Good Day

Love Me and I Die

The weekend arrived very slowly, though it had only been a few days since I started living at Seungri’s house. My injuries were all healed, and I decided it would be time to get out of there.

“Seungri!” I called. “I’m leaving you. Forever and ever. Goodbye best friend.” I packed whatever belongings I had and carried them downstairs.

“Are you better already? That was fast…” he appeared right behind me.

“Meh, I’m used to injuries like these.” I replied. “Kay so I’m going to go. Thank you very much for taking care of me these days, Seungri-ssi.” I bowed formally, and walked out.

The humid summer air immediately rushed to me, reminding me of the hot days this summer. I stood on the porch of Seungri’s house, when I realized that I had no idea how to get to my apartment. I turned around and leaned forward to open the door since I hadn’t heard him lock it yet.

Only, the door wasn’t there anymore.

Seungri had opened the door, and was about to walk outside. I lost my balance and ended up in his arms again. I sighed.

“Sorry,” I said, embarrassed since it was the third time that happened. Not that I was counting. He let go of me and we walked outside.  

“It’s alright,” he replied as he stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans. 

We arrived at my tiny apartment. It was a little embarrassing at first since he lived in such a big house, and I lived in a little crappy apartment. I let him in while I set my stuff down and put them away.

“Wow, you barely have anything here…” Seungri commented.

“Yeah, I don’t own much…since uh yeah.” My first house was burned down, the social workers took me from the second, and I ran away from the third. There really wasn’t any way to take a lot of belongings.  

“Since what?”

“Oh, uh never mind, shall we get going?” I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of there before he asked any more questions.

 “…wait. Where exactly are we?” I asked. Just when we were about to cross a street, I realized that I was so into our conversation that I did not notice at all where we went. But it wasn’t like we had a specific destination in mind anyway.

“Uh, I don’t know?” Seungri rubbed the back of his neck as he looked around looking for the nearest street signs.

“Seriously?” I raised an eyebrow. “Great…” I pulled out my cell phone and pulled up a map. I stared at the screen for a long time, then rapidly blinked since I thought I saw wrong. Seungri coughed.

“So…where are we?” He asked.

“According to my probably-not-accurate-cell-phone-map, we’re like out of the city. Wait…” I thought I heard something in the distance, and I stopped to listen. “Do you hear that?” I turned to Seungri as I continued to listen for the sound again.

“Hear what?” He asked.

“The sound of waves. We must be near the coast.” I answered. I had forgotten that my hearing was exceptional. I grabbed his arm and pulled him with me, as I started running toward the direction that the sound came from.

It turned out that I was right. After walking a bit more, we finally arrived at a beach. There were a few families on the beach, but it seemed as if this beach hadn’t been discovered by many yet.

“Come on!” I started running to the water while Seungri slowly walked behind me. On the way there, something glinted in the sand and it caught my eye. I walked closer to it and brushed some of the sand off with my foot.

Turned out, it was an abandoned water gun. Without missing a beat, I thought of a fun but evil plan. I took the water gun and filled it up with the ocean water. The whole time, I kept checking on Seungri, but he was still slowly walking, from the side of the beach that we came from. Once the water gun had filled up, I hid it behind my back while I ran back to Seungri. Mwhahahha.

Making a serious face, I walked up to him. “Seungri-ssi. If you do not want to get hurt, I advise you to put your hands up right now.” I slowly pulled out the gun from behind me. It seemed like he thought I would have a real gun since he witnessed all of the action that occurred that night. With a stunned look on his face, he carefully raised his hands up.

“Eun-Mi, what are you doing?” He asked.

“HA!” I pulled the trigger and sprayed him with water.

“Hey! I’m going to get you for that!” He yelled back once the gun ran out of water. I quickly ran back to the shore to get a refill, but he ran after me.

I got to the water first and tried to refill the water gun as fast as I could. I turned around to see Seungri grabbing a random kid’s water gun on the way. I laughed.

“Ha! You’re dead now.” He yelled as he fired the water gun and sprayed me with water. I sprayed him back while dodging showers. Seemed like good training with the guns and all.

I kept running even after my water gun ran out of water again, and he kept chasing me around. We were both soaking wet and covered in sand by the end. Then I got tired and collapsed on the sand. Seungri sat down beside me, and I noticed that it was almost sunset. Time went by really quickly. We watched as the families gradually all left, and we were the only ones there.

After a few minutes, the sun sank even lower into the sky. The sunset glow looked so beautiful with all those colours spread across the horizon like paint spread on a canvas.

He hesitantly put his arm around me pulled me closer to him and I rested my head against his shoulder.

“Doesn’t it look like such a nice ending to such a good day?” he murmured.

Aigoo. It seemed that the irregular heart beat had turned into stomach problems. I felt like I had a fly or something in my stomach. Reminded me of that song kids sang in kindergarten “The Old Lady That Swallowed a Fly”. Aish, no I wasn’t that old yet.


Sorry for not updating in a while ): so busy these days with culminatings and exams D:

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Chapter 17: omg i just finished the fic c8
im gonna go check out more of your fics eheheheh.
thanks for writing a fic like this < 3
sure fed by panda addiction :3
Chapter 1: i just started reading this cx
arrgh i can't believe i didn't find this earlier...
i don't know how this is funny
AHAHAHA. /killed.
Chapter 11: 'There's hell in hello and good in goodbye. That's why you shouldn't be afraid of goodbye, but careful with the hello. I should have been more careful from the beginning.'
awww... i love these words ..
ur fanfic is awesome,
Chapter 17: It's beautiful! A new reader of your ff!
Will read some more... <3
Congrats for random story ! :D
sea0horse #8