Chapter 13 Winter Love Part 1

What is This Feeling?


A/N: OMG!! I AM SINCERELY SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE! It's been 2 weeks since I updated and I apologize!! :( But here it is!! Please subscribe, comment, or add, any of the three is fine with me! :) Enjoy! BTW 5000+ views! Thanks for all the support!


A few months later…


Tiffany’s POV

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve already...I was supposed to spend this weekend with my parents but they couldn’t make it due to business ordeals. I’m used to it though. It’s always been like this…I’m spending another year of Christmas all alone. I’ve always been in solitude these past few years…yet why am I sulking this badly…?

Sunny would be spending it with her family along with Sooyoung’s family. Seohyun and Yoona are doing the same with their families. Knowing Yuri, he’s probably spending Christmas with his family as well. Then there’s me. All of my friends would be too busy and I don’t want to ruin their vacations. It would be immoral of me to do so. I’m glad that they get me a little present every year though. It’s what makes me happy, not feeling lonely inside.

I was strolling along the streets trying to shake off these moody feelings. I didn’t really know what to do out here, I just went out to enjoy the view and not feel cooped up in my house. Snow was falling from the white sky, giving a feeling of loneliness. As the little white petals fall to the ground, it collides with the surface and creates a sheet of white. It was a beautiful sight. Snow was on the roofs of buildings, the streets, everywhere, it was a winter wonderland.

I ended up at a park that was near Soshi University. I went to a nearby bench and cleared off the snow that was mounted upon it and sat myself down. I let out a deep sigh and saw smoke appear before my eyes. The snow ceased but it piled up, now it was about 6 to 7 inches of snow. It really amazes me how all this snow is formed…

I scanned my surroundings. Everyone was walking with either their families or their boyfriend/girlfriend. They looked so merry and joyful…I saw a little girl holding hands with her Mom and Dad while laughing loudly spreading the feeling of happiness to her parents who also joined in the laughter. It was a painful sight for me. I used to be like that with my parents, but they’re all the way in the U.S. and here I am all by my lonesome.

Everywhere I looked, there was a family or a couple. I let out another sigh and lowered my head. I felt a shroud of darkness overcome my heart. I was starting to get the same feeling I had when I arrived here. I used to be happy until I moved here. My parents left me alone and yet I lived up to their expectations. I’ve been studying and got into the most prestigious university and even got a full time scholarship. But I feel like I haven’t been doing enough. I feel like there’s something missing in my life…


I felt something warm in my body. It was Taeyeon’s voice calling out to me. When I hear him calling my name, I feel at ease…Whenever I think about him my heart always skips a beat…

…Miyoung…I think I’ve fallen for you…

His accidental confession…It still affects me to this very day. Just thinking about it makes my heartbeat faster. Even though I’ve tried so hard to ignore it, it hasn’t left my mind at all. It’s been on replay for these past months and every time I replay it in my head, I would feel comfortable. All those times he’s been there for me. The times we’ve spent together. I remember everything. Even the slightest thought of him melts away the feeling of loneliness. His smile, his eyes, his thoughtfulness, existence, everything about him has been permanently engraved in me…Could it be that…maybe…I’m in lo—


!! I jumped at the sudden outburst. It wasn’t from my head, I actually heard him saying my name. I looked side to side but didn’t see anyone. That was weird, where did that come from?

“Miyoung…!” I looked up from my seat. Taeyeon…!

He was looking down at me. He had a look of concern written on his face. What’s he doing here? Why does he always come whenever I’m thinking about him? I felt my heart beat faster and heat creeping up on my face. Am I starting to feel something for Taeyeon? It can’t be…!

“Miyoung…? What are you doing here…?” He asked slowly while I continued to stare at him. I snapped myself out of my thoughts.

“Tae!” I said out of surprise. I realized it was a delayed reaction. I blushed even more from the sudden reaction.

“Hey! Haha. I saw you dozing off here while I was on my way to your house. You might catch a cold you know? So I got worried.” He smiled sincerely. He walked around the bench and sat down next to me keeping that smile on. He’s always happy whenever I see him. He never stops being happy…except the times when I was with Yuri. That was a side of him that I rarely see. I prefer seeing him smile, just seeing his bright grin brings me to smile as well.

I smiled back at him. “Thanks for worrying.” I suddenly absorbed what he said. “You were on your way to my house?” Delayed reaction again…

“Yeah…Jessica went back to America to visit her dad a few days ago…and I’ve been feeling lonely all by myself in that huge apartment.” He chuckled but I sensed a hint of sadness in his words.

“What about your parents?” I was curious to know.

“…Oh yeah…I never told you huh…?” He smiled sadly at me. “My parents…passed away when I was 5 years old.” I felt remorseful for asking such a personal question. I can tell that hurt him real bad. I felt guilt arise in me. I couldn’t help but feel the same as him.

“…I’m sorry…” was all I could manage to say. My throat felt dry. I was starting to feel empathetic for him. So we’re basically the same…But unlike me, his parents are dead while my parents are thousands of miles away. At least I can contact my parents…he can’t…I was in the verge of tears. I can feel the wetness form in my eyes, my vision started to get blurry.

Taeyeon…you suffer so much yet you are able to put a smile on for everyone. You are hiding so much pain and you are still able to stand. I want to help him…but how?

I felt a warm hand brush against my face, wiping the tears. I looked up and I see Taeyeon looking at me with despair in his eyes. I see loneliness and darkness in his eyes. He must be suffering severely. I tried to stop these tears but I couldn’t…

“Miyoung…Please don’t cry for me…I deserve no pity from you.” He sadly said. A river of tears flowed out, it was nonstop. How can I stop knowing one of the most important people in my life is suffering this much from a childhood trauma?

I gasped. I felt a force on my back as Taeyeon pulled me in an embrace. He hugged me tight and secure within his arms. I also felt him shivering against my shoulder…Is he crying? I tried to turn my head to see but he wouldn’t allow it. I can hear him sobbing silently. My tears started to pour out tears again…I hugged him back as tight. I felt his body relax and he stayed in my arms.

“…Dammit…I broke my promise again…” I heard him say.

“…What do you mean…?”

“I made a promise to my father that I wouldn’t show my tears…” He replied in a sad tone. “I let my feelings overcome me again…I really can’t do anything by myself…”

“…Taeyeon…” I started rubbing his back for comfort. At times like this, I really can’t do anything to help him. I really wish that I could cease his pain that he’s going through…

“…Tiffany…I have to tell you something…but…please…please don’t tell anyone otherwise it will be goodbye…” He said then released from our embrace. He looked straight into my eyes, knowing that what he’s going to say is going to be vital, the words that are going to come out of his mouth are sincere and assuring. “I’ve wanted to get this off my chest and tell you about it; however, there’s this lingering feeling of doubt. Nobody…would’ve understood me, but with you I feel like you’ll understand where I’m coming from. I’ll explain everything to you then maybe you can help me dissipate this feeling of uneasiness…”

“…Of course Tae, I promise.” I nodded my head but kept my eyes on him. I can see the pain within his eyes. His eyes were teary and faintly red. I can tell that he has been carrying this burden upon his shoulders.

He gave me a weak smile then stood up and offered his hand. “Let’s talk about it at your place.” I gave him a small nod and took his hand. Our hands fit perfectly with one another, as if it were meant to be. His hands were warm unlike mine, but instantly his warmth spread towards me. I forgot to bring gloves with me but feeling the warmth he emitted was more than enough.

Without realizing it, Taeyeon and I were walking hand in hand. I felt my face get hot again and my heart was beating faster. I glanced over to him and see that his face was also red but he kept his gaze looking forward. I tightened my grip on his hand on accident when a sudden gust of cold breeze rushed against us which made his attention turn towards me.

I felt my body shivering. I let go of Taeyeon’s hands. I started to rub my hands together and breathing on them to get them warmer. I was freezing from head to toe; I should’ve worn something warmer. Unexpectedly, Taeyeon clasped both of my hands between his and started breathing his hot breath over them. My heart skipped a beat and heat crawled up to my face from the sudden contact. I looked up to see his face. He looked worried and serious at the same time. He brought me closer to his body and the grip on my hands got tighter. The heat spread throughout my whole body and the thought of the winter cold has left my head. He lifted his head towards me stared deeply into my eyes. The look in his eyes was different, it had a softer look. The feeling of loneliness was not apparent; it was a feeling of warmth and tender love.

We broke our eye contact when we realized that people were staring at us. We must’ve looked like we were reenacting a scene from a drama. My face exploded with red when this was happening. We were gaining attention from people who were expressing a feeling of anxiety. I felt the warmth transfer to my arm when I felt Taeyeon pulled me along with him. We ran from the crowd hand in hand until they were out of sight.

We finally stopped nearby my neighborhood and took a little break. I didn’t realize that my house was this far from the park. I looked over to Taeyeon who was staring at me. We shared another moment of looking into each other’s eyes until he broke the silence again.

“Sorry…I know you don’t like having all eyes on you…” He said with a smile.

I smiled back at him. “Thanks…Oh, we’re almost at my place you know.”

“Oh yeah…you’re right.” He replied.  

The walk to my house was silent again; however, we were walking close, side by side. It felt comfortable. Usually I’d avoid his contact, but lately I’ve been craving his presence. I don’t know why, but Taeyeon has been occupying my mind. I haven’t been able to study at all! This isn’t like me! I shouldn’t blame Taeyeon for getting in the way of my studies, it’s…it’s just this feeling I can’t control…

The anxiety within me rose as we were approaching my house closer. It was still silent between us but there was a comfortable atmosphere present.

After a few minutes we finally reached our destination. We entered through my house and settled ourselves in my living room. We sat in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the silence. He was sitting in front of me, and his head was down. He looked deep in thought. I understand what he must be contemplating about; he might be searching for the right words to say.

I waited patiently, waiting for him to tell his tale. I looked down at my hands and started fidgeting with them. Unknowingly I let out a little sigh which caused Taeyeon to jump out of surprise.

“Oh! Sorry…I…I was deep in thought.” He said while looking down.

“I-It’s okay…It was accidental…Go ahead, take your time.” I gave him a little smile.

“No…it’s okay. It was my choice to tell you anyway.” He looked up and gave me a wry smile.

He let out a big sigh and began his story.


Taeyeon’s POV

“When I was a little kid, I had the life. I had everything. Like really. I had everything I’ve always wanted plus a caring family. I’m not like those rich kids who have ignorant parents, no, I had those parents that would actually raise me correctly and give me the proper education.

I was an only child so they would try their best to make time for me. However most of the time they would have busy schedules so I’m alone at home. They hired a tutor for me so I don’t feel alone all the time. But I didn’t mind it at. As long as they’re making an effort to spend time with me then I’m fine. I always had a passion for learning new things in life. I wanted to discover new things and take new risks.

“I started my education earlier than most kids. I always had perfect grades as well. My parents wouldn’t allow me to go to a public school, which added to my loneliness. But I didn’t really mind it. I was still young so I didn’t know any better. I had no friends but spending time with my parents was enough for me. I was an adventurous kid however. I gained the potential to follow my father’s footsteps. He was my idol; I really respected him.

“I don’t wanna bore you with my childhood but I’ll skip forward. My father had a close friend in the business, that man was Mr. Kwon. I haven’t learned his full name, just his surname, but what I do know…was that he was a traitor. He was the cause of my misery. He was the one who killed my father. He brought hell to my childhood. It’s all his fault…Surprisingly, he wasn’t accused for my parent’s murder…Well he did but he worked his way out of it. That bastard…I don’t know how but everything seemed to go his way. It just wasn’t fair…

“I didn’t understand why…why would he do that? …But then again I was only 5 so I had yet to realize what was going on. Now that I reflect upon it, I regret hiding. Even though my parents advised me to hide, I felt a strong urge within me to take the bullet for them. But as it is now, I carry this burden on my shoulders. You don’t know how much I regretted not doing anything. Just standing on the sidelines, watching them die in front of my eyes. It was a painful sight.

“Their still bodies lay upon a pool of blood. The murderer’s piercing eyes were bloodshot and filled with insidiousness. He let out a sinister laugh and left the corpses along with his guards without a care. No care, no sympathy, nothing.

“I ran out of my hiding spot as soon as they were gone and mourned over their lifeless bodies until the ambulances came. They came a lot faster than expected because my father was the president of the Kim Company and was very well-known. The paramedics took them away and I trailed along. It was impossible for them to bring them back to life…I had lost all hope.

“They questioned me multiple times but I refused to answer. There was no strength or determination within me. I felt lifeless…gone from this world. What else was I supposed to do?

“I recalled that my father had given me a note with a passport ticket. It contained the information of where I would be staying, which was the U.S. You probably figured it out, it was Jessica’s father, Uncle Jung. I left Korea that night of my parent’s death and lived with Jessica for several years.

“When I turned 10, I discovered something within the note. More like I realized what my father was trying to convey. I read it was I was a child but since I was older I was able to comprehend it. As I said before, my father was the President of the Kim Company, so upon his death I was to take the next spot as president since I am his son. Since then, I made it my goal to return to Korea and become the new owner for my dad’s sake. I studied hard and became multilingual. By doing so, I would fulfill my parent’s wish.

“I also found something that stunned me; another note was sited inside the passport that I kept with me. It was not necessarily a note, it was actually a warning…for me. It was a warning from my father saying to keep low profile. Before the Kwons didn’t know that my mother bore a son or had any children at all; but a few years after the incident they found out. The enemies targeted me and have started a search for years.

“When I was about 12 years old, I returned to Korea to visit my parent’s grave. I wasn’t alone for I had Jessica and Uncle Jung accompany me. But during my visitation I felt an eerie atmosphere surround me. I was alone while Jessica and Uncle Jung were waiting in the car for me. I saw a man in black approaching me. My head started to throb as he came closer. Flashbacks of my father and mother’s death appeared before my eyes…and that’s when I realized that he was one of the guys who were with Mr. Kwon on the day of my parent’s death. It’s been 7 years since then and I still remember their faces, despite the fact that they had glasses on. My mind clicked and I knew he was trying to get me so I ran. I ran with full speed, adrenaline pumping, leading him away from Uncle Jung’s car. I didn’t want them to get involved, not after all they have done for me. I didn’t want to witness another death otherwise it would significantly scar me and I wouldn’t have lived till now.

“I had to get away from him as soon as possible. I lead him into a deep part of the forest and he caught up with me. My mind went blank and I felt a grip on my arm. The shady guy was gripping my arm and he struck me in the head. He was yelling and cursing me but I didn’t hear anything. My head was throbbing with pain and I can feel blood on my face. I thought that it was the end for me…My parents suddenly entered my mind and my father’s words echoed within my ears.

“I then gathered my strength and quickly kicked the guy with all my force. He fell back and I came up with a plan. I ran again and he followed. I quickly tricked him into thinking that I ran another way. I hid behind a tree and heard him near my area. He cursed under his breath and once he left I ran away from the scene until I lost contact with him. I then returned to Uncle Jung’s car and told him to hurry and drive away. He didn’t ask questions nor did he ask if I was okay for he understood what I meant. He quickly told Jessica to take care of me and he sped away.

“My head was still throbbing and I can feel blood stream down my face. I felt consciousness take over me. I tried hard to stay awake but then everything went black. I was for sure that I was close to dying…But after for what seemed an eternity, I finally felt my body come back to life. I opened my eyes and I was revealed to a hospital room. Uncle Jung and Jessica were sitting beside me with red eyes that turned to blue as their tears poured out from my recovery.

“It turned out that I have been in a coma for about 3 months. Not that long compared to those year long ones, but I guess I was lucky. I was glad though. I learned of the dangers that will come at me in the future. With this in mind I requested Uncle Jung to put me through a training program. Jessica wanted to join me as well but he wouldn’t allow it, but in the end she shadowed me. As soon as I recovered fully, Jessica and I went through training for a few years in the U.S. During that time, Uncle Jung took all of my information and profiles and hid them. He asked the government to do so and they understood his terms. That’s why I can never be found on anything. No information would be provided and I can’t be tracked. I’m practically safe but not for long…

“Now that I’m back in Korea, their chances of finding me will be higher. They don’t know how I look and they don’t know my first name. All they know is that my surname is Kim, and since there are a lot of people here who have Kim as their surname, it would be difficult to find me. But even so, I have to be cautious of my surroundings.

“It’s been some time since that horrifying incident, and I heard news of the fall of the Kim enterprise. They have been declining since then because there was no president that was able to handle the company. While this was going, the Kwon Company was rising. Seeing that they were on top, I got exasperated. I studied harder and did more training until I gained the potential of my father’s skills. I knew that I had to avenge my father’s death by completing his wish. I would run the company without any difficulty and mark an end to the Kwons.

“I was planning of killing the man who murdered my parents but I wouldn’t resort to that. You must be really surprised that I haven’t gone deranged after my messed up childhood. Well, be glad that I didn’t. I was close to falling to that state, but I controlled myself from doing so. I have a strong will within me and great determination. I did what my mind was saying and I climbed higher and higher to success. The better I got, the more I got closer to my goal. Since I’m back, I plan to take my place, to where I belong.

“Nobody knew that my father was the president of Kim enterprise, actually nobody suspected who I was until I was discovered by the interfering company. I lived a horrible childhood, I’ve been through life and death situations but look at me now.

“…I will be the one who will bring down the Kwon Company, the murderer and his life. It’s been a long time since then and pretty soon the time will come…None of my information has been spread in the nation so I’m incognito. But still, I have to avoid walking around these streets to avoid getting exposed…Who knows, maybe they were following us or eavesdropping on our conversation now…Haha just kidding. I doubt that they will!

“Anyways now that I have explained my story to you, I hope you would understand what I am going through Tiffany…Only Jessica and my uncle know. I’m supposed to keep this confidential but I got this urge to tell you…I feel like you would understand me. Nobody was supposed to know who I really am otherwise my life and as well as everyone that are associated with me will be at risk as well. I didn’t want to tell you for you might get involved. I shouldn’t have told you my real intention of being here…your life might be in crisis. But I had a reason to tell you. A reason that I can’t define myself. It just came out…Man, my head is messed.”

I grasped the temples of my head and massaged them. I felt a big weight lift off my shoulders. It felt satisfied to talk it out. I let out a big sigh and looked at Tiffany who was releasing a stream of tears. Her eyes were red and puffy. I chuckled a little and went ahead to ask her, “Tiffany, you okay?”

“H-Huh! ...S-Sorry…I wouldn’t have known that so much has happened to you…” She wiped away her tears and settled down. “You didn’t have to reveal so much to me…” She said quietly.

“I know…but I felt like I had to…it’s just this feeling I have inside me.” I said. “I’m sorry if you would have to carry this burden upon you…” I felt guilty for telling her even though it would cause her trouble, but I couldn’t control myself.

“…It’s okay Taeyeon…Actually I’m glad that you told me…It’s not a burden at all. I feel relieved that you were open to me…I-I want to help you get through this…if you will allow me…” She said quietly while her face was flustered. I chuckled at the sight. I was astonished at her response.

“Honestly I thought you would get afraid and avoid me…But seeing you support me I feel like I’ll become stronger…Haha that sounded melodramatic. But I’m serious. I’ll be sure to protect you with my life Miyoung…I promise.”

“…S-Shouldn’t I be saying that…? Since you’re important for the Kim Company?” She asked in a shocked and flustered face.

“Miyoung…I won’t let anyone lay a finger on you…Just having you near me makes me feel at ease. I get a different feeling from you compared to Jessica and Uncle. So please…don’t ever leave my sight…” I confessed and looked away. I felt my face become hot from the cheesy line I just stated. I heard her chuckle under her breath. I swiftly raised my head and I see Tiffany smiling at me.

“Taeyeon…” She gave me a sincere smile, the one that made me fall more in love with her. Every day I fall deeper in love with the angel in front of me. I didn’t want to stare at her like an idiot so I gave her one of my sincere smiles in return.

“So does that mean that…” She trailed off. I got confused.

“Tiffany?” I caught her attention again. She spaces out quite a bit, but not as much as Jessica. Her expression became calm.

“Um, so does that mean that you and Jessica aren’t cousins at all?” She asked quickly.

“Well…I feel like we are. I did that to hide my profile. Sorry that I lied to you back then, I hope you understand…” I felt guilty for lying to her. But that was a while back and I hope that she would understand why I did that.

“No I understand. It was to protect your status right? I’m relieved.” She smiled brightly. Relieved? Is she jealous of Jessica? I smirked.

“Why are you relieved?” I .

 “U-Um, i-it was j-just…um…n-nothing. N-Nevermind.” She stuttered and her cheeks became rosy.

This made my hopes even higher and I couldn’t stop smiling. I decided to again.

“Do you perhaps have feelings for me?” I smirked.

“!! W-What are you talking about?!” Her face was redder than before. I chuckled.

I rose from my seat and leaned closer toward her. We were a few centimeters away and her face was in a frozen state. I went past her face then whispered in her ear, “Don’t be so dense Miyoung. I’ll make you realize it soon enough.

I went back to my seat and sat down. I looked at Tiffany’s expression, it was stunned. Her face was red and was partially open. I laughed at her. She probably didn’t understand what I said but her expression was priceless.

She became speechless. She hadn’t spoken a word for a while. I stared at her. Is she that astonished? I got worried and shook her.

“Tiffany! You okay? I was just kidding!” I said while laughing, hoping that she would return to her normal state.

After a few more minutes she reacted. “T-Tae! U-Um…!” She was at a loss of words. I couldn’t hold in my laughter and let it out. I realized that Tiffany slowly started to join along as the awkward atmosphere lifted and we both filled the room with our conjoined laughter.

We came to a break and relaxed in the cozy room. I looked at the clock, it was 8 p.m. I didn’t feel like going home because there’s no one there and I don’t want to be alone. Truthfully, I want to stay with Tiffany and spend time with her. I should ask her out first. I smiled at my brilliant idea.

“Tiffany.” I called her name out.

“Yeah?” She the T.V. and turned her head towards me.

“Want to spend Christmas with me?” 


A/N: Herrow everyone!! I know I know! It's been a while and I've been letting you hang! I am sincerely sorry! Please forgive me! I have a very busy schedule but I had some time today! It's a bit rushed and there may be some typos but please forgive me! Tell me if you get confused or see a mistake! Thanks!

Only 5,001 words! How uneven. :\ But I guess it's long enough for you to read right? AND GUESS WHAT? ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER! ^____^ I hate them so much! :) Haha! If you wanna see more YulSic action I will be sure to take some requests haha!

BTW I have worked with another author and soon you will see some rated M scenes for those who are byuntae ^^ Look forward to that! Another message: I got a new cover! Did you see it? Thanks to StephanieBoo who made it for me! :D 

Please subscribe, comment, or add, any of the three is fine with me! :) It will keep me motivated readers! ^____^ I will try my best to keep updating! Love you all! Thanks for all the support! <3 

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gabiel #1
Chapter 15: please author-nim continue this story i really like this story of yours update soon
Chapter 15: author-nim... u will not update this anymore? T^T I just found it and I like it a lot
Chapter 15: Update juseyooo
Chapter 14: re reading this again :D Hoping for the next update, I'll surely wait.
gabiel #5
Chapter 15: aww i want the story of yours author shii :(
please continue the story please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
xJennyySNSD #6
Chapter 15: Please continue I really like the story so far :)
Aww.. the story was just starting to get better. Well, but they liked each I'm happy. ^^ Good luck on your future works~
MojoJoJoseph #8
aww.. T.T i think u should really continue this..
hwaitng author..
updte soon..
taeng-you #10
is it a prank??