But, it was just a night at the karoke bar!

I'm not sure, oppa.

*Park Yun's POV*

I woke up on an expensive looking couch with the worst headache of my life. I could barely remember anything. I suddenly noticed huge muscular arms wrapped around my waist. My brain turned frantic trying to trace back memories of last night. When I turned around and looked at his face, I was reminded of almost everything.


"Yah! Unnie, we're going to be late!" Bong Cha, my best friend, yelled up the stairs.

"Calm down! I'm almost ready!"

Bong Cha is always punctual to everything. As soon as I was done putting my eyeshadow on, we got in the car. I was so ready for tonight. We were going to the most popular karaoke bar in all of Seoul, and only the most exclusive people get to go in. Luckily, I know this guy who works there, and convinced him to get us VIP passes. I the radio and Jang Woo Hyuk's Weekend Night came on. Yup, I was ready to party.

We pulled up to the bar, and got out. I grabbed Bong Cha's hand knowing that we were going to have the best time ever. In side the bar was actually not that crowded. We talked to some guys and ordered some drinks. Bong Cha and I were having a great time. That's when he walked in. He had intense, beautiful eyes, and enough swag to kill 20 girls with one look. Usually I wouldn't think white hair would look good on a guy, but it made him even more irrestible. Almost immediately after he walked in, a group of girls surrounded him. I decided to go up and sing to prove to prove that I wasn't desperate and needy like them. I chose to sing Lonely by 2NE1. People always told me that I sang good, but I never really believed them until now. The room got quiet when I began to sing , and everyone was looking at me. I quickly finished and enjoyed the applause I got afterwards.

"Kansamida." I mumbled while bowing.

The guy with white hair eventually went up to me and asked if I wanted something to drink.

That's all I could remember. Stupid headache, making me forget important things. I was just happy that I still had my clothes on.


I'm really sorry if this is too short.

I'm just not good at writing long chapters. -___-;

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going to take a break from this story for a while. if your subscribed, please stay subscribed. i just want to focus on a new story i am going to start soon. :)


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Iheartlife #3
Awesome! Update soon :D
Iheartlife #5
TOP! LOL! Update soon
Iheartlife #6
Update when you can
Iheartlife #7
update soon :D
Iheartlife #8
update soon! Getting good :D
Iheartlife #9
new reader! Update soon :D
AWWWW ♥ <br />
I wonder who she would pick -w-<br />
I love your update! ♥