Moonlight shadow

Drabble dump

Beta: brokenaznange1
Pairing: YunJae
Universe: Alternative
Genre: Drama, Romance, Tragedy
Length: 459 words
Rating: PG-13
Warning: angst, character death, fluff

A/N: This was inspired by Mike Oldfield's song Moonlight Shadow and originally posted in January 2010.

Summary: All you saw was the silhouette of a gun.


It was four a.m. in the morning, the outlines of the face JaeJoong had envisioned had already disappeared again as the young man looked ahead into the clear sky, his eyes puffy and red from all the crying he had to endure throughout the night.

He was gone, forever. Even the memories of him were slowly fading, with every night JaeJoong had to spend alone. Everything he was wishing for, was that the one he loved so dearly would come back to him; would come to talk to him and embrace him with his warmth in the night.

But YunHo was gone, was taken away from him with six shots of a man he had chased after as the policeman he was. All JaeJoong could see was the silhouette of a gun before he heard the death-bringing noises.


They had been on a date, walking along the Han River on their anniversary. It was one year ago that JaeJoong had accepted YunHo's hand in marriage after being together for several years. But their wonderful time together ended on that awful Saturday night and JaeJoong could do nothing but watch. He had wanted to stop YunHo - with worry and warning in his voice - from chasing after the man, but for the perfect policeman YunHo was and for the strong will of him that JaeJoong loved so much, the disappearing back of YunHo was the last thing he had seen.

And then his world had completely tumbled down, carried away by a moonlight shadow. With sorrow and grief he had to witness the lifeless body of YunHo slumping onto the ground, far away on the other riverside.

JaeJoong stayed with YunHo, his tears moistening the pale cheeks of YunHo and mixed with the blood that left the corner of the once rosy lips. He stayed until the ambulance was there; however, it had already been too late when JaeJoong had reached his husband.


He had prayed that it was just a bad dream, that YunHo was all right, but whenever he opened his eyes he was all alone; his nightmare reality.

“I'll see you in heaven,” was what left JaeJoong's unsmiling lips every night in his dreams, every day when he visited YunHo's grave. His eyes had stopped sparkling, his heart had stopped to beat. He was just a lifeless doll that walked on earth and just wanted to be with his loved one.

But he couldn't find how to push through, couldn't do it by killing himself. He would have to wait for the time YunHo would come and take him with him towards heaven. But until that day would come, he could just wait and hope that YunHo would visit him in his dreams every night.

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Chapter 3: I thought Jaejoong would commit suicide. I'm glad he didn't. Yunho would probably be lonely if he did ㅠ.ㅠ
Kattan69 #2
Chapter 16: Hahahaha...what a way to tell your brother.
Kattan69 #3
Chapter 15: All these give me a nice warm and fuzzy feeling...^_^
Kattan69 #4
Chapter 9: Those words warm my heart...I’m home.
Neng2ovid #5
Chapter 13: Nice jae go claim your man
Chapter 12: Your drabbles are seriously good!
not really a fan of drabble, but as long as its yunjae, i would give a shot :)
all the best
Chapter 7: Please continue this ^^
Kattan69 #9
Chapter 8: This can go with the previous chapter....the before.
Kattan69 #10
Chapter 7: Poor lovers...but at least they are together now.