She’s so beautiful.

I'm not sure, oppa.


*G-Dragon’s POV*

“Hey, guys, want to come to Bong Cha’s house with me?” I screamed while spinning in a circle. I was really hyper today for some reason.

“Sure! Just lemme get some clothes on!” Seungri exclaimed back.

Bong Cha and I have been best friends since middle school, and I always enjoy going over her house. We’ve had countless sleepovers and trust each other with everything. I thought about all of our past while I sat down on the couch trying to calm my spazz attacks down. I slowly closed my eyes while deep in thought.

“AHHHH!” Taeyang screamed while jumping on top of me.

“Yah! Why would you do that?!” I said in his face as I pinned his shoulders.

“Cause I felt like it!” He spit back in my face.

“I see how it is. THIS MEANS WAR.”

“FIGHT TO THE DEATH!” Daesung yelled from the other room.

All the other guys ran in and joined the friendly wrestling match we were having. A while afterwards, I called time out.

“Whatever, I’m too tired to do this anymore.”

“What? Is hyung a chicken?” Taeyang imitated a chicken with the noises and everything.

“Deal with it.” I replied with a pout. “So, do you guys wanna go to Bong Cha’s house or what?”

“Yeah, let’s do it!” Daesung ran for his shoes.

We all quickly piled into the car. Everyone was rocking out to the blasting radio while I focused on getting to Bong Cha’s house.

When we got there, we decided to play a little trick on Bong Cha. We hid next to the door after I quickly rang the door bell.

“Hello?” The girlish voice asked curiously.

“BOOOO!” We all called simultaneously when we jumped out.

“Ahh! Oh, my God. Oppa! You’re so mean! Give me a heart attack that’s fine.”

“Awww, Bong Cha. Did we scare you too much? I’m sorry. Hugs?” I motioned for a huge group hug.

Everyone squeezed each other in a bear hug until we couldn’t breathe.  Later, we helped Bong Cha cook dinner, but she seemed really nervous about something and kept checking her phone. We were all joking around at the table. I heard a girl walk in the front door and yell for Bong Cha. I turned around and saw the most beautiful face in the entire world.


G-Dragon chapter! :3

Oh, and I want to thank you guys so much for the comments and stuff!

You guys make me so happy! <3 ^^

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going to take a break from this story for a while. if your subscribed, please stay subscribed. i just want to focus on a new story i am going to start soon. :)


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Iheartlife #3
Awesome! Update soon :D
Iheartlife #5
TOP! LOL! Update soon
Iheartlife #6
Update when you can
Iheartlife #7
update soon :D
Iheartlife #8
update soon! Getting good :D
Iheartlife #9
new reader! Update soon :D
AWWWW ♥ <br />
I wonder who she would pick -w-<br />
I love your update! ♥