
Keep the Faith

Kyuhyun opened his eyes. Everything was a blur. Where was he? What happened to him?

"You're awake!" A familiar voiced called out.

Kyuhyun turned his head to see Leeteuk walking into his room with a wet towel in his hand.

"We were so worried about you," Leeteuk said as he placed the towel gently on his forehead, "You were burning! 39.5 degrees! The doctor came and gave you an injection and an IV drip. Thank God you are okay."

Kyuhyun tried to sit up, but girmaced as he felt a pain at the back of his head. He felt lethargic and could not seem to find strength.

Leeteuk pushed him back down gently, "Lie still. The fever is not all gone yet."

"Ryewook is cooking porridge for you. I will wake you up when it is ready."

Kyuhyun could find no strength to do otherwise. He closed his eyes, and the last thing he felt was a warm hand ruffling his hair before he slipped into dreamland once again.


It was another hour or so when Kyuhyun felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. His eyes fluttered open.

"Eat some food so you can take your medicine." A soft voice spoke as a hand reached out to help him sit up.

Kyuhyun rubbed his eyes and tried to focus on the person in front of him. Leeteuk hyung. Has he been taking care of him all these while while he was asleep?

Leeteuk placed a spoonful of porridge near his mouth, "Eat a few mouth, even if you don't feel like it."

Kyuhyun opened his mouth, allowing Leeteuk to feed him. The porridge tasted good - Ryewook's cooking is fabulous as usual. But his queasy stomach does not seem to agree with his tongue. He felt full after a few mouths and could not seem to stomach any more of it.

Leeteuk placed the porridge on the table beside his bed and handed his a glass of water and a few pills. He took them from his hands and swallowed the pills followed by a few gulps of water.

"Are you feeling better yet?" Leeteuk asked in concern.

Kyuhyun nodded his head halfheartedly.

"Your body may be feeling better, but how about your heart?" Leeteuk questioned as he placed a hand on the maknae's shoulder.

Kyuhyun kept quiet. Will his heart ever get better

"We are all here for you.. Kyuhyun ah... Whenever you are ready, we are here to listen. Bottling up your feelings will not help anything."

Kyuhyun dropped his head, not daring to look at Leeteuk in his eyes, for fear that he will break down in tears once again.

"You don't understand... My grandfather is all I have in this world." He muttered, head still bowed down.

Leeteuk sighed, "I know... Kyuhyun. But there's still us. There's always us."

Witht that, Leeteuk took the bowl of left over porridge and got up from his chair, "Have more sleep. Just call out if you need anything..."

"By anything I meant both physically and emotionally."


"Kyuhyun... I love you." An all familiar voice called out.

Kyuhyun looked hard at the figure in front of him. Why was it so hazy here?

"Are you eating well? Kyuhyun ah..."

Kyuhyun walked closer and saw the familiar face he had missed terribly these past week.


Grandpa smiled lovingly at him, "Live well, Kyuhyun. Grandpa will be watching you from afar."

Tears fell down Kyuhyun's cheeks, "I missed you so much, why did you leave me behind?"

"My time's up, Kyuhyun. But your's is not. Live well, and shine brightly, my beloved grandson."

As he spoke, he retreats further and further away from Kyuhyun. No matter how Kyuhyun shouts and run after him, he could not seem to catch up.

"Grandpa!" He yelled with all his mind, but all there was left was silence.


Kyuhyun woke up with a start. He looked around and realised that he was back in his own room.

It was a dream. He realised with heavy disappointment in his heart. His hand reached out to his cheeks and realised that they were wet... It seemed so real...

"Why did you leave me?" He muttered as he allowed his tears to flow freely down his tired eyes, "You are all that I have... Why do all that I love have to leave me?


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Ladychi #1
Chapter 13: No seas cruel! Llama a la motivación por favor
Chapter 14: Please continue , this is such a great story !!!
Dyemolink #3
Chapter 14: Pls continue
dyemolink1 #4
Chapter 14: Please continue
Hinorinn #5
Chapter 14: Aww, so sad... please continue! Make kyu happy .. anf let the others knew about kyu's past. They deserve it~
looshyhooshy #6
I wish u complete this one and update it again ..</3
Looks like you are gone for 3 years already and people are still commenting. Everyone must be frustrated by now,right?
Chapter 1: Totally love it....... Plez continue ur writing. Really anticipated 4 next chapter....
eliz930 #9
Chapter 14: pls update..
Chapter 14: This fic is so good!! You need to update it!!!!