Not The Right Time Yet

A love triangle

The next day.

~All After School members were ignoring Uee as usual.Their manager tried to console them but they kept on talking back.Finally,Kahi said that she will forgive Uee since it is her first mistake and they were also members.Everyone argreed with Kahi and started asking Uee questions.Like how did she dared to push Kahi down....

U:"Everyone,I have an announcement to make.."

Joo:"Me and Uee are a couple now."

N:*Cheers*"When did it started?"

U:"It all started when Kahi and Jung ah went down and me and Jooyeon unnie are left.I can feel that she cares and love me so much...I realized that she is the one that truely helps me when I needs help...So I accepted her feelings..."

L:"Yay!!So we can have a triple date now!!"

Everyone look at Lizzy with confused faces.

L:"Why?!Did I say something wrong?"

R:"Triple couples?"

L:"Yes!Me and Nana unnie.Jooyeon unnie and Uee unnie.Appa and Omma."

R:"I agree with the first two but Omma and Appa?"

E-young:"Isn't it time to reveal one of Kahi unnie's secret in her diary?"

Kahi looked at them with shocked and confused faces.She did not know that all of them had already know about her loving Jung ah.

U:"Yes.Unnie,isn't it time to confess your feelings to Jung ah unnie?"

K:Yah!!Don't speak rubbish here!"

J:"What are all of them talking about?"

K:"Nothing.Just some unique ideas that suddenly came to their mind."

All the members laughed at Kahi awkward behaviour.Now,they have finish a part of their plan.Jooyeon and Uee have to complete the rest of the plan later.It was late and everyone was preparing to go home.Jooyeon and Uee stayed with Jung ah and Kahi.Jooyeon and Uee winked to the other members while they carried out their plan.

J:"Why are both of you still staying here?"

Joo:"We want to sleep overnight here..."

K:"Okay then.We can sleep together here overnight."

U:"Jooyeon darling,I'm hungry.Can you go out to buy some food for me?"

Joo:"Sure my dear.Jung ah unnie ,can you follow me?"

Jung ah nodded and they both set out.As planned,Jung ah and Jooyeon went out and Uee and Kahi was left in the practice room.Uee sat down next to Kahi and started asking questions that are related to the main question she have for Kahi.

U:"Unnie,are you jealous that I already have Jooyeon and you don't even have a partner?"

K:"Well.....Kind of."

U:'Then why don't you go get one?"

K:"No one met my expectations..."

U:"Except Jung ah unnie right?"


U:"Why don't you confess to her then?I already plucked up my courage and do it but you are older than me but you did not even do it..."

K:"I just feel that the time is not yet right..."

U:"Just confess to her....Anyway,you just need to change her way of thinking right..."

K:"I will try...."

Back to Jooyeon and Jung ah.

Joo:"Unnie,will you love the person that is the same gender as you?"

J:"Well Kahi unnie got ask me before this question and I replied her.The person can change my way of thinking and I also love that person then of course I can accept her."

Joo:"What if you don't love that person?"

J:"I will try to love that person back...I don't want to reject anyone's feelings..."

Joo:"What do you think of Kahi unnie?"

J:"I think she is a good and perfect woman.Nice and sweet.Everybody will like her."

Joo:"What do you think of Kahi unnie and Dambi unnie?"

J:"What?!Are they a couple?Well,I think they are a great match....Both are christians and have so many things in common.Of course,they would be a great couple."

Jooyeon looked at Jung ah's expression.Jung ah's expression totally gave her away."Sorry unnie.I didn't mean to lie to you about Dambi unnie and Kahi unnie...I just wanted to know your reactions...."Jooyeon thought as she stared at Jung ah.They both went to a nearby convenience store and bought food and drinks.

J:"Honey,I'm back!"

Uee ran towards Jooyeon and grabbed the bags that were on Jooyeon's hands."So you only cared for food but not me....Don't you care whether what had happened to me?"Uee looked up and saw Jooyeon had a mischievious grin on her face.She quickly put down the plastic bags and told Kahi unnie that they wanted a heart-to-heart talk and they both ran outside.Once they were out,awkward silence hung between Kahi and Jung ah.

K:"Are you hungry?We can start eating..."


Jung ah and Kahi landed their hands on the same bag of food.They immediately removed their hands and blushed.They gave in to each other and kept on pushing the food to each other.Eventually Kahi took the bag of food while Jung ah took the other bag of food.Kahi looked inside and she immediately got the idea of doing something creative after she saw the food.She turned to the other side and started taking out strips of ham and noodles.She decorated the plate and when she was done she passed it to Jung ah.Jung ah was sipping her orange juice,when she saw the plate,she almost choked.It said,"SARANGHAE~"and it had a small tiny heart at the side of the plate.

K:"It's from the bottom of my heart.Would you accept it?"

J:"Of course."

K:"Why did you almost choked just now?"

J:"I misunderstood what you wrote there....I thought you meant that you love me more than a friend but luckily it was not."

"Actually it was..."Kahi thought with a sad heart.

Just then,Jooyeon and Uee came in.They smiled and said that they had finished their one to one chat.They took out four sleeping bags from the cabinet that had all the things they need if they want to sleepover.Jooyeon slept beside Uee while Jung ah slept beside Kahi.Jooyeon and Uee could turn freely as they were not scared of how close they were.But Jung ah and Kahi was kind of scared so they could only sleep straight without turning.Jung ah could not really sleep so she went to the washroom.She decided to undress and put on a new set of clothes.

She started taking out her clothes and she was completely .Kahi woke up too because she was kind of urgent.She stop in front of the washroom.She could not believe what was in front of her.Jung ah was completely .Kahi quickly turned around.

Would Kahi just go away?

Would Kahi keep it a secret?

Or would Kahi continue to enjoy  her view of Jung ah's body?


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michipikachu256 #1
Chapter 7: Damn! This story is very intresting! :D Keep up,author-ssi!
Chapter 17: Thank u for the beautiful story to share with us....please do care to make another great stories ;)
ASPlaygirl #3
Aww poor Jooyeon being a loner :(
devil_fairy_o3o:I'm sorry hehe...
devil_fairy_o3o #5
I'm just in chapter 10 because I am really scared of reading this fanfic..
DarkestAngel #6
yeay... appa and omma at last..
ASPlaygirl #7
Woah I just read all 14 chapters in one go. This is very interesting and I look forward to reading more chapters. I hope you include more JooEe moments <3
So is Jung ah falling in love with Kahi? : OH YES BABE!!!<br />
<br />
Is my story going to end soon? : MAKE IT LONGER PLEASE<br />
<br />
Would something or someone just appear out of nowhere and stop their relationship? : HELL NO!! I WON'T LET THAT HAPPEN<br />
HAHAHA<br />
SuperLin #9
I swear, your author notes always scare me u know??? -.-<br />
Please, let them have some peace lol
bento19 #10
Finally JungAh knew Kahi love her. love your story. Please keep writing.