
I'm not sure, oppa.


*Park Yun’s POV*


“I’ll see you later then, oppa!” I said waving to Ji Yong as he walked down the sidewalk. He just lifted two fingers in a peace sign behind his head. I chuckled and opened the door. Bong Cha was sitting on the couch biting her nail.

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh, nothing. That guy came to find you. The one with white hair. I think his names Seunghyun or something? Anyways, he seemed really nervous to find you.”

“Oh, my God. I forgot that he was coming. Holy crap.” I ran upstairs to grab my phone. When in my room, I noticed a small piece of paper in the middle of my bright purple pillow. My heart pounded so hard, I could hear it in my ears. Like a zombie, I slowly walked to my bedside. My eyes widened in pure shock while I read the two sentences on the note over and over again.

Do you even care about me? Am I dead to you?  

The plastic bags in my hands fell to the ground with a bang. I heard steps coming up the stairs.

“What happened?” Bong Cha grabbed the side of the doorway for support.

“What? Oh, sorry. Can you just give me a second? I need to do something. Alone.”

“Okay, tell me if you need anything.” She replied with a quizzical expression. She picked the bags up and carried them down to the kitchen.

I swiftly dialed Seunghyun’s number into my phone. It rang so slow that I thought I was going to die waiting for him to pick. My mind was literally going crazy. His rich voice eventually reached my ears.

“I knew you would call. Why do you want to talk to me? I thought you were with that kid.” His usually strong voice sounded weak like he had been crying.

“Oh, my God. Please, Seunghyun. Let me explain. I didn’t mean for you to see that. It wasn’t even anything that serious. Can you please forgive me?” I continued to almost scream apologies over and over again into the phone.

“I get it. You’re sorry.” He seemed to not trust me anymore.

“Babe, can I make it up to you? Please?”

“Sure, whatever. Just promise me one thing."

“What’s that?”

“Be true to me this time.” I heard a loud click on the other end of the phone. My whole body was shaken up with worry. I just sat on the floor and pondered over why he was so upset. I felt like I was slowly becoming one those people that hate; a that tries to juggle more than one guy at a time. I badly need to clear my head. The front door made a loud slam when I ran outside pushing Bong Cha out of the way.


This is getting so angsty; I love it! I’m gonna try to update tomorrow too! ^_^

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going to take a break from this story for a while. if your subscribed, please stay subscribed. i just want to focus on a new story i am going to start soon. :)


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Iheartlife #3
Awesome! Update soon :D
Iheartlife #5
TOP! LOL! Update soon
Iheartlife #6
Update when you can
Iheartlife #7
update soon :D
Iheartlife #8
update soon! Getting good :D
Iheartlife #9
new reader! Update soon :D
AWWWW ♥ <br />
I wonder who she would pick -w-<br />
I love your update! ♥