Let's just have a good time!

I'm not sure, oppa.



Eyes glued to the spotted concrete, I found my feet scuffing the ground as I walked up to Yun’s apartment. My brain was deep in the contents of my sub-conscious when I knocked on the door. I must have looked like I was on another planet because the next thing I heard was Yun’s cheerful, innocent voice sounding worried.

“Oppa, are you okay?”

“Wait, yeah…” I said with a huge smile staring directly into her chocolate eyes.

My arms swiftly wrapped around her waist, and I picked her up. I twirled her around so fast that I thought I was gonna die. I slowly put her back down, still looking into her eyes. Our foreheads were touching, and she was looking right back. Her lips were the first to move, they slowly made their way to mine. I nibbled on her bottom lip. Her body quivered under my touch, and I smiled into the kiss. She eventually gave me access into . Our tongues fought over dominance. We pulled back for air.

She laid her head on my chest. I played with her hair while she asked, “Oppa? Did I hurt your feelings? You know, about that whole thing.”

“Well, um…” I tried to cover up the sobbing I did last night.

“It’s okay. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I understand.” She said looking up at me. She was a lot shorter than me, but it made her look adorable.

“Okay. Let’s have fun today!” I responded pulling her to the car. I decided to drive the long way to keep suspense of where we were going. I had the whole thing planned in my head.

The leaves of late spring trees fell down onto the car. The sun was shining brightly making Yun’s face glow. Everything seemed so perfect. She finally realized where we were when it was staring her straight in the face.

The COEX Mall of Seoul.

  “Omo! Oppa! You’re taking me here? How are we going to be able to afford anything?”

“Don’t worry babe. I got it covered. Just enjoy yourself and get anything you want.” I pecked her lips once again. She grinned from ear to ear.

We walked into the huge double doors, hand in hand. I saw her eyes immediately move to the lingerie store.

“Do you want to go there?” I pointed to it, and she immediately blushed.

“It’s okay. We can go somewhere else. I heard there’s a really co-”

“If you want to go there, then let’s go!” I said pulling her yet again. My mouth made a huge smile at all of the girls in the store. Then, I felt her hand lightly tap my arm.

“Hey! You wanted to come in here! Don’t go getting and everything! I’ll be back!” She yelled scampering away. I smirked and tried to follow her, but her tiny body disappeared into the crowd of other women. After a while, I made up my mind to ask the cashier something.

But, that was when I spotted a familiar head of spiky, black hair…


Oh no! Suspenseful!

 I will update soon! Pinky promise! ;D

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going to take a break from this story for a while. if your subscribed, please stay subscribed. i just want to focus on a new story i am going to start soon. :)


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Iheartlife #3
Awesome! Update soon :D
Iheartlife #5
TOP! LOL! Update soon
Iheartlife #6
Update when you can
Iheartlife #7
update soon :D
Iheartlife #8
update soon! Getting good :D
Iheartlife #9
new reader! Update soon :D
AWWWW ♥ <br />
I wonder who she would pick -w-<br />
I love your update! ♥