
Windy Hall (Hiatus)

To test the limit of Jisoo’s dark-matter-seeing prowess, Myungsoo purposely took them down the longer route. The terrain around them shifted from its green forest to rocks, sand, then back to signs of life and atlas a river. When they stopped to drink, Jisoo cupped the icy water in her bare hands as she clench her thirst alongside the horses. Meanwhile Sungjong who was pickier used magic to clean and filter the small amount of water in his care, before controlling the string of liquid to flow into the topless-bottle at his waist. Then quietly he drank from the bottle.

Myungsoo on the other hand has been watching Jisoo. Though he had no doubt she was the keeper, he had expected her to at least warned him of dark matter once. But as quiet as she was blind, the lass have not said a word about it. With his arms folded over his chest he looked across the river. Though it was fast, he thought he had saw something or someone. Myungsoo can’t see dark matter but as someone who has accompanied many keepers, he can feel or get glimpses of them. And if what he saw is dark matter then all he needed was for Jisoo to confirm it, but before he can get her to check it out, she was already looking at him.

Taken by surprise, Myungsoo noticed something in her hand then he saw the big smile on her face, “Can you cook this?” she asked. Flopping in-between her hands was a salmon. He raised a brow, curious as to how she got ahold of it.

An interested grin grew on Myungsoo’s face as he took a step closer to her, he kneel before her and look down at the cold-blooded animal, “How did you catch this?”

Satisfied by the amused tone in his voice, Jisoo brighten up, “My father used to fish out at sea when he felt the woods were not safe. While waiting for him I’d sit by the bank and try to catch something. For six months in a row we ate fishes and seafood. It was probably, hm, by the second or third months I started catching them with a net. Then one day I forgot where I placed it and father couldn’t find it, so I attempted to catch them with bare hands,” the lass chuckled, “fortunately I caught one before father return. Ever since then I’ve just been catching them with my hands,”

Myungsoo couldn’t help but smile, “This one is a little bit small. Can I watch you catch another?”

Sungjong rolled his eyes, he couldn’t believe a great wizard would humor a human’s odd hobby. So rather than sticking around to see, he decided to scout the area for fruits and nuts before they leave. As he was leaving he could hear Myungsoo offering to hold the first fish as Jisoo fished for the second. Their giggles, laughter, and the splashes of the river filled the air. Striding up the steep hill Sungjong glanced from his left to right. Plastered on his pretty face is a frown.

Angry he wasn’t, but slightly annoyed. In less than a day, between a man and woman, Myungsoo and Jisoo seemed to be getting along already. However, for Sungjong, he has been acquainted with Myungsoo for nearly three months and can’t seem to confront the latter when he’s in a dilemma.

His upsetting state left him momentarily when he was under some shade. The slight breeze that he finally noticed and felt put him at ease instantly. Though the refreshing moment didn’t last when Sungjong thought he heard movements behind a row of flower bushes. Flattening his eyes he wait for further disturbance.

He got was nothing.

When he had given it long enough, he decided to traveled down the one path that seemed safer. It was much brighter and freed of any trees and plants.

Half an hour later Myungsoo had three motionless fishes in his hands and it hit him that Sungjong was nowhere near his radar. Jisoo on the other end remain seated by the riverbank, waiting for further notice. With no signs of danger, Myungsoo was positive that he’s safe and will be back soon, thus the male shift gear.

In less than a minute he had a fire going and was roasting their scaleless catch of the day on three separate sticks. If Jisoo’s sense wasn’t sensitive and heightened she would have never guessed what was happening. Slightly hard of hearing in her left ear, the smell of smoke attack her sense of smell before crackles did.

Other than the working fire and rushing river, silence filled the air. Complete quietness reminded Jisoo of home but she thought her guides would be bored, so to break the ice she asked, “I don’t think you’ve told me your name or who you are yet, other than what you’ve said. That you’re a great wizard who came to give me guidance and protection. So, what is your name mister?”

A smile made its way onto Myungsoo’s face unconsciously, “Myungsoo is my full name,”

“Ah, great wizard Myungsoo,” Jisoo said before returning his smile, “what are you like?”

A long pause got caught in between them as Myungsoo made sure they were alone and safe. Without Sungjong around, there was no one to keep watch. Finally he stole a glimpse at Jisoo before answering, “I’m a romantic,” he confessed. “It’s strange to admit but after all of these years, I’ve learned that I’m at my highest only when I’m in love. When I’m without a significant other, my magical powers seems to be lacking. But if I have someone to care for, to protect, and to live for—I’m unstoppable,”

Jisoo thought for a second there that Myungsoo’s voice was getting colder. However, he heaved a slight chuckle at the end and confused her.

“What about you Jisoo? Besides catching fish with your hands, what else are you good at?”

The lass wished right there and then that she can see. She was dying to know what kind of expression the lad was wearing when he asked her that. In his voice alone, he sounded like he was genuinely curious, but Jisoo was getting a bad hunch. For a short period she even lost her appetite.

“So?” Myungsoo spoke after she’s been silent for some time, “Are you talented at anything else?”

Uncomfortably Jisoo switched the topic on him, “Oh, where is your partner..? Sungjong, was it?”

Myungsoo traced Jisoo’s body real quick. He could see her playing with her fingers, though he wasn’t sure if it was because she was bored or afraid. Just by looking at her face, he couldn’t tell whether she was one or the other, but her question gave him an idea that she was scared. So as cool and calmly as he could be he answered, “He left but he will be back soon. The fishes are done cooking, would you like one now?”

Rather than replying, she questioned, “How much longer before we arrive at Windy Hall?”

The wizard was slightly taken aback but didn’t show it, instead he let out a sigh and said, “Until I hear of Death Light’s return, we will move at a slow pace. Possibly even slower than this,”

His response sent chills down her spine, “..why?”

Myungsoo moved the roasted animals away from the fire and killed it with a wave of his sleeve. As smoke emitted from the burnt logs, the man eyed Jisoo down, “The interior and exterior of Windy Hall isn’t safe nor is it in any shape for camping. So before Death Light shows himself, we mustn’t be in the presence of Master Kim’s territory,”

The blind girl tried to recall every details she had obtained from Myungsoo but so far nothing makes sense. Why was this ‘Master Kim’ locked away when he’s the one who can defeat Death Light? “What has the master of Windy Hall done to deserve getting locked up..?”

As Myungsoo took a deep breath and was ready to answer, Sungjong suddenly made an unwelcoming entrance. The blonde’s hair was drenched in sweat and his hands were hidden under his long, white sleeves. “He tried to murder his brother,” Jisoo who was still trying to get used to Sungjong’s voice pivoted her attention toward him, “his brother, Lord Xia.”

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32bella #1
Chapter 18: Good chapter now know more than what happens. Thanks for updating
Chapter 17: Aaaah~ I was close *squints eyes*
Chapter 16: *cries a river* Xia and Myungsoo’s friendship is so beautiful... I’m speechless
But now I have this wild theory after reading this lol
32bella #4
Chapter 14: This story is getting better.Now what is going to happen with Myung and Jjongie. A nice and special friendship between Myung and Xia. Thanks for updating
Chapter 14: *sobs* that’s true friendship right there!! But this chapter cleared so many things!!!
As for Sungjong... now I feel like he’s hiding something
This is such a cool idea! I am so curious!
Chapter 13: SO MY THEORY FOR CHAPTER SIX WAS CLOSE!!! I mean what i had assumed about what happened at the Inn makes sense!!! Maybe it wasn’t all the way but it was related. AAAAAAAH IM SCREAMING...I just wonder which other theories that I’ve come up with, are close to the truth... like i was also close about Jisoo’s dad. Question: how the heck is Jisoo supposed to die to bring back Jiae, if she has to die in order to ‘lock up’ Jaejoong? Unless Jiae is not dead? I mean... Jong didn’t seem to mention that she was...Thanks for the update~
Chapter 2: I just started this. I'm already assuming the blonde is Sungjong. Haha. I'll see in the future chapters. :D
32bella #9
Chapter 12: Wow!! Each chapter more intriguing than the previous one. THen our Jjongie, may be a great wizard?!! I really like this story and your way of writing and developing the story is beautiful. Thanks for updating
Chapter 12: Ohhhh Cool background Jongie !!
Oh my precious Jisoo T^T
Thanks for the update honey ^^