
Keep the Faith

Kyuhyun slowly unbuckled his pants with shaking hands. He did not have a choice. Leeteuk will have to know, only Leeteuk can help him now. He pulled down his pants, squeezing his eyes closed, not wanting to see, nor hear Leeteuk's reaction.

Leeteuk gasped in shock as he saw Kyuhyun's thighs. Clear marks of self abuse were all over.

"Oh my God... Oh my God..." Leeteuk uttered in absolute disbelief, "What have you done to yourself, Kyuhyun?"

"Are you crazy?"


"Cho Kyuhyun, are you crazy?" Leeteuk repeated, grabbing the younger's arm.

Kyuhyun pulled up his pants in shame, head hanging low, tears filling his dark sorrowful eyes.

"Sorry, hyung..." He muttered, not knowing what else to say.

Leeteuk sighed, "Don't say sorry to me, Kyu. You should be sorry to yourself. How could you inflict such pain on yourself?"

Kyuhyun's head continued to hang low.

"Look at me, Kyuhyun." Leeteuk said gently.

Kyuhyun lifted his head up, but he just could not bring himself to face the leader.

"Why Kyuhyun? Why?" Leeteuk asked.

Tears rolled down Kyuhyun's face, "Because the pain inside is too great to bear."

Leeteuk's heart broke at the words. How much have the maknae been secretly carrying in his heart that it became too great for him to bear? What happened to the strong and positive Kyuhyun? And why has he, as the leader and the hyung, not have noticed and cared alittle more?

Leeteuk gently pulled the younger into his arms, his back. Kyuhyun sobbed, harder then he ever had. He did not care that he had wet Leeteuk's shirt, he did not care if others outside might hear him, he did not care that he still have a photoshoot later on. For once, in a long long time, he felt safe. Safely in the arms of his hyung.

Leeteuk broke the hug after a while, wiping the tears from Kyuhyun's face. As much as he would like the moment to last longer, he could not. He still has his responsibilities as a leader.

 "The rest are waiting for us, let's head out." Leeteuk said, reaching for the door.

Kyuhyun tugged at his arm, "But..."

He gestured to the pair of shorts still tightly clenched in his hand.

"No worries, I will settle it." Leeteuk reassured.

"Thanks, hyung..." Kyuhyun said as he looked into Leeteuk's eyes, his heart b with gratitude.

Leeteuk shook his head, "But that does not mean I am letting you off. We have alot to talk about later."


In the end Leeteuk had to lie to the rest that Kyuhyun is ill. The manager sent him home to rest, after much persuasion that he did not need to see the doctor.

Kyuhyun's heart was filled with relief as he went into his room. Finally, he was alone. No more questions to answer, no more "are you okay?", no more "What happened, Kyu?". As much as he love his hyungs, there was nothing he want now more then peace and quiet.

He knew it would not last long though. Very soon Leeteuk will burst into the room and start questioning him. But for once, he thought that might not be a bad thing. If Leeteuk could dig hard enough and allow him to unload the burden... Perhaps things will get better.


But for now, he just needed some rest.

He reached into the drawer beside his bed and pulled out a bottle of pills. These were his lifesaver for the past days. They allow him dreamless nights, and take away his trouble... for the time being.

He popped two into his mouth, before tucking himself under the thick blanket. He closed his eyes, and within moments he was fast asleep.


Leeteck opened the door to the room gently, seeing no response after several knocks. He was distracted throughout the day of activities, no matter how hard he tried to focus, his heart kept wandering to that one person - Kyuhyun. He was utterly worried and afraid, that Kyuhyun might do something silly again before he could get back to the dorm.

He finally sighed with relief as he see the sleeping figure infront of him. But not for long, as he spot the bottle of sleeping pills on the table. Is that what the maknae had been relying for sleep?

For a moment, he thought of just letting Kyuhyun have his sleep for the night. But he decided against. This issue was too serious to be dragged on. He sat himself on the edge of the bed and gently tap the sleeping figure.

"Kyu ah..." He called out softly.

Kyuhyun stirred slightly in his sleep, but showed no sign of waking up.

Leetuck taps  his shoulder again, this time slightly harder.

Kyuhyun half opened his eyes, looking confused.

"Kyuhyun ah... Wake up for a while, Hyung wants to talk to you." Leeteuk said with a smile on his face, ruffling the hair of the younger one.

Kyuhyun slowly sat up on his bed, rubbing his eyes, "Hyung."

Leeteuk smiled at the sight. For a moment, he looks like the old Kyuhyun once again, adorable and innocent.

"Change out of your pyjamas, let's go for a walk." Leeteuk said.

Kyuhyun nodded his head, knowing fully what Leeteuk wanted to talk about.

"I will wait for you in the living room." Leeteuk said before leaving the room.


Sorry I took a while to update! =) I read all your wonderful comments, thank you so much for your kind support! =)) and happy chinese new year to all who celebrates it! =)

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Ladychi #1
Chapter 13: No seas cruel! Llama a la motivación por favor
Chapter 14: Please continue , this is such a great story !!!
Dyemolink #3
Chapter 14: Pls continue
dyemolink1 #4
Chapter 14: Please continue
Hinorinn #5
Chapter 14: Aww, so sad... please continue! Make kyu happy .. anf let the others knew about kyu's past. They deserve it~
looshyhooshy #6
I wish u complete this one and update it again ..</3
Looks like you are gone for 3 years already and people are still commenting. Everyone must be frustrated by now,right?
Chapter 1: Totally love it....... Plez continue ur writing. Really anticipated 4 next chapter....
eliz930 #9
Chapter 14: pls update..
Chapter 14: This fic is so good!! You need to update it!!!!