
Keep the Faith

As if the situation was not bad enough.

Kyuhyun climbed into the van with the other members. It had been a long day of practice and performances. Everyone were thoroughly tired out.  He leaned back on the seat, his limbs aching. All the activities were particularly draining for him, due to his sleepless night. He closed his eyes, hoping to be able to catch some sleep. Somehow, he felt more at peace and comforted with the presence of his hyungs.

Just as he was about to slip into dreamland, something vibrated in his left pocket. Kyuhyun sighed as he pulled out his cellphone, he looked at the screen and spotted an unfamiliar number. Was it one of those fans again?

"Hello, Kyuhyun speaking." He greeted.

"Kyuhyun." A voice called out.

Kyuhyun froze at he sound of the voice. The voice he would never forget in this lifetime. But it's impossible, right? How did he...

"Wh... Who are you?" He asked, his heart beating furiously against his chest.

"You forgot about me? That's sad... Kyuhyun." The voice answered.

Kyuhyun tightened his grip around the phone, "Father." He spit out the word in disgust.

He could hear laughter at the other side of the phone, "Good that you still remember me now that you're all rich and famous."

"I see that old man have passed away. It's about time."

"Don't you say that about grandpa." Kyuhyun growled quietly into the phone, not wanting to attract the attention of the rest.

"He was the one who took you away from me. How dare him. He deserved whatever he got."

"How did you get my number?" Kyuhyun changed the topic, not wanting to hear the bastard talking about his grandpa in such a way.

"I pulled some strings of course. It took me long enough." Kyuhyun's father said, "Missed me much?"

Kyuhyun clenched his teeth, trying to keep his temper in control, "In your dreams. What do you want from me?"

"I see you're as rude as ever. Have the old man not taught you well? Or have fame gotten to your head?" His father berated.

"Get to the point."

He could hear those laughter once again, "Very well. I am alittle tight nowadays, son."

"So?" Kyuhyun asked, even though he already knew what the answer was.

"As the son, don't you have the responsibility of taking care of your own father?"

"You're not my father." Kyuhyun rebuked, "You're just an imbecile who does not give a damn about anything but money."

"Cut the crap. I need money." Kyuhyun's father said, an edge to his voice."

"Over your dead body." Kyuhyun snarled and hung up on him.

He clenched his fists tightly, anger rising up in him. How dare him. How dare him call and ask for money after all that he had done. After all the misery and sufferings he had caused to his own family.

Kyuhyun could feel tears of anger gather in his eyes as the old memories came back to him. The phone call have open up old wounds once again. He sobbed as silently as he could, not wanting to wake the rest up from their sleep.

"Kyu..." A voice called out from behind.

Kyuhyun hurriedly tried to wipe the tears from his eyes. But it was of no use, it just hurt too much for them to stop flowing down.

He could feel someone sitting down on the seat beside him, but he continued to look the other way, not wanting anyone to see his tears.

"Kyu, look at me for a second." Kyuhyun could recognise that the voice belongs to Leeteuk.

He turned around reluctantly, showing his tear-stricken face.

"What happened? Who called you?" Leeteuk asked in concern.

Kyuhyun shook his head slightly, "It's nothing."

"If it's nothing, why are you crying?" Leeteuk asked.

Kyuhyun kept silent.

"Kyuhyun, tell me." Leeteuk insisted, "I am your hyung, let me share your burden."

"My father called." Kyuhyun muttered, "We have never been on good terms. Hearing him brought back some memories."

"Please don't ask anymore, hyung. I really don't want to talk about it."

Leeteuk sighed, "All right. I won't ask. For now."

He put his arms around Kyuhyun's shoulders, hoping to ease the boy's pain by a little.


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Ladychi #1
Chapter 13: No seas cruel! Llama a la motivación por favor
Chapter 14: Please continue , this is such a great story !!!
Dyemolink #3
Chapter 14: Pls continue
dyemolink1 #4
Chapter 14: Please continue
Hinorinn #5
Chapter 14: Aww, so sad... please continue! Make kyu happy .. anf let the others knew about kyu's past. They deserve it~
looshyhooshy #6
I wish u complete this one and update it again ..</3
Looks like you are gone for 3 years already and people are still commenting. Everyone must be frustrated by now,right?
Chapter 1: Totally love it....... Plez continue ur writing. Really anticipated 4 next chapter....
eliz930 #9
Chapter 14: pls update..
Chapter 14: This fic is so good!! You need to update it!!!!