
J-Rock/Visual Kei One Shots

"Sakura-san you're regular is here."

The same announcement came at exactly the same time. Looking up from her book, Sakura saw that her regular customer was in fact already sitting down at his booth. He's been coming every single day at the same time and sits at the same table, ordering the same thing for the past month and a half. Not once has she ever questioned his weird attire. Never asked him to remove his sunglasses or take of his hat. And yet for the past two months she never got his name.

Walking over to the table she placed his favorite, chocolate cake and iced mocha in front of him. "Ohayo Senpai." she said brightly giving a small bow.

"Ohayo." he mumbled back sipping his drink not even glancing at the girl. Frowning slightly Sakura sat down in front of him. They've gotten to know a lot about each other, or should I say, he's gotten to know a lot about her, but even with that small amount of time, Sakura could read him like a book. He would always keep to himself whenever something was troubling him but she always managed to get him to talk about it. This time however didn't go so well.

"You okay? You seem.......a little down." she said not knowing how to phrase her sentence.

"It's nothing. I'm just tired." came his reply with a sigh. Sakura nodded before standing to attend to another customer. "If you say so," she said backing away, "Just to let you know. You at lying." she said before turning her back to serve the next person. Her friend just gave a bitter smile, "If only you knew, Sakura-chan. If only you knew."

It's been three hours since he left, and yet Sakura didn't let that feeling disappear. She felt horrible that he had left unhappy. Usually she was able to cheer him up but today he just didn't want to talk about it. Frowning she continued to wipe down the tables while the other waitresses sung off tune to whatever was playing on the radio.

"So did you get his name?" Her friend Byou asked coming out of the kitchen. Shaking her head Sakura dumped the dirty dishes in the sink. A sigh escaped the other as he crossed his arms, "I don't get you at all. Why don't you know his name? You've been friends for nearly two months now."

Sakura just shrugged, "I don't know either Byou, but if you don't mind, I'd appreacitae it if you didn't ask me about him." With another sigh, Byou walked back into the kitchen muttering something a long the lines of, "Baka"

Ignoring his comment, Sakura started to close up as another day at the cafe came to an end. With a sigh she packed up her things and headed home.

The next day Sakura came into the cafe and was greeted by the pleasent surprise of her regular at his favorite table early in the morning. "Oh senpai." she greeted bowing respectully, "What are you doing here?"

He just sighed in reply and asked for his regular order ignoring her question completely. Pouting, Sakura made her way to the back to get ready for work. Planting on a smile, she returned to his table and placed his drink in front of him. "The cake is still baking so you'll have to wait a while." Nodding slightly he dismissed her with a flick of his wrist.

Holding back a scoff, Sakura walked off to her next customer. Byou watched from the window of the kitchen, shaking his head in disappointment. "When will that kid learn."

"Why the hell is he still here?"

Sakura was biting her nail nervously as she peeked at her customer for the upteenth time. He's been there for over 4 hours and yet he wouldn't even talk to Sakura, leaving her to escape to the kitchen to complain to Byou that she coudln't work with him here due to nervousness.

With a shrug Byou continued to scoop the cookies onto the pan, "Beats me, hey why don't you go ask him?" Rolling her eyes she replied, "He wont talk to me! And I told you this already!"

"Stop whinning will you? Shesh you're such a little kid."

"Shut up!"

Sighing Byou placed his scopper down and stared at his friend. "Babe I love you and all but seriously, you need to get over it. He's here big deal. You work here, you're in charge not him. Go tell him that if he doesn't order something you're going to kick him out."


Before she could protest any further Byou had already pushed her out of the kitchen.

"HEY!" she yelped as she stumbled towards the counter. "BAKA!" she yelled, glaring at the swinging door that her best friend hid behind.

Blowing her fringe, Sakura turned her head only to be greeted by the burning stare of her regular. Lucky for her he was the only one present in the cafe. Bowing she muttered an apology before walking over to collect his dirty dish. "Would you like to order anything else?" Shaking his head, he stared at her for another 5 seconds before turning to look out the window.

That small little action did it.

With an annoyed sigh, Sakura threw the plate back on the table, but not hard enough that it would break. "What's YOUR problem?" Hearing the clank! of the plate, Byou peeked out to see what was going on. Even though Sakura managed to get Byou's attention, the stranger sat there, still staring out of the window.

"I tried everything to get you to talk to me! I was nice to you! I tried helping you and this is how you repay me? BY IGNORING ME!? Are you serious?" she snapped throwing her hands up in the air out of frustration. With an annoyed sigh, Sakura turned her back to the guy and walked towards the kitchen. Muttering curse word after curse word, she was about to push open the kitchen door when she was suddenly turned around and pushed into the wall.

Before she could even register what was going on, her hands were being pinned above her head, and her lips were being occupied. BY THE STRANGER'S LIPS!

Sakura eyes widened as her vision focused and she realised what was going on. Yet she didn't do anything, because it felt so right. She didn't push him away like her mind was screaming and she didn't knee him in between. What she did do however was close her eyes and wrap her arms around his neck pulling him closer.

The kiss lasted shorter than she expected, and when he pulled away he rested his forehead against hers. "Gomen." he said biting his lip, "I know I was being an recently but that was because I hated seeing you with Byou. Everytime I come in here you guys are together and I was already having a bad day and to see that you too were laughing I guess I got even more mad and I took it out on you."

Before she could reply, he continued, "I guess I've fallen head over heels for you." he chuckled at the lame statement. Sakura bit her lip, "I guess I did the same."

Smiling he wrapped his arms around her waist, "By the way. My name is Ruki." he said taking off the hat and glasses. Sakura stared star-strucked.


"So you know who I am?" he grinned cockily as he hugged her tighter. Sakura wasn't even able to mutter a word so she just nodded in reply. Before Ruki could swoop in for the kiss he wanted, Byou came outside and pushed them apart, literally dragging Ruki away and throwing him outside the cafe.

"Gomen, but you're ruining my buisness." he said dusting off his hands.

Sakura's jaw dropped, "BYOU! How could you do that? Do you know who he is?" she shrieked running down to help Ruki up.

Byou just raised an eyebrow while crossing his arms.

"Yeah, he's my little brother."



Sorry for the lame/late update >.<

Not edited sorry if it makes no sense at all

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CierrAwesome #1
Chapter 5: Lol Koki is too Funny!
Chapter 13: This literally made me sob TT.TT
Anditwasallyellow #3
Absolutely spectacular!
Chapter 14: just stumbled upon your story by chance! love it! wish they were more than oneshots though, esp that last chapter!:)
Ljoethedork #5
MAYA I am in love!!!!!!!!!!!!
sailormoon77 #6
Chapter 4: O/////w//////O kya~ thank you for writing this ^.^
@Reitukilove16 lmao yes I did, Idky but I tend to cry when I write something sad
@Reitukilove16 sorry I didnt mean too >.< but if it makes you feel better I cried when I wrote it

@biimm_ well at least it was obvious which music video I took it from, and thank you :)