Die Together: Chapter 1~

Die Together
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Jaejoong typed away on his iPad, sending a message to his friend Park Yoochun. He had just sent a message, when his phone rang.

He picked up his phone and glanced at the screen.


Caller: Boss


" Yoboseyo? "


" Jaejoong-yah, there's a mission. Quickly get your here now. "


" Right. "


With that, Jaejoong hung up and changed into a police uniform. He worked for the P.D., who took out dangerous assassins and drug lords.

He got on his motorbike and zoomed off towards HQ. He stopped in front of a normal-looking police department and punched in the code for the door to open.

Jaejoong hung his leather jacket on a shelf and put his helmet on a shelf. He went inside a meeting room.


" Ahh, Jaejoong, you're finally here. Take a seat. The meeting is about to start. ", said his boss, Kangin.


Jaejoong took his seat. As he did, he couldn't help but notice a new boy standing beside his boss. He had golden-brown hair and a well-built figure and he was looking back at him with a hint of shyness in his eyes.


" Men, this is our newest recruit, Jung Yunho. ", said his boss as he pointed to the new boy.  " He just joined yesterday, so please treat him well and show him around. "


Everyone nodded in agreement.


" Jaejoong, you're one of my best men and a senior in the department. Please do me a favor and show him around HQ later after the meeting? ", asked Kangin.


" Yes, sir. ", said Jaejoong with a nod of his head.


" Good. Now, the number one drug lord Lee Joonki has escaped yet again from prison. He is going to go to Japan in a year's time to continue his drug trade. We have to stop him. ", Kangin told everyone.


" Okay, either Joonki is a freaking magician or the prison is a really worthless hole. ", snapped Heechul, another senior and a friend of Jaejoong.


" Yeah, Joonki always manages to escape from any prison in the whole damn district! ", agreed Changmin, a junior in the P.D.


" This time, we're shooting to kill. ", said Kangin.  " If we put him in another prison, he'll likely escape again and we have to track him down again. "


Everyone nodded and murmured in agreement.


" Meeting dismissed. Back to work, people. ", said Kangin.


" Back to hurting my in that stupidly hard chair in that cramped work corner. ", grumbled HyunA, a recent trainee in the P.D., as she got up and shuffled out of the meeting room.


Jaejoong gathered his papers and walked out. He placed his papers on his desk and turned around, only to come face-to-face with Yunho, who was staring at him intently.


" Aaah! ", exclaimed Jaejoong as he held his chest.  " Oh, you gave me quite a shock, uhm...uhh... "


" Yunho. ", said the boy.  " Jung Yunho. "


" Ahh, Yunho-sshi, right. ", said Jaejoong.  " Follow me then. Boss asked me to give you a tour of the place. "


Yunho nodded and followed behind Jaejoong closely. Jaejoong showed him the various areas of the police department as he talked on and on, but the thing was that Yunho wasn't listening.
No; Yunho was too busy staring deeply at the handsome man walking in front of him.

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mmsfpc #1
heyyy im super late but OMG!!! so sad but the best, i cried my heart and eyes out! waiting for yout next work
i am here again........ and i feel soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad you are really amazing .....please continue i wil support yo in every work fighting ;)
Chapter 16: i loved it ..this was sad but wonderful
mickeycute #4
Chapter 16: so sad. but nice ending
DaisyRose #5
hi there, its my first time found this story. thank for this yunjae fic
springmiya #6
Chapter 16: - -
0 '
' that so sad
Chapter 16: sometimes its good when read the manliest side of Jae..
thanks for sharing this masterpiece..
really appreciate and i enjoy it ^^v
This is a simple story :) Keep up the good work.
jjliss #9
hey there!! this story is interesting cause is one of few ff where jj act manly and is straight ...well even at the beginning...i will keep reading!!
tanisanursyifa #10
Heeeyyyyy deaar:D its been a while since I am not reading yunjae fanfic :( . BUT , this story TOTALLY AWESOME :O GAAHHHH how dare you to make me cry :( . Please make a fanfic again and I'll be your eternal readers haha XD