Bring the Girls Out

Operation T.R.E.E. 2: The Cult

Onew pranced around his office with his cellphone to his ear. He couldn't believe the girls were taking forever to teleport to the headquarters. He tapped his foot angrily each time he paused from his anxious walking. It drove him crazy impatient, knowing that they still hadn't arrived.

"I gave them those rings to make their transportation easier! Don't tell me they still took the train to the headquarters, God!" Onew complained out loud. His secretary Hyunah overheard him and approached him slowly. Onew sensed her presence and spoke to her with his back turned, a sign that he was really frustrated. Hyunah tried to open but couldn't muster the courage to do so but her sense of responsibility and commitment to her work, knowing that getting things done was more important than values and morals now, she still spoke to him.

"Onew, the girls should be on their way now." she said in an effort to ease his tension. Onew whipped around madly and gave her a crazed look, one that could petrify. Hyunah backed away and gasped, fearing that her boss would eat her up. Onew wanted to slam her against the wall and choke her till she died for what she said but instead, he closed his hands into fists and took several deep breaths, controlling his temper. Hyunah held her breath and breathed out again. 

"Good." Onew turned his back on her and rubbed his forehead in stress. Seoul City was in danger and he couldn't afford to waste another minute of seeing the town suffer.

CL rummaged through her things and managed to find the ring despite swollen eyes and a stuffy nose. 

"My country needs me." CL wore the ring around her finger, concentrated deeply and vanished into thin air. 

Jessica's bony fingers searched her 3 accessory boxes for the ring. She had removed all the contents and mixed them all up with hopes of finding the ring that seemed to have blended in with her other similar looking rings. 

"Where the is that?!" she grunted while running her hands trhough the rings like sand. When she saw a pink blinking one, she knew that was the rings he was looking for.

"Gotcha!" she slipped the ring on her finger. It definitely became more loose and Jessica felt a flattering, successful thump in her chest upon seeing how skinny her finger has become. With a satisfied smile, she teleported with her eyes closed. 

Sohee, who was still grounded, was torn between disobeying her dad to save the country or staying at home and watch Korea fall into pieces. 

"I am not going to let that happen." the active young artist told herself with bravery and pride. She opened the two drawers on the bottom part of her table and searched for the ring. Sohee didn't have that many rings so finding it was easy. It was the one that blinked. After going through her things, Sohee found a blinking green ring and put it on.

"Pretty!" she said. Sohee rarely admired jewelry so this was a first.

Gahee was determined this time to get out of her house and save the world not because she cared but because she wanted to get away from her mother's imposing rules and restrictions. Okay, and also because she didn't want this crime to spread throughout the country because, like most organized , this would spread soon.

"If only I could find that goddamn ring!" Gahee said with her phone in her hand. She seemed to have forgotten where she had placed it. Gahee rushed to her room in their bungalow which was just a few steps away from the kitchen and took the jewelry box that she kept underneath her messy bed. She, like Jessica, poured the contents of her jewelry box and found the glowing ring. 

"There you are you little !" she slipped it in her finger and vanished.

Nicole Jung just got up from her bonding time with mom and checked her two phones which were both on her drawer. The normal phone had no messages nor missed calls. Nicole then proceeded to check her TREE phone. 

"OH GOD!" Nicole screamed when she saw that her phone had 3 missed calls from Onew. No wonder he was so impatient! Nicole wanted to ring back but decided that it was smarter to teleport there with the teleport rings.

Problem? She forgot where she put her ring.

As usual, Nicole had to go through all her things but it proved to be no trouble since she had cleared most of her junk and she was sure that she didn't throw the ring away neither did she sell it. So it was easy for her to locate her ring. As a matter of fact, she didn't have to look far because the ring was just among her collection of laser pens.

"There you are!" Nicole slipped the ring on her finger and teleported, completing the group.


The girls all arrived at the headquarters at the same time. It felt like ten years since they last set foot in this establishment and of course, like normal teenage friends, they were so happy to see one another that they ran to each other and hugged.

"Oh my God! I missed you so much!" were the words they said while outstretching their arms to take the other in and squeeze tightly. Nicole and Jessica, also known as the Jung sisters to the group, were so glad to see each other as well as Sohee and Jessica who shared a passion for comic books. CL and Gahee were glad to be in the same place but Gahee and Jessica were still quite awkward with each other.

Onew heard adolescent commotion going on outside the office and stepped out. To his great and utter joy, the girls had arrived! He ran to the door and opened it, stretching out his arms with a grin that went up to his ears. The girls saw him and immediately ran to him with arms also outstretched.

"ONEW!!!" they squealed as they gave him a huge hug. Onew was nearly pushed to the ground by the tight hugs that they gave him but he was able to keep his balance and hugged them even tighter. 

"We missed you so much! We're so glad to see you!" Jessica said. They all broke apart as Onew led them to the headquarters.

"Well, I missed you girls too. God, you all look the same. Except for Jessica." he pointed Jessica out, stating that she had lost a ton of weight. "You have become so skinny, Jessica!"

"Thanks. But I think I should lose more weight. I'm still on a diet." Jessica said. The other girls' eyes nearly popped out of their sockets upon her statement. Jessica was close to just skin and bones and they couldn't believe that she was still on a diet, thinking she was fat.

"Jessica don't you dare!" Gahee said worriedly. She touched Jessica's shoulder and felt her collarbone piercing through. Gahee retracted her hand and rubbed it with the other. "You are so skinny! You might get sick!"

"No I won't." Jessica said reassuringly. "I'll be fine, trust me." The young lady said with a smile that didn't convince her co-spies. 

"Hahahaha! I'm free at last!" Sohee said childishly. Jessica looked at her and smiled. She had missed that laugh though it annoyed her to great lengths during their first mission.

"Why?" CL turned to Sohee and asked this.

"I got grounded for starting a revolution against our principal in school. I lost my scholarship and got expelled." The girls all gasped and looked at her.

"What? Oh God you can't be serious!!!" Nicole said with exaggerated feelings. Gahee gave Nicole a dumbfounded look which meant that her noise was annoying. Nicole looked at both women and shrugged. "What happened to you?"

"Our principal was being a real ! She needed some asskicking!" Sohee raised her fist in the air. 

"How about you, CL?" Jessica turned to their leader and asked her how life had been treating her so far. CL let out a deep sigh and smiled.

"How are you and Ji Young?" Nicole asked with a voice that went up a pitch, the kind of voice you use for teasing. CL nearly cried but stayed strong and answered her question like a man.

"We've been fighting and all but we're good." CL lied. Guess she couldn't answer it like a man and wasn't as brave as they thought. Well they didn't know, though but Gahee had a hunch that CL was lying about them being good. Just then, a pair of heels came clacking from behind and the girls knew that this could only be one person. Kim Hyunah. The lovely secrertary to Lee Jin Ki. Holding her papers and a pen and clad in a white polo, a tight-fitting pencil skirt that was way above her knee, and shiny black pumps. Hyunah often wore this outfit to work and it never failed to capture the attention of co-workers.

"Hello ladies. Such a pleasure to see you again." Hyunah said. She eyed the girls and their clothes. Certainly they looked so much different with their normal, everyday clothes. As Hyunah was scanning them, she noticed a button on the right side of Nicole's baby tee. It was blue and had the words "SUPER JUNIOR" on it.  Nicole noticed that Hyunah was smiling at the right side of her shirt and from this she knew that Hyunah was a fan.

"Do you like them?" asked Nicole.

"I love them." replied Hyunah. "Super Junior is my favorite boyband without a doubt." Jessica and Sohee cringed, making vomited motions. CL shook her head while Gahee smirked.

"You love them? Hyunah get real!" Jessica stepped forward and spoke. "They're nothing but a bunch of Backstreet Boys wannabes. Just listen to the Backstreet Boys or Westlife, it's so much better!" Nicole frowned upon Jessica's comment, feeling very much insulted. She wanted to hit back at Jessica but chose not to in order to avoid conflict.

"I respect that." replied the beautiful secretary. "I hope you respect us, too." Nicole smiled and giggled at the way Hyunah humiliated Jessica. Jessica pursed her lips and gave the secretary a cold stare.

"Now," Hyunah began. "Let's get started. Everyone, follow me to the office. Let us discuss your agenda."

The girls were about to go on a brand new mission.

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thekeytodestiny #1
Great story once again. Hope to see more from you.
hyeamazing #2
SEQUEL! ;D<br />
I'm gonna read (:
YAY!!! A sequel! XD I can't wait!! And fei is here ^O^<br />
Update soon please
FT-Island-xD #4
This story seems cool!. i wanna read this.