
Keep the Faith

Kyuhyun felt better after the talk with Leeteuk. Leeteuk always manage to make him feel safe... and loved. As if with Leeteuk, everything will fall into place - a feeling he hasn't had for a while.

"Thanks hyung..." Kyuhyun muttered, half embarrassed of his emotional breakdown in front of his hyung.

Leeteuk smiled gently at him, "Thank you, Kyuhyun. Thank you for trusting me enough to share all these with me. It means alot to me."

Kyuhyun looked up, feeling touched and grateful for such a wonderful hyung.

Leeteuk drew the maknae into a hug once again, "I will always be here for you, Kyu. So there's no need to be afraid anymore."

Tears welled up in Kyuhyun's eyes once again. Those were simple words, but they comforted his heart greatly. He did not know whether Leeteuk really meant it, or if it really would come to past, but he wants to believe in it. He was tired, and in need of a place to rest, to put down his feelings and burdens, and Leeteuk seems like the perfect place that will keep him safe.


The situation seems to be turning for the better for Kyuhyun for the next few days. It helps that they are now in Thailand for a performance. The new environment gives Kyuhyun something else to focus on, putting down temporarily whatever that was bothering him.

"Sleep early tonight, Kyu." Leeteuk said as he came out of the bathroom, the towel wrapped over his head, "It's going to be a long day tomorrow."

Kyuhyun nodded as he dug into his duffel bag. He was not surprised when Leeteuk arranged for them to share a room together. He knew that the oldest wants to keep an eye on him, and make sure that he is not going to do anything stupid again. And it felt good knowing this, that someone loves and cares for him in this way.

Kyuhyun took out his bottle of sleeping pills and was about to pop two into his mouth when a hand reached out to stop him.

"It's not good to make this a habit, you know," Leeteuk said, frowning in concern, "it will harm your health."

"I know, hyung. But I can't sleep without them, and I need all the energy for tomorrow." Kyuhyun explained.

Leeteuk took the pills and the bottle away him, "You won't know until you try. No more such rubbish for you."

Kyuhyun was about to say something when Leeteuk headed over to their beds. Pushing away the table in between the beds, he moved the two beds together.

"I will sleep with you tonight." Leeteuk said, smiling at Kyuhyun, "When I was young, I was very afraid of the dark. I will toss and turn in bed all night long, too afraid to sleep. Whenever that happens, I will sneak into my parents room and sleep in between them. Somehow, with their presence, I feel safer."

"I hope I can do the same for you, Kyu."

Kyuhyun smiled back at him, touched by the gesture, "Thanks, hyung."

The two climbed onto the beds, tucking themselves under the warm blankets.

"Good night, hyung."

"Good night, Kyuhyun."

Kyuhyun closed his eyes. Leeteuk was right. He did feel safer with Leeteuk's presence. It did not take long before he fell into a deep sleep.


Kyuhyun woke up next morning to the sound of the alarm. He sat up, rubbing his eyes sleepily. The sound of water told him that Leeteuk was already showering in the bathroom. He wonders how Leeteuk always manages to wake up so early every morning.

He got up of his bed, stretching his body. It has been long since he had such a good rest. He opened the room door and retrieved the bag of newspaper hanging outside.Their manager always made sure they had Korean newspaper delivered to their rooms whenever they are overseas. Something about making them feel more at home,

He flipped through the newspaper with little interest. He had never been one who keeps himself up to date with current news, the only section he is interested in is the entertainment section, and that is because he wanted to see if there are any news on the group.

But what greeted him on the front page of the entertainment news shocked him. He froze, staring at a large photo of his printed on it. But it was not the photo that caught his attention, it was the headlines. He could feel his body trembling... With anger? Or was it fear? He was not sure, his mind was a complete blank at the moment.

He did not even notice when Leeteuk stepped out of the bathroom.

"Morning Kyuhyun! Had a good sleep last night?" Leeteuk greeted cheerfully.

But the smile on his face soon faded as he noticed the expression on the maknae's face.

"What happened, Kyu?" He asked, concern written all over his face.

Seeing no response, he walked over and looked over the shoulders of the maknae.

"Oh my god." He gasped, staring at the news in shock.



Quite a boring chapter =( But no worries, things will get exciting (hopefully) soon! Leave some comments, I love reading your comments! =))


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Ladychi #1
Chapter 13: No seas cruel! Llama a la motivación por favor
Chapter 14: Please continue , this is such a great story !!!
Dyemolink #3
Chapter 14: Pls continue
dyemolink1 #4
Chapter 14: Please continue
Hinorinn #5
Chapter 14: Aww, so sad... please continue! Make kyu happy .. anf let the others knew about kyu's past. They deserve it~
looshyhooshy #6
I wish u complete this one and update it again ..</3
Looks like you are gone for 3 years already and people are still commenting. Everyone must be frustrated by now,right?
Chapter 1: Totally love it....... Plez continue ur writing. Really anticipated 4 next chapter....
eliz930 #9
Chapter 14: pls update..
Chapter 14: This fic is so good!! You need to update it!!!!