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Baekhyun almost had an emotional breakdown. He looked with wide eyes and a fast thumping heart on his phone display for a long time without moving.

Baekhyun felt how his heart did a backflip and his cheeks turned red like chillys. He was glad about the fact that no one could see him right now. It would be so embarrassing. 
He smiled shyly and full of happiness while reading Chanyeols comment several times, not turning his glance off the display.

but what does his comment means?

real_pcy: I like Chanbaek.

What did he want to say with this comment?
Does he like Baekhyuns look?

A million of question were surrounding Baekhyuns head and led him into his daydreams.

It felt like a dream, Chanyeol commented on his picture and he said that he likes Chanbaek. It was too perfect to be real.

Baekhyun grabbed his phone even harder this time and held it on his chest, exactly above his heart.

The love of his life noticed him.
He still couldn't believe it.

He smiled like an idiot before scrolling through his Instagram again. It was weird since Chanyeol commented on his picture. He got a lot of new followers and reactions on his selfie. It was like he was someone famous. The feeling was weird but he was happy to be shipped with Chanyeol by so many people.

The hashtag #chanbaek was already one of the most famous hashtags on Instagram. 
It was crazy and still so unbelievable.

He loaded his Instagram new and immediately saw a new post of Chanyeol.

real_pcy: Some people should stop spreading lies and mind their own business.

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He looked at the new posts for a few seconds, still confused about it before realizing what Chanyeol wanted to say wi

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nica351d #1
Chapter 25: This story isn’t finish yet, right? I just love it don’t want it to end. Sad that I’ve just read it last year
nica351d #2
Chapter 10: I really can’t view the picture in this chap. butI can see those in the others.
Chapter 25: Nice chap ^^ things r going smoothly and that's great!
Chapter 18: Just read chap 18 and I'm happy again ^^
chanbaeksbaby #5
Chapter 23: *cries* my little Aussie heart can't take this kawaii overload ❤️❤️
Chapter 23: They are both so adorable, I love this! I'm loving this sorry sooo much ❤️
Phoepe #8
Chapter 23: That was reaaaaaaally adorable I loved it