Over the Edge

Keep the Faith

It was in the middle of the night when Leeteuk opened his eyes, to the dark room, except for the small night lamp on the table beside. He looked over to find the bed beside him empty. The closed bathroom door and the sound of running water told him that Kyuhyun is in the bathroom. Why was he taking a shower at such a weird timing?

Leeteuk got up from his bed, and knocked on the bathroom door, "Kyu?"

No response.

He knocked harder, "Kyuhyun?"

There was complete silence except for the sound of water.

Fear gripped Leeteuk's heart all of a sudden. He had a bad, bad feeling about this. He tried to open the door but it was locked.

"Kyuhyun!" He shouted, panicking, "Open up the door Cho Kyuhyun!"

Still no response.

He was completely panick stricken at this point of time. Using all his strength, Leeteuk slammed his body against the door. It took a few attempted before the door flung open.

Leeteuk will never forget the sight in front of him.

Kyuhyun was fully submerged in the bathtub. The tap was still on, and water was flowing non stop onto the floor, completely wetting it. The lack of air bubbles meant that Kyuhyun was not breathing. Was he withholding his breath on purpose, or was he...?

For a moment, Leeteuk was almost frozen to the ground, paralysed by the sight in front of him. But he realised that he had no time to waste. He sprung into action, running into the bathroom and dragging Kyuhyun out from the bathtub. Kyuhyun's eyes were closed, his lips pale... And he did not seem to be breathing.

"Kyu!" Leeteuk shouted as he slapped Kyuhyun's cheek, hoping for the maknae to gain consciousness.

Tears were flooding his own eyes as the pair of eyes remained close. He tried to remember what he had learnt in his first aid course. Placing the heel of his hand on Kyuhyun's chest, he pushed down, again and again and again, exerting as much strength as he could without hurting Kyuhyun. Praying hard at the same time. Nothing must happen Kyuhyun. He must be all right.

Indescribable relief filled his heart as water spewed out from the maknae's mouth.

"Kyuhyun..." He called out again.

Kyuhyun gave a few coughs before his eyes slowly opened.

Leeteuk smiled widely through his worried tears. Never had he been so happy to see that pair of dark brown eyes.

"Kyu, are you okay?" Leeteuk asked, hovering over him.

Kyuhyun looked up at him, confused, he wanted to say something, but could not seem to.

Leeteuk raised him up to a sitting position, "Can you breathe?"

Kyuhyun nodded, as he took in the air. Why did he feel so breathless? And why was it so cold? What happened to the warmth previously?

Leeteuk eyed his pale, bluish lips. What a disturbing sight. What a disturbing incident. He could not imagine what would happen if he had not woken up in time. He would have died if anything was to happen to Kyuhyun.

He stood up, carrying Kyuhyun off the wet ground, and placed him on the bed. He pulled the blanket over the shivering maknae and reached for the phone.

"I am calling hyung to get you to the hospital, " Leeteuk said, as he dialed the manager's room number.

Kyuhyun reached out to stop him, "I... I am fine hyung."

Leeteuk turned to look at him, "You are fine? In what way are you fine?"

"Please... I don't want anyone to know about this." Kyuhyun pleaded. That was the last thing he needed now.

"But..." Leeteuk hesitated.

Kyuhyun held on to his hand, "I am really fine, hyung."

Leeteuk sighed as he placed the phone down. Why couldn't he ever reject Kyuhyun's requests? No matter how ridiculous they were?

"All right, but you let me know immediately if you are feeling unwell." Leeteuk ordered.

Kyuhyun nodded his head.

"And by the way, what you did just now was ing stupid." Leeteuk said, an edge to his voice.

Now that he was sure the maknae was fine, his worries turned to anger. What was Kyuhyun thinking? Doing something so stupid? What would happen to him... To everyone if Kyuhyun was gone? How could he act so irresponsibly? What happened to the witty, positive Kyuhyun? How could he have disappeared so completely and without a trace?

"I... I didn't mean to." Kyuhyun said, his head hung low, "I just... I was feeling cold."

Leeteuk walked over where Kyuhyun's duffel bag was placed. Digging into it, he pulled out a clean shirt and a pair of pants.

"Well, the next time you feel cold, you on the damn heater instead of trying to get yourself killed like this." He said as he handed Kyuhyun the clothes.

Kyuhyun stood up and was about to head to the bathroom when Leeteuk stopped him.

"Change here, I am not letting you anywhere near the bathroom tonight." He said.

If not for the situation, Kyuhyun would have laughed, trust Leeteuk to be so mum-like.

He pulled off his wet clothes and changed into the fresh set.

"Sorry hyung..." He muttered as he sat down beside Leeteuk.

"Instead of sorry, why don't you tell me what happened?" Leeteuk asked, looking at the maknae in the eyes.

"I... I had a nightmare." Kyuhyun muttered, "About my father... And the reporters. And then... I felt so cold, and the water... The water felt so warm. And I..."

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he recalled those awful moments, "It was just too painful to bear, hyung. So I thought maybe I should just let go."

Leeteuk placed his hands on Kyuhyun's shoulders, feeling heartbroken. All the damn reporters and his imbecile father, how could they bear to hurt this young, lovely boy in such a way? How could they have pushed him over the edge so mercilessly?

"Don't talk like that, Kyu. We need you. The team... Our fans...  And me. I need you. We are all here for you."

"So please, Kyu. Life is too precious to let go of." Leeteuk said, in an almost pleading tone, pleading for the makane to hang in there... to stay alive.

"I know hyung. I know life is precious. I know the team loves me... I know you love me." Kyuhyun said, "But hyung. Knowing all these... It doesn't stop the bleeding."

Leeteuk's heart ached for the broken maknae. Will he ever be able to mend the broken pieces? Will the old Kyuhyun ever be back? He reached out and pulled the younger one into a tight hug.

"The next time it hurts, talk to me, please. Hyung will help you. Hyung will protect you." Leeteuk said through his tears, "But please, don't ever do that again. Hyung cannot do without you.



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Ladychi #1
Chapter 13: No seas cruel! Llama a la motivación por favor
Chapter 14: Please continue , this is such a great story !!!
Dyemolink #3
Chapter 14: Pls continue
dyemolink1 #4
Chapter 14: Please continue
Hinorinn #5
Chapter 14: Aww, so sad... please continue! Make kyu happy .. anf let the others knew about kyu's past. They deserve it~
looshyhooshy #6
I wish u complete this one and update it again ..</3
Looks like you are gone for 3 years already and people are still commenting. Everyone must be frustrated by now,right?
Chapter 1: Totally love it....... Plez continue ur writing. Really anticipated 4 next chapter....
eliz930 #9
Chapter 14: pls update..
Chapter 14: This fic is so good!! You need to update it!!!!