What Can I Do?

Love Me and I Die

Like and love were a totally different thing though. They were the difference between being friends and being lovers. They were the difference between choosing one person over the other. They were the difference between life and death.

It was a cool autumn day with a bit of wind in the air. All scattered on the ground were colourful leaves that crunched with every step we took. We walked to the park, then sat close together on a bench and just talked for a bit. As I put my feet up on the bench and hugged my knees, I leaned against him. Just relaxing and not having a worry in the world made me feel so much better than I had in years. I was so glad that I had a friend again.

“Eun-Mi,” He said. I put my head against his chest and snuggled closer to him.


Then I suddenly felt him sharply in a big breath, like he had something to tell me.

“I love you.”


After what he said finally registered in my head, I immediately tensed up. This was not supposed to happen. How did we become like this so fast? How could he love me? What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t love him back. I felt a wave of bittersweet emotions, and they just made the whole situation more confusing for me. I was panicking internally, and my head was spinning from all those thoughts.

“Seungri…I-I,” I tried to say something but no words would come out of my mouth.

I slowly moved my feet off the bench and turned to him. I left my wind-blown hair in my face to cover the tears that were threatening to fall any second.

“I’m sorry Seungri…I have to go.” I quickly got off the bench and stumbled on the ground, but got up before he could get near me. I tried to erase the image of the pain in his eyes, which was etched into my brain forever.


Short update today :P it's been a while

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Chapter 17: omg i just finished the fic c8
im gonna go check out more of your fics eheheheh.
thanks for writing a fic like this < 3
sure fed by panda addiction :3
Chapter 1: i just started reading this cx
arrgh i can't believe i didn't find this earlier...
i don't know how this is funny
AHAHAHA. /killed.
Chapter 11: 'There's hell in hello and good in goodbye. That's why you shouldn't be afraid of goodbye, but careful with the hello. I should have been more careful from the beginning.'
awww... i love these words ..
ur fanfic is awesome,
Chapter 17: It's beautiful! A new reader of your ff!
Will read some more... <3
Congrats for random story ! :D
sea0horse #8