Something Or Nothing

More Than Words


Dara and Kevin on their way back home, they kept silent. When they walked suddenly rain started falling from the sky. They tried to find a place to take shelter, they ran as fast as possible while Kevin’s hand accidentally hold Dara’s hand when he asked her to take shelter. After a few minutes, they finally found a coffee shop and decided to take shelter until the rain abated.

Kevin ordered two cup of tea. He saw Dara chilled, so he took off his jacket and gave it to Dara. Dara’s hand started trembling, Kevin hold the cup until his hand warm enough and then he hold Dara’s hand. Dara’s couldn’t say anything, she just stared at him. This was a sweet things that she even never got from her ex boyfriend.                                                                 

“Sung Hyun-ya” Dara’s voice broke the silence.

“Mwo?” Kevin glanced at Dara.

Dara thank to Kevin in tremble voice because she chilled. Kevin answered it was okay simply. But, Dara’s wondering how Kevin could know about the engagement. Kevin answered misteriously and then he started burst out laughing. Dara really wanted to know so she kept asking Kevin even more serious than before. Kevin explained that he knew about the engagement because he heard Dara’s conversation on the phone with Cl. Dara kept asking Kevin, she was shocked when she heard Kevin said about Cl.

“Of course, she my daughter’s costumer she also often comes to my salon, she told me that you’re her friend so i’m agree to help you finish your thesis” Kevin explained while kept holding Dara’s trembling hands.

Dara so surprised when she heard Kevin’s explaination. Dara couldn’t fell comfortable when she met stranger or new person but not this time, she felt so comfort when Kevin right beside her even she didn’t mind Kevin hold her hand. Rain slowly abated. Kevin offered to drive Dara to her house. She refused Kevin. Kevin kept holding Dara’s hand and then drove her to her home although she refused his offer, actually he just wanna make sure that Dara safe.  When they’re in their way to go to Dara’s home, Kevin felt something that he didn’t feel before, he didn’t understand why he did it to Dara. He also wondered why Dara called him by his real name. Everything started falling apart in Kevin’s mind, he’s so confused of himself.

In other hand, Dara felt the same as Kevin but she tried to avoid it, she tried to convince herself that there’s no special thing between them. Even she thought that Kevin is a gay, so there must be nothing between them.


After a few minutes,they arrived at Dara’s house. Dara offered Kevin to go into her house, Kevin refused but Dara kept asking him even she pulled him in. Dara asked Kevin to wait in the living room. Kevin sat in a sofa, beside the sofa there are some pictures of Dara and her family on a table. He pointed into a picture, he saw Dara with a boy but he’s sure that the boy wasn’t Jung Woo although he couldn’t see the face clearly because he covered his face with his hand. 


“Sung Hyun-ah, change your clothes, you’ll get cold if you still you wear yours” said Dara while gave clothes to Kevin because his clothes were wet.

Kevin refused it, he stood up from the sofa and then walked toward the door. But Dara grab his hand, she told him if he got a cold, he couldn’t help her to do her thesis. Finally Kevin changed his clothes. Dara was shocked when she saw Kevin out off the toilet. She couldn’t stop watching him, she felt happy and sad in same time. 




“Mworaguyo? Why do you look at me like that?” said Kevin wondered.

Dara just speechless and couldn’t say anything but stared at him deeply. Kevin was confused why she looked at him with those way, even he asked who own the clothes that he wear.

Dara’s voice started trembling when she told Kevin it was her brother’s clothes. Kevin kept asking. He asked if her brother wouldn’t get angry if he wear his clothes even he asked whether the boy on the picture was her brother while pointed toward the picture on the table.

Dara felt her feet started trembling, she tried to take a seat in the sofa. She told Kevin that it’s okay.

“Are you okay? It’s no need, i’ll give it back after i wash it, your brother will angry if he know you give me his stuff” Kevin approached Dara then sat beside her.

“He won’t, he had passed a away” tears fell down from Dara’s eyes when she saw a picture of her brother.

Kevin felt so guilty, he couldn’t do anything but suddenly he pulled Dara in his embrace. Dara cried heart out, she couldn’t stop herself anymore, she lost control. Kevin just glanced at her worried. He knew exactly how’s Dara felt.

 “It must be hard for her” Kevin talked to himself.

 “Noona,I’m sorry if i remind you to your brother” Kevin whispered to Dara.

Dara sob while remember her brother when he saw Kevin. Most part of Kevin, remembered her of him even the name.

“Your brother name is also Sung Hyun?” asked Kevin.

“Anniyo, his name is Sang Hyun, Park Sang Hyun” Dara’s tears kept falling.

Dara kept crying in Kevin’s embrace till her phone suddenly vibrated. It was from her mom since they lived separated because she and his brother have to finish their school, she woke up and answered the phone. Her mom asked her if she okay, she lied and told her mother that she’d be okay. After she hang up the phone, Kevin asked to go home.

“Noona, be strong you can pass this hard time” whispered Kevin before he left Dara. 


Thank you for keep reading *^^*

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That was sooo sad yet good!
I loved it.. Specially thunder's appearance here!
ukirokiro #2
@ukissdaravin thanks a lot for your support, hope you'll like the end of the story :)
ukissdaravin #3
DAEBAK ! I really like this story ! I'm a shipper of DaraVin ! @ukirokiro ~ Good job chingu ^^
Aish Dara!! BABO!!! sheesh!! love can find a way, now get back to him!!! LOLOLOL
ukirokiro #5
@shobero95 @CMRhaine thank you for keep reading my fics, for other readers, i also thank you all but if you can please leave me some comments or suggestions cause it cheer me up and make know that i have to do to make the story more interesting~ saranghae my readers ♥
Awww...Kevin,,))): Dara i think he'll understand..LOVE is all that matters!! Hahahaha!! i'm spazzing even if its a sad moment..hahaha
@ukirokiro [A]...I should be the one thanking you for giving us something like makes us happy reading this fanfic.
ukirokiro #8
@shobero95 @CMRhaine thanks a lot for keep reading and leave some comment for me.. it's near the end, i'm sorry if i give short and late update.. hope you guys will wait til the end of the story... Thank you *^^*
what was the big revelation?! hahaha.. new reader here!! *raises hand* can't wait for the update!!! DaVin!~~spazzing!!