Don’t chase me, it’s for your own good.

I'm not sure, oppa.


*G-Dragon’s POV*

My legs gave out from underneath me when I was pushed into the small cell in the local prison. I felt like a dog being put in its cage. I figured that if I didn’t fight, I might get out sooner, so I sat down on the bench against the wall.

“You can’t put us in here! We’re not animals!” The white haired guy screamed through the iron bars.

“Oh, yes we can. Do you even know how many laws you two broke?” A skinny policeman yelled back while pointing at both of us.

“I can take you on right now; that is if you think you’re worth it.” The guy spit back in his face. I listened to the fierce argument with my head down until I heard the jangle of keys against the large lock.

“That’s it. You’re coming with me.”

“Um, that won’t be necessary,” I looked up and saw what seemed to be the lieutenant of the station, “Some girl just paid their bail.”

“You guys are lucky. If you stayed here any longer, I would’ve-”

“That’s enough! Just let them go.” He walked up to the policeman asserting his dominance. We were walked to the exit, and then our handcuffs were roughly taken off. I tried to get out of the station as quickly as possible, but then I saw a girl sitting at the waiting area. She had her hood up and was staring at her phone. The white hair guy seemed to notice her, too. I went up and took her hood off of her small head, and saw the familiar dark brown curls I love so much.

“Oh, hey Ji Yong. Do you want to talk in my car?” Yun looked straight up into my eyes.

“No.” I tried to say firmly even though it came out a little pathetic.

“What?” I could see tears forming in her eyes.

“Come on, babe. He obviously doesn’t know a perfect girl when he sees one.” He gave me a dirty look, and grabbed Yun’s hand. She was pulled out by him, but looked at me over her shoulder. I watched them get in her car. I walked out of the double doors slowly. I was stopped by a soft hand on my shoulder.

“Ji Yong…”

“Don’t follow me. Go be with him and be happy. Bye, Yun.” I ran away without turning around. My brain quickly made the decision to go to the nearest bar. I needed to talk with my friends.

Sent Message:

Hey, round up the fellas at the usual place. I need you guys to help me with something.

New Message-Youngbae:

Sure. But about what?

Sent Message:

You’ll find out when you get here.

I flipped my phone down while sitting down at one of the red velvet booths. My friends all walked in stealthily looking for me.

“Hey, can you guys help me with this certain pest?” I said loudly with a devilish smile on my face.  


Have you seen Big Bang's new album yet? Ahh! It's so cool! Daebak!

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going to take a break from this story for a while. if your subscribed, please stay subscribed. i just want to focus on a new story i am going to start soon. :)


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Iheartlife #3
Awesome! Update soon :D
Iheartlife #5
TOP! LOL! Update soon
Iheartlife #6
Update when you can
Iheartlife #7
update soon :D
Iheartlife #8
update soon! Getting good :D
Iheartlife #9
new reader! Update soon :D
AWWWW ♥ <br />
I wonder who she would pick -w-<br />
I love your update! ♥