Chapter 2

She's Dreaming
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Haerin was sleeping in her bed, all snug like a bug in a rug when she felt weight shifting beside her. half asleep the familiar scent of her giant friend filled her nose, "Baekhyun with a girl?"

Half alseep he giant nodded and he squeezed himself between her and the wall, curling up around her much smaller frame,"That , I was already asleep, didn't even tell me he was bringing anyone home." he mummbled wrapping his arm around Haerin. Haerin patted his arm reassuringly, "Lets just sleep" Chanyeol nodded and drifted off to sleep curled up around Haerin.

The next day while Baekhyun's new toy left Haerin started scolding him, "Byun Baekhyun what have we talked about" she said with her hand on her hip

"I know~ Sorry Chanyeol, we were at the club and I couldn't hold it in anymore and didn't have enough time to give you a heads up." Baekhyun gave him puppy eyes

Chanyeol just sighed, "Justgive me more of a heads up next time."

"Does your new boyfriend know that Chanyeol sleeps with you whenever Baekhyun's banging a new girl?" Jongin asked plopping down next to Haerin with a bag of chips

"Jaehyun? We broke up last week" she said taking the bag of chips from Jongin

"That's your what, 10th boyfriend since we started university?" Kyungsoo looked at her

'you're almost as bad as me!" Baekyun cracked up slapping Chanyeol's leg

She pouted, "No I'm not. I never had with any of them. I broke up with all of them becuase of you guys" she leaned against Jongin

"Us? Why?" Chanyeol asked

She shurgged, "They always asked me to stop hanging out with you guys and talking to you guys all the time. You guys are my best friends, I couldn't do that. so I always end up kicking them to the curb."

"Aw~" Jongin cooed hugging her, "you love us~!"

She rubbed his head affectionatly, "yea yea. I guess I do."

"You should've just dated one of us." Baekhyun wiggled her eyes and him

"Me and Yeol tried dating before I high school, remember?"

The others snickered at the memory. Chanyeol was the definition of the ugly duckling. He was a painfully shy and awkward boy. He was chubby, wore glasses, and had big ears. When he went through puberty he stretched out a significant ammount. He had lost all his baby fat and grew into his ears.After getting contacts Chanyeol became quite the looker, but Haerin never treated him differently, which he was grateful for. More and more girls started paying attention to him, which caused him to become a little narsassistic. He was still however, painfully shy around girls. In high school, the rest of the boys all had girlfriends

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1301 streak #1
Chapter 33: I like how the story ended with the two kind of having problems in their relationship that they managed to resolve. I wonder if they fight a lot based on how it kind of caused them to separate for a while.
1301 streak #2
Chapter 20: Puppy Haerin is so cute! I love how Chen can be kind of possessive of her when it concerns the other boys. Also, poor Sehun, having to hear how good Haerin is in bed.
1301 streak #3
Chapter 12: This chapter made me laugh with Kai pretending to be D.O.'s boyfriend.
I also like how Haerin and Chen are taking things slow in their date.
1301 streak #4
Chapter 3: I like Haerin's relationship with the boys, it's cute. I also like how she values them, like the chapter before, she breaks up with her boyfriends if they tell her to stop hanging out with the boys.
Chapter 33: Finally they argue too much hahaha. Btw i like the story ???
Olivia_exo #6
Chapter 33: Thank god they got back together that would be a very depressing ending to an amazing story
Chapter 32: OMG!! They have a baby!! *cheer*
Jongdae and Harein will be a great parents :))
Olivia_exo #8