", said the male named 'Jie' flatly.


" Short-term memory, sheesh. Don't get so worked up. ", scoffed Yunho.


" Whatever. Meet you at the club, U-Know. Dongjie signing off. ", said the male and the communication was cut off.


Yunho leaned back against the car seat and sighed heavily. He was stuck now between his mission and his love for Jaejoong.

What he told about himself to Jaejoong back in the hospital was only half the truth. The other half would both shock and anger Jaejoong.





He was part of the drug lord Lee Joonki's organization and one of Yong Dongjie's partners.





Yunho suddenly felt a huge pang o

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mmsfpc #1
heyyy im super late but OMG!!! so sad but the best, i cried my heart and eyes out! waiting for yout next work
i am here again........ and i feel soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad you are really amazing .....please continue i wil support yo in every work fighting ;)
Chapter 16: i loved it ..this was sad but wonderful
mickeycute #4
Chapter 16: so sad. but nice ending
DaisyRose #5
hi there, its my first time found this story. thank for this yunjae fic
springmiya #6
Chapter 16: - -
0 '
' that so sad
Chapter 16: sometimes its good when read the manliest side of Jae..
thanks for sharing this masterpiece..
really appreciate and i enjoy it ^^v
This is a simple story :) Keep up the good work.
jjliss #9
hey there!! this story is interesting cause is one of few ff where jj act manly and is straight ...well even at the beginning...i will keep reading!!
tanisanursyifa #10
Heeeyyyyy deaar:D its been a while since I am not reading yunjae fanfic :( . BUT , this story TOTALLY AWESOME :O GAAHHHH how dare you to make me cry :( . Please make a fanfic again and I'll be your eternal readers haha XD